Benefits of Doing Push Ups ? You Should Know
There is one very important exercise that one should include in a fitness regimen as a must. This would be the push ups. There are a number of benefits that come out of this. They can be as follows:
It builds up the chest muscles
There is help going to the triceps and the pecs. You will be able to properly sculpt your chest and the shoulders too.
The muscles in legs also become strong, which include the calves, quads and the hamstrings.
You can realize that you can workout longer than you used to before. This happens because the body becomes stronger day by day and as a result you can do more push ups with increasing time.
Doing it regularly helps you to increase your muscles. This way your muscles grow too.
It helps avoid injures. This acts as a protective mechanism in case of injury prone exercises. This is particularly true in the case of weight training exercises.
The best benefit among all is that you do not have to spend anything over it. you do not have to carry any equipment with you in order to do push ups. You can do it as and when you find time and wherever you want to. you can do it in the luxury of your home
How does this work?
When you are doing the push ups, if you notice you can see that you are muscles of the entire body are involved in the process. This way, even the muscles of the leg are becoming strong.
When you do push ups there are certain hormones that are produced in excess in the body, which help you to increase the muscle mass too. This way you are indirectly increasing the muscle too.
When you are a person who does regular push ups, you can see that you will be able to do the weight involving exercises easy than the others.
In conclusion you should know that you are actually building up many of your body parts even without your knowledge in the process of doing these push ups. Thus it is actually a full body workout. With all the benefits and the cost free health being acquired, it would be wise for all to try and do it at home or wherever they would want to, whenever time permits. Such is the versatility of doing push ups.
Author is writing about How To Do a Push Up . For more information please visit their website:
How to get a bigger chest: Workout for a bigger chest: All exercises for a bigger chest:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Women Striped V Plunge Push Up Bra
Whenever women are planning to attend a fancy event an important meeting, the main concern is what kind of bra will go with the dress and mostly we fail to produce the kind of look we want while wearing the particular garment. If you see in the market lots of varieties are available in bras with varying shapes and sizes. These are made concerning the different needs one has like for nursing or extensive sports activity. While selecting the appropriate type and kind the thing which is most important is the comfort along with the support and beauty it will provide. The Striped V Plunge Push Up Bra may appear to be a rare combination, you might be thinking that, but you will be amazed to hear that it is present and widely used by most of the women out there. The type of sexy bra which provides everything is called seamless underwire bra, these are especially made in a way to go with any outfit you will be wearing.
The plunge bra styles are the type of bras which can make you look great. In addition, you can go for a seamless one. This ones have no seam line but if you select them they will not provide the adequate support hence there is another type in seamless bra recently invented is the combination of seamless and underwire bras. It serves both the purpose of support and comfort which is quite elementary. These Striped V Plunge Push Up Bra bras also have different models and designs to be chosen according to the utility and purpose. They come with different decorative stuff like lace and various colors but the most unique and colorful piece is the flower type available in these bras. It eventually depends on you but this model is most vibrant in terms of colors and design and gives perfect shape and comfort to the bust.
The best push up bra is at your hands. It can go perfectly well with your sports outfit, as it may even come along with underwire which covers the area properly and give you magnificent support while you are playing in the field. The specialty of this type of bra is it goes with any kind of clothing like it suits properly to tight as well as loose fitting cloths and hence you don’t have to worry about changing the bra while changing the cloths from tight to loose or vice versa. if you ask me they go perfectly under T-shirts and lycra tops as I find them most elegant and comfortable in these cloths but you can wear it under any type of dress. This type is even available in nursing variant for nursing mothers which are along with comfortable prevents the breasts from sagging which happens naturally during pregnancy.
Purchasing Online
If you don’t get it in your local markets you can order the Striped V Plunge Push Up Bra online, as there are many companies producing these types of bras and you can get a discount too. The average price of any seamless underwire bra could range from US$ 20 to 30 and even less in discount. Searching online will also give another benefit that is you will find many variants in this category and can choose them accordingly.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Cheap Price Dolly Super Silicone Wedge Braza Bra Inserts Push Up
Article by Dusit
<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>silicone pads</span> that add the full cup size to your chest and lift natural looking.Graduated bump pad is padded at the bottom to lift the natural look. use with bras and bathing suits
<em>Cheap Price Braza Silicone</em><em> Dolly Push-up bra inserts Super Wedge</em> Made from 100% silicone for a natural look and bounce Dimensions:. 3 1 / 4 “x 5 1 / 4?. 1 “thick at its thickest point and tapers to 7 / 16? at the edges.
Braza Dolly the different ways to the desired look for each dress up, dress or bathing, you can create your own. Enter the heavily padded side under the breast to improve or add to fill the upper chest. Note: This is the same as in Braza swim Shapers Dolly in the blue box.
Well, the time for confession. I had a baby recently and went from a 34D to a 34G pre-baby while breastfeeding and now the baby is big boobs easily be emptied into a 34Cminus/Bplus. It’s sad, I know. I can not (mentally or financially) now implants, and girls are about where I would I let gravity wise, but leave a gap large enough in my Vic. Sec. bikini top, so I need a little something back to help old bikinis decent. In desperation I tried 2 or 3 push-up pads that came with the Vic. Sec. Tops in each cup and each of these combo conceiveable waterpads few pumps and socks. Carts Shaper swimming much better than anything I could do. You give so much “punch”, and probably 3 Vic. Sec. Push-up pads and much more convenient. They solved the problem in all cases, tops fit into the small closet in the bikini and I felt a little better . The only negative is that they get a bit heavy. They work better in it with a ribbon or bow. Not very good, but still quite acceptable in the chain of peaks. Bottom line: I love this! I was so impressed that I started as an image before and after. Maybe if I lose the Muffin Top
I am a very small A cup , so bathing suits that fit my top are generally too small on the bottom. This summer I decided to match my bathing suit on my measurements of the hip, and add the booster to the top of my suit. These makers look so good I’m tempted to wear it every day. However, I can not wear comfortable with triangle bikini tops. I do not trust that the costume does not move and show the corner of this shaper! Under clothing, they are a dream. Even in camisoles with built-in bra! I’m so glad I bought it. I just want another pair of triangles for my bikini. Buy <em><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Cheap Price Braza Silicone</span></em><em> </em>. You will not regret it!
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Perfect Push Up Variations!
Hello! Today I am going to show you 9 different push up variations that will make your arms, chest, and shoulder muscles get super strong. These perfect push ups are an awesome free body weight exercise for strengthening and toning you upper body! Use these push up variations to ad into your daily workout for awesome results.
1: Prison Cell Pushups
These pushups are awesome. There are 3 different moves to every 1 rep. First you start in the standard pushup position and lower your chest all the way to the ground. Then as you lift your body up, you bring your right knee all the way into your chest. Then do another pushup while bringing the left knee into the chest. Now do another pushup, but this time immediately kick your feet to your hands and jump high in the air. Now your done with 1 rep.
2: Standard Push ups
Toes on the ground, hands shoulder width apart, butt down and back straight.
Lower your chest to the ground while bending your elbows out. Now lift your chest back up.
3: Military Style Pushups
Same as a standard push up, except when you lower your chest down, make sure that your elbows pinch your sides.
4: Wide Grip Push ups
Same as standard pushups, but you spread your hands out as far as you can while remaining in good form!
5: Decline Pushups
Again, this is the same stance as a standard pushup, with the only difference being that you have your feet elevated on something. The higher the elevation, the harder the pushup is.
6: Diamond Push ups
Touch your pointer finger and your thumb from each hand to form a diamond shape.
Now get in the pushup position with your hands in front of your chest. Lower your chest all the way down to touch your hands and raise yourself back up. If you cant do these, then start with your hands a little farther apart.
7: Dive Bomber Pushups
Now these pushups really rock! These are one of my favorites out of this push up variations page! You start with your feet wide, your hands shoulder width apart, and your butt high. Now lower your head toward the floor and push your pelvis toward the floor and push your body forward and straighten your arms while keeping your pelvis down. Imagine trying to slide under a fence. Your body should be straight from your toes to your hips, and then your back should be curved backward. Now curve your head downward while raising your butt back into the air. That is 1 rep.
8: V Push ups
Start with your feet flat on the floor, lower your hand to the floor while keeping your legs straight. Your body should be in the shape of an upside down V. Now lower your head a low to the floor as you can and bring it back up all while making sure that you don’t bend your knees.
9: Kipping Pushups
For all my fellow crossfitters out there, I know you have heard of kipping pull-ups. Well, the same principle applies. Use speed and momentum to help you knock out as more quantity of pushups in less time. Start in the standard pushup position and lower yourself down. Now snap your butt and hips upward and thrust your arms and upper body up. You are not lifting your butt all the way up, simply a small snap of the hips to get the thrust out of your arms.
Thank you for checking out this perfect push up variations page. I hope you incorporate some or all of these free body weight exercises into your daily workout!
David Schardt
Author and creator of, a Free Website that will get you Healthy, Fit, and Happy!
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Cleavage Enhancer Push Up Bra, Women Lingerie
There is just something about Women lingerie that draws both men and women to it. Sexy bra and panty pieces make even the most modest women inspired to showcase their feminine wiles and guiles. And why not we say, if you have the wares, why not flaunt them by trying on some sexy, seductive lingerie! Beautiful lingerie, that looks and feels good, not only makes the wearer transform her looks but also makes her shake away her inhibitions and become more confident. A women who is confident of her body, is indeed a dangerous yet exciting prospect for her man. You can change your life around with the confidence acquired from your lingerie wardrobe. We have a collection of bras and panties that will let you stay your demure self during the day and let your morph into the goddess of love and seduction by night. With this lingerie collection, no one’s waiting for the games to begin, here, they have already begun.
Black Lace Bra and Panty Set- Milano Collection
Model Number: 12115B
If you are bold enough, here’s a piece that will make the room a little hotter.
The bra is an art form of lace and mesh that is embellished with leaf motifs on the upper push up cups. This bra is definitely bold as it will plump up your cleavage, enough to grab eyeballs. If you enjoy the attention, this lingerie piece is sure to start the blood pumping faster, especially if you have special plans for the night.
The bra is accompanied with a semi transparent lace and mesh panty. Now this is the panty that should make you want to go through strict butt toning and tightening regimens. But once you see the look in the onlooker’s eyes, you’ll know that it was all worth it.
Red and Black Lace Bra and Panty Set- Paris Collection
Model Number: 15115P
If you enjoy dirty, sexy lingerie, you’d want to own this piece.
It does look like something Eva Longoria (or even Salma Hayek) would wear, The bra cups are slightly padded and they are lined with frilly ruffles. No man can resist the tantalizing curves that this push up bra generates, and even fewer men would actually want to! This bra is accompanied with a black and red, lace and mesh boy shortsthat plays the right kind of hide and seek with your nether curves. Show just what you must and hide the rest for the adventures of the more serious kind. This boy shorts also has a ruffled edging around the legs and dares you to count all the red flowers on it. If you guy can resist the temptation that this panty offers, he is not a man, uhmmm, I mean he must be a saint! Right?
Red Padded Push Up Bra and Panty Set- Paris Collection
Model Number: 6173B
This is the perfect bra to play the ‘hooker-by-night’ as it is daringly bold and low riding. This is a very sexy bra that offers an extravagant cleavage through underwired, push up style cups. The bra straps are invisible, this bolsters the thought that it would come off with just a tug. The panty piece of this lingerie is a completely innovative new French styled design. The design is devious in the sense that it fools you completely into thinking that this stylish bikini style panty is actually a wrap around kind of piece. The lace and mesh fold that takes you in is actually just a stylish add on to give the panty a new look and feel. This sexy lingerie is for those who wish to experiment and separate the adventurous from the mundane.
I believe that every woman deserves an enviable piece of women lingerie in her cupboard, a piece that will pull her through the good times. Make it a habit to buy bras from us and we will keep on ensuring that you are spoilt for choice. We ensure style, quality and design, along with the ‘oomph’ factor with our Push Up Bra that you were actually looking out for.
Loans no credit check: push up the credit scores high
Article by Bert Smith
Are your credit scores not letting you to look for extra cash? You may have been refused by the traditional lenders for extra cash or loan on the grounds of bad credit scores. Financial incapability arises on the grounds of heavy expenses. Today, it has become uncontrollable to manage the day to day expenses. Such expenses may include groceries, electricity, water and gas bills, etc. Rising prices of goods and services has made the life of employed class very stressful. Loans no credit check is a financial aid for ruling out the cash shortage for a temporary period. These loans help in pushing the credit scores as you would get sufficient cash to clear the dues.
Are you interested to find the rates or the quotations on the internet? Different lenders offer varied rates or the quotations for loans no credit check. Careful analysis may help you to find a better rate. Loans No Credit Check has been known to offer flexible terms and conditions. You would be sanctioned with the loan amount ranging between AUS$ 100 and AUS$ 1500. The repayment period would vary from 14 to 30 days. The amount would be deducted from your bank account which may include the interest charges too. For any regular loan, you would be subjected to pledge any property. For loans no credit checks, you would not have to oblige the lender by risking any property.
Resolving the unsettled dues would help positive impact on the credit report. In fact, the credit scores would rise high. If you are going through any legal dispute on the grounds of nonpayment of bills, then the lender would not keep notice of it. With the help of no credit check loans, you would get relief from such legal matters. Even, other bad factors would also be ignored. Such factors may be bankruptcy, foreclosures, missed payments, arrears, etc. No need to offer any extra paperwork or fax the documents. You can use the online form to fill up with basic details. The loan amount would be deposited in to the bank account within few hours.
Lack of money makes you incapable to handle any expenditure. As a result, the credit scores go down. Loans no credit check give relief from cash shortage. You would pay the bills in time. Credit scores would also improve. You would not be liable to offer any security against the no credit check loans. You can apply online with no processing fee.
Bert Smith is at present working as an expert author for loans no credit check. His content is value sense as it gives you an imminent about dissimilar aspect of same day payday loans, short term no credit check loans, no credit check loans, loans no credit check for more information visit at The pushup is one of the most important exercises that a newcomer to fitness can do, but it can be difficult for many people. In this video I will give you a 5 phase program to build up your strength so you can do 100 pushups. First, a quick word about weight. There are lots of reasons to get leaner and lose fat and I’m about to give you another one. The #1 way to make pushups easier is to weigh less! Every pound of fat is a boat anchor holding you tightly to the earth. Please watch the below video to get started with losing weight. Phase 1: Counter Pushups. Do as many as you can (in other words do a set), then rest 2 minutes and do another set of as many as you can do. Repeat this till you have done 5 sets. Do this workout 3 times a week until you can do 20 pushups in each of the 5 sets – then advance to Phase 2: Phase 2: Knee Pushups. Do as many as you can, then rest 2 minutes and do another set. Repeat this until you have done 5 sets. Do this workout 3x/week until you can do 20 pushups in each of the 5 sets – then advance to Phase 3 Phase 3: Drop Pushups. In this phase you are going to do 5 sets of 20 pushups. You will do as many real pushups as you can, then drop to your knees to finish the rest of the 20. Rest 2 minutes, and do another set. You will do this workout just 2 times a week. Repeat till you have done all 5 sets. When you can do 5 sets of 20 real pushups, advance to Phase 4 Phase 4: In phase 4 you will be doing two …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Push Ups And Exercises
Working out regularly and staying fit has become the most common thing that all the people these days want. Everyone wants a healthy and a fit body for them so that they stay fit and fine. It is very correctly said that health is wealth as there is nothing without health. A good routine of exercises that is followed on a daily basis leads to a very healthy mind and a healthy body. A person hence needs to be very much aware of all the exercises that should be performed. One of the common workout and exercises is the push up workout which is followed by a majority of the people. In the push up workout it is seen that the person needs to lie backwards on the floor and push himself up and down simply on his toes and hands. This exercise puts a lot of stress over the hands and the arms of the person. Besides this it even stresses on the abdomen and the stomach of the person. The push ups are said to be very good for the body in every way. They are recommended for all the people who perform regular exercise. The Push ups everyday is very good for the body. The main motive behind all these is to stay healthy. These pushups should be performed carefully keeping in mind the technique with which they are done. In case a person has never done them before he should take some help and assistance from someone like an instructor so that he can better understand the proper way and technique of how to perform the right pushups and in how much amount.
Performing the pushups in a wrong way can even lead to injuries like the muscle pull or such related injuries. Hence they should be performed very carefully. Besides this the Push ups workout routines should be followed in a discipline. All the exercises that we do these days demand a lot of discipline and patience as the body takes time to change and take the perfect shape. This is the reason why a lot of hard work is there to be done by the person before getting that absolutely perfect body. With a widespread awareness among the people regarding the regular exercise and its need it has been seen that everyone has started taking the exercise as a part of the regular life schedule.
arnold roomer is famous internet marketer.His new website gives more information about Push ups everyday
Seasonal Factors Pushed Up The Price Of Coal Or Re
Article by jekky
Development and Reform Commission has said the limit has an impact on coal, coal prices rose in April this year, the first time since fall. Analysts said that the current tight supply situation still exists, and seasonal demand for coal may again push up the price of coal. Coal price stabilization Although the NDRC hit by two limit policy, Qinhuangdao coal prices fell in a row, the heat is 6000 kcal / kg of Datong excellent mix from the highest 1010-1040 yuan / ton, down from 940-1010 yuan / t; fat calories 5500 kcal / kg Shanxi excellent mix from the highest 940-970 yuan / ton, down to 860-930 yuan / ton. The reporters found, according to data provided by Coal Marketing Association this week, no further extension Qinhuangdao prices down, and the calorific value of coal of different maintained last week’s price decline has stopped, the price significantly stabilized. Similarly, international coal prices were stabilized. Early July to early August this year, Australia’s Newcastle port coal FOB price drop for 4 weeks, from July 4 to 194.79 U.S. dollars / ton minimum down to 150 U.S. dollars / ton, down nearly 45 U.S. dollars, up 23.1% decline. But with the Indonesian government halted exports of the six coal companies, a substantial increase in China’s coal export tariffs, international coal prices took a dramatic turn and began the steady rise of recent Newcastle port coal FOB price of 162 U.S. dollars / ton floating. In response, Orient Securities analyst Wang Shuai coal, said recently as China, Indonesia, Vietnam, the world’s largest coal-producing countries have introduced measures to tighten export of coal, while Australia’s coal exports decline due to weather factors, leading to the international coal market increasing trend of tightening supply-side, leading to the recent rebound in the international coal price. Liang Ping An Securities researcher believes that 120 U.S. dollars / ton, or into the bottom line of international coal prices, while China will raise export tariffs on 10% of steam coal, while in fact the international coal prices pushed up 10%. Seasonal demand will now Summer and winter season are all annual coal demand, while demand for a relatively small spring, there will be increased coal inventory, prices fall slightly in the case. It is reported that the recent Qinhuangdao, Guangzhou, Hong Kong stocks were up 7.17 million tons of coal, 213 million tons over last year’s substantial increase in inventories, which according to experts in the coal trade description Huang Teng, Hong Kong stocks up 7.5 million tons in Qinhuangdao on the need for the Port in. China Coal Transportation Association Deputy Secretary-General Liang Dunshi that this is due to a seasonal decrease in demand of coal, due to reduced trading volume. In fact, the pressure of coal in the port in Hong Kong, while there are still some areas of the plant is running low inventory, the overall supply and demand of coal, “tight balance” the state has not been resolved. Shuai said the price drop early Qinhuangdao major policy limit the role of the state, if not to limit, the current price of Qinhuangdao perhaps 1,300 yuan / tons. The policy also resulted in Qinhuangdao price limit is no longer reflect the market’s volatility, not comparable. He believes that if the price fell below the national limits Qinhuangdao 860 yuan / ton in order to determine the market inflection point occurs. Market participants that the current easing of supply and demand largely due to the transition period from summer to winter seasonal decline in demand of coal, but with winter approaching, the demand for heating coal storage will again raise the coal demand, supply and demand, “tight balance” will be more tight, and the winter market, a further increase in coal prices is no doubt. However, the Great Wall Securities analyst, said the tension of coal in winter may be lower than the summer, he told reporters that the price of coal will loose some of 9,10 months, in winter with the increase in production, supply and demand will be relatively mild. Liangdui Shi said that the future price will be basically stable and unlikely to rise again, but not lower.
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
Doing the Perfect Pushup
Article by Stephen Mcclure
If you’re a guy or girl who wants to increase his or her chest muscles, I’m sure you’ve done pushups at some time or another. Or, if you’re an athlete, I bet you’ve done pushups during conditioning and practice. Pushups are one of the most common, but least understood body weight exercises out there today. If you take your time to learn how to do push-ups correctly, it will make all the difference in your chest muscles. I’ll go over some of the most important components of the “perfect pushup”.
The first thing to remember while doing pushups, is that form is EVERYTHING. If you have good form throughout the entire push-up, it will isolate your chest muscles much better and you’ll get superb results. Start with your entire body straight as a board, from your toes to your head, keep your hands shoulder-width apart and keep your head looking straight ahead. As you are moving up and down during the motion of the pushup, you must keep your back straight, DO NOT, let it dip and arch, which is the natural tendency because it makes the pushup easier. I see people “cheating” like this all the time when doing pushups, and they really are only cheating themselves outta stronger, better-looking chest muscles.
As you drop down and push yourself up again, make sure to do it nice and slow the whole way with your tricep and pectoral muscles. If you’re doing it right, you’ll feel a strong burning sensation in both muscle groups. Do not shy away from that feeling, that is what will get you good results! Squeeze every once of burning sensation as you can, pinch your pectoral muscles (chest muscles) together at the climax of your push up. This reall works the pec muscles hard and that is what you’re aiming for, because the more you tear them down, the bigger they’ll build back up!
Keep doing the pushups until you can’t get yourself up off the ground anymore. Then, give yourself about 4-5 seconds of rest and heave yourself up to the upper, elbows locked position. Next, drop back down one more time, as slowly as possible. Fight the drop the whole way down, keep your muscles as taut as possible. Your chest muscles are exhausted, so you will inevitably fall, but if you fight against it the whole way you will experience intense burning and stretching in your pecs. Don’t worrry, that is what you want! After you hit the floor, lay there for awhile and catch your breath. Now, only 2 more sets and you’re done! Do that a couple times a week, and you’ll see real nice gains after only 2-3 weeks.
If you are ready to take the next step in your fitness and get the sculpted body that turns heads, I recommend Truth About Abs or Fat Burning Furnace. These are the only muscle building program that have met my workout program requirements.
Choose one and start your step-by-step body transformation. Get the rock-hard body you’ve always wanted now!
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Little Jimmy Can Count To 50, and I Did 50 Push Ups!
Article by Glenn Dickstein
The birth of a child sends a person’s life into a whirlwind of adjustment. Being there for your new baby becomes the activity of every free second. Many new parents are only away from the baby when it is absolutely necessary. They leave to go to work, the bathroom, or to sleep. Unfortunately, this extra time with baby, can come at the expense of other activities that used to be an important part of your routine. One of those might have been exercise. Exercise has a host of benefits from increased energy and stress reduction, to getting sick less. Removing exercise from your routine can have an adverse effect on all of those. When you can’t get to the gym, have a back up plan. If you stay at home to take care of your child, your living floor can operate as a workout space..
The first thing you need to do is get a few pieces of equipment. Consider purchasing some exercise bands, a jump rope, and some adjustable dumb bells. All of these can slide under your bed or fit easily in your closet. If you have the space for storage, for about $ 12, purchase a stability ball. It is an extremely versatile piece of equipment to have around. These items are readily available in your local sporting goods store. The jump rope and bands will probably cost you around $ 25. The weights could run a couple hundred dollars. You could skip the dumb bells, but they add some versatility to your workouts.
A great feature about these items is that they are quiet when in use. Keep your own noises to a minimum if your child is taking a nap. You can use your jump rope to get some cardiovascular exercise into the mix. You can vary the tempo and jumping style. You can use it in between sets or in one long stretch. The stretch bands are great for getting a total body workout. You can do curls. You can do extensions. You can do presses. As far as dumb bell exercises, you could write a book on all that can be done. With any of these, the addition of the stability ball will help incorporate the use of many smaller muscle groups that help with balance. Also, a great many abdominal exercise can be accomplished with the stability ball, so you can constantly be working your core.
What if your child wakes up? Don’t use it as an excuse to stop. Try another approach. That is letting your child help you with your workout. Your kids learn from you. Let them see you being active. Kids love to copy what their dads are doing. If it is age appropriate, you can have them “help” you count your repetitions. It is a good way for them to learn and practice counting if they count along with you. Your spouse will be happy to, when they come home and find out that little Jimmy knows how to count to 50 and you did 50 push ups. They get strong in mind, you get strong in body. If you are going to do some sit-ups, ask them to hold your feet. Again, they are engaged and learning, while you finish up the last few minutes of your workout. Eventually, they may even want to try to do some exercises alongside of you. Not that I am advocating children lifting weights at all, but they do need to be active and playfully doing a few push ups or sit ups next to you will help them learn about their bodies.
The point is, when the opportunity to sneak off to a gym is not there, exercise is still an option. You can troll the internet for some great ‘living room” workout programs, or you may want to seek the advice of a personal trainer in your area. They can design and teach you a program, as well as tell you what type of equipment to buy. With young children, there is always something to do. You may not find the time to sit down on the living room couch, but you can certainly find 20 minutes to exercise on the living room floor.
About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit
In this video I am starting a challenge to do 100 consecutive pushups in less than 6 weeks! I have never been great at pushup’s so it “WILL” be a great challenge for me. Please post comments or videos of your goals!