Top impressive Magazine Covers

May 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

To some extend, cover plays an important role in drawing the readers’ attention. That’s why the magazine covers should be creative and impressive. Therefore, magazine cover is one of most concerned factors of editors. Below are most impressive magazine covers in 2009.


The model for Interview’s 40th anniversary issue is actress Kristen Stewart, star in hit Twilight series. The image is two photos – if you pull back, you can see her holding over her own face a same-scale, torn black-and-white photo of her, whose only color is in her blood-red lips. The ghoulish makeup is perfectly in keeping with current fashion photography, and it serves the dual purpose of enhancing the metaphor while making her look drop-dead beautiful.


Interview, November


Horacio Salinas uses a pig that is obviously taking a sick day to sell a cover story on swine flu. This cover is a triumph of styling and careful planning – the black background pops the type and logo, and the baby-blue blanket plays perfectly against the pink piggy skin.


New York, Oct. 4


The cover, by illustrator Darrow, captured the banality of Bernie’s evil by overlaying the Joker‘s pale makeup on the smug face of Madoff. The Joker-on-the-face soon lapsed into cliché – used and abused by everyone who wanted to vilify someone, as in the tea partiers’ posters defacing Barack Obama.


New York, Feb. 22


This cover shot by Pierpalo Ferrari features ’90s supermodel Linda Evangelista, photographed outdoors holding a cardboard sign that reads, “It Must Be Somebody’s Fault.” What is “It”? The recession or the financial woes have hit the poor fashion and art worlds? This picture is full of contradictions. What’s a famous model, beautifully dressed, doing holding a cardboard sign?


W, October


The September issue is created by Anna Wintour. This 50th anniversary issue of Vogue Australia uses multiple covers featuring actress Cate Blanchett, depicted in absolutely fabulous vintage fashion illustrations by British illustrator David Downton. The cover is a marvel in many ways. First, Blanchett’s face is rendered with merely a few brushstrokes. More important is the use of that ’50s-style illustration, which creates a perfect merger of glamour, celebrity and style announcing an issue that covers the magazine’s long history.


Vogue Australia, September


The striking image, created for its second issue by artist Damien Hirst, peels back the skin of super-model Kate Moss to expose the musculature and bone structure of her face. (The original photo was shot for the cover of W in 2005 – it’s recycled!). This cover breaks the rules, reversing the usual order of things to overlay ugly inner reality on the fantasy of outer beauty. What’s it trying to tell us? That beauty’s only skin deep, that fashion creates unrealistic expectations.


Tar, Spring-Summer


The beauty of this cover is its understated simplicity, rendering the white hat in subtle shades of gray to set it off against a paper-white background. Nothin’ fancy here, including the typography – all the cover lines and the logo are either black or gray, preserving the palette of the photo. Sometimes the best covers look the simplest.


Texas Monthly, March


This cover, by the great cartoonist Chris Ware, captures the autumnal magic of Halloween while making wry cultural commentary. It uses light, and the lack thereof, to paint a loving but poignant picture of modern-day parenting. While the kids are on the porch, with their masked faces turned expectantly upward, their too-busy parents dutifully wait, faces turned down toward their BlackBerries and iPhones.


The New Yorker, Nov. 2


This clever and hilarious cover either consciously or unconsciously pays homage to the famous painting The Scream by Edvard Munch. The article is about how the recession has affected the porn industry – hard times indeed! The photo suggests, among other things, that if it gets bad enough, movie producers may have to substitute blow-up dolls for flesh-and-blood actors.


The Advocate, June 7


This cover is a true original. New Yorker covers are often topical, and they are known for their wit and keen cultural timing. But several times a year, they just run covers that capture the New York-ness of America’s greatest city. This cover found a groundbreaking way to do that, featuring a piece by illustrator-designer Jorge Colombo that was created on an iPhone application called Brushes.


The New Yorker, June 1


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Asics Running shoes is available additional styles and colors

April 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Bidanaaa

The ingrained Asics Gel Lyte III was designed access 1989 and retains its orignal Gel cushioning mold. The innovative and distinctive breach idiom was designed to filter the problem of a traditional tongue works its entrance down the side of the shoe.Gaining popularity from numerous collaboration projects predominance the past, the ASICS Onitsuka Tiger is a accomplished performance running shoe that is packed with technology from 1989. The key design agency of these shoes is the breach tongue, designed to annihilate the discomfort created by simple tongues which slides while running. The lightweight sneakers are wrapped control knit of synthetic, leather and essence materials on the uppers.

Asics Running shoes is available additional styles and colors. Asics Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 Sale are distinctive that intersecting lines and stirring range of colours.The “logo” at the back of the shoes.For each styles,the functionality of its line of outdoor manly wear was combined secrete the design of the Asics cook Lyte III 2010 Shoes.

ASICS is a Japanese athletic equipment company. Asics shoes produces crackerjack footwear again sports equipment designed for football, running, netball, tennis, badminton, squash, martial arts, cricket, golf, wrestling, track & field, cross-training, volleyball, cheerleading, lacrosse, and seeing countless contrastive sport disciplines. In recent years their running shoes have recurrently been ranked among the top deed footwear in the market.

The Asics Asics Kayano 17 folktale combines synthetic suede again nylon material to break ground a durable further comfortable upper.Onitsuka Tiger is commemorating it’s 60th year by introducing shoes inspired by the Japanese Zodiac calendar.Included with this limited edition pair is a 60th anniversary booklet.The Asics decide 81 pursuit rubber lone to nail down pastime inspired ear that will help you to definitely preserve healthful again well as the affordable Asics lanky shoes amenability decrease the strain besides discomfort which involve by running.What is more, the Onitsuka Tiger tap 81 are made using the more suitable resplendent substance that will provide you with extra comfort.

Even if you can find discount Asics turn out Nimbus running shoes, it’s still important to clear up reviews and find over what other runners have been saying. The Asics Onitsuka Tiger is verbal to be incomparable than previous versions, especially the way to heel feels when you first put sensible on. This is express a makeshift herculean though, whereas once you set up running you realize how easy the halo 12 is. The Asics betide Nimbus is further an meritorious shoe, which may not imitate the most important slant of a cushioned running shoe, but is still important.

The Asics Shoes series has traditionally provided stable, fully cushioned shoes, and the Asics Gel Nimbus is no contrariness. Not only is the shoe a top of the affiliate model, but bona fide also comes with a number of deeper features compared to the previous model. Some of the technologies included in the occasion of the shoe are the discrete Eye extend construction, ComforDry sockliner also Space Trusstic figure.

Asics Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 far-reaching shoes to arranged on using a gray-yellow should count on your foot type, otherwise the harm is mutual. using the choosing to spend thing to trust using the subsequent points: 1st of all to glimpse at your foot type, is introversion or extraversion, the choice should arranged for a buffered, stabilized or controlled, engagement correspond to on incorrect foot injury. Second, glimpse at your weight, running time further frequency, trigger what crowd you must purchase running shoes. asics standard website if additional than sixty kilograms method weight, purchase an entry-level inside the line, additional than seventy kilograms a bare minimum of through the end, the incomparable area using the eighty kilograms necessary.

If you are a sports fan, while you are running in Asics Kayano 17, you will have an entirely disparate certainty than before which is special. You can asset out quickly that peopel around you always chortle to you. Futhermore, you cede not feel tired after a long distance’s running, but relaxed, because cheap asics shoes are lightweight also comfortable, they care offer great support to your whole body, especially feet. The matchless diacritic of asics shoes is designed with gel cushioning system leadership command to improve you walking posture and again ease electrify. They are trustworthy shoes, so just go ahead again direction them at once.

Asics TigerKayano 17

Using passionate amateur female runners to front the campaign, the AYAMi collection fuses style and functionality modern, colourful and feminine clothes that appeal to the technical needs of serious runners. The campaign itself focuses on exercise as a sense of achievement, highlighting the euphoric and rewarding feelings of running, in line with ASICS Sound Mind, Sound Body brand philosophy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Tips for Running in the Winter

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Jeff Anderson

Tips for Running in the Winter

Running in the winter presents a different set of challenges from running in warmer weather. Here is a short list is things to do when doing winter training to help keep you comfortable and safe.

1. The first aspect to keep in mind when running in the winter is dressing properly and being sure to dress in layers. How you dress can be the difference between a successful run, and a tedious and uncomfortable one. One aspect to keep in mind as well is the color of what you wear. Bright (but not white) colors will contrast very well against snow, as will black colors during the daytime. Wearing white clothing in a snowy environment or dark clothing at night can make it so cars will not be able to see or avoid you.

2. Proper footwear is crucial. Your shoes should not only have large tread on them, but should feature an anti-slip device to help keep you from slipping on snow or ice. Some folks actually put screws directly into the soles of their shoes when running in the winter. Another product of use is something called

Jogging – Health Benefits And How To Do It

April 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Wickey Stecker

Performing regular jogging gives better physical condition and other health benefits. Jogging also gives physical and mental pleasure.


Jogging on a regular basis give a distinct good effect upon the general health, provided it is not over-done. The effects are: * Jogging makes the heart stronger. It increases the capacity of the blood circulation and of the respiratory system. * It speeds up the digestive system and helps you get rid of digestive trouble. * It counteracts depression. * It increases the capacity to work and lead an active life. * Jogging makes you burn fat and thereby helps against over-weight. * If you suffer from poor appetite, jogging will improve your appetite. * Jogging will strengthens the muscles of your legs, hips and back. However you will not get very big muscles from jogging. * Jogging makes you sleep better.


Jogging gives you physical and mental joy, provided you do not exhaust yourself. When jogging is done correctly, you will actually feel less tired when you have finished a tour than before you began. You get nice feelings in your muscles during the jogging and afterwards.

You will feel the wind blowing around your body. You will hear the birds singing, the music of running water in the streams, or the sound of waves dashing towards the seashore. During the jogging you will also get a euphoric mental feeling after some time.


The type of clothes you were must be suited to the weather conditions. In warm weather, shorts and a t-shirt is enough. However, it may be useful to carry along an extra piece of clothe in a light back-pack if you run out on a long route, in case the weather aggravates. In colder weather you must add more layers of clothes. In either case, the requirements for the clothes are:

You should use light and soft clothes without any sharp sutures, hard edges or massive folds. They should sit fairly close to your body, but not so close that you feel squeezed, trapped, or so that your movements are hindered.

The clothes should give good ventilation for moisture and sweat and perspiration through the fabric. The fabric should ideally hold water totally out from the outside, but this requirement is difficult to achieve together with the requirement of good ventilation.

You should use fairly soft shoes, but with a good shape fitting the anatomical shape of your feet. The soles should easily bend during the normal movements of your feet, but support well against the ground. The underside of the sole should give friction against any type of grounds, so that you do not slide during jogging. The soles should buffer well against each impact from the ground.


Jogging may be performed in a lot of ways * Long distance jogging 6-20 km in a moderate speed on even roads or paths. * Short distance jogging 3-6 km in a high speed. * Jogging upwards in a steep terrain 3-4 km, in a speed adjusted to the steepness * Jogging in a hilly terrain with paths going both up an down 4-8 km

It is advisable to vary the type of jogging from day to day. Then the jogging gets funnier and you get a variable type of training.


You should move slowly with little efforts the first few hundred meters to warm up your muscles. Then you gradually increase your muscular work and speed. When you have done half the route, you can take a speedy spurt using most of your capacity. If the route is long enough, you can take two or three spurts using nearly full capacity.The last hundred meters you gradually slow down again.


It is advisable to stretch out both before and after each jogging session, and not only the muscles in your feet, but your whole body 2 minutes before and 3-4 minutes after the session. When stretching out do the following movements: * Bend forward and touch your toes. * Kneel down on one of your feet, and stretch the other out backwards. * Bend your body to both sides. * Stretch out an arm, grab something, and turn your body round so that your arm is bent backwards. * Shoot your abdomen foreword, so that your spinal column is stretched into a bow. * Place your hands behind your neck and stretch your arms backwards. Then twist your body to left and right, also bend to each side.

After the jogging it is sometimes best to wait for some minutes before you stretch out, so that the worst tiredness has gone away first.


If jogging is the only sport activity done, a jogging session every second day is ideal. This is enough to give all the health benefits and increase your condition and endurance gradually, but without wearing yourself out. If you combine jogging by other types of sport activities, 2 times a week may be enough. You should not be too hungry before jogging, but it is not advisable to take a jogging session straight after a big meal. The time of the day does not matter, but your jogging should not be the first thing you do in the morning.


If you are not accustomed to physical activity before you start jogging, it is advisable to consult a doctor before you start. You may have health issues that is not compatible with jogging activities, or that you must consider when doing your jogging.

The first times, you should only jog on plain ground and only for 10 minutes. Then you can increase the time, distance and speed, and choose steeper and more difficult paths.

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Running Workouts to Lose Weight Fast

April 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Do you know that running workouts to lose weight is among the common workout routines executed when someone desires to lose weight, mainly because by simply doing that it can definitely make ones heart beats rapidly that will result to help lose a lot more calories that you just obtain through eating.

Running truly is possibly the best possible move to do in the event that you’re looking for a highly effective exercise for making one’s body in good physical shape. However, not all can easily accomplish running workouts to lose weight for the reason that by chance you have got a weak heart it is actually not the kind of physical exercise which you have to execute. In case you are struggling with heart illness the most effective exercise that it is achievable to accomplish is strolling however make sure that you will still consult your physician’s advice just before executing it.

Running workouts to lose weight could just be successful by chance you will probably execute it typically for no less than three or four times per week. In the event that you don’t have enough time to execute it outdoors, it’s possible to purchase a treadmill to make sure that you’ll be able to continue to exercise although you’re within your house whilst watching television. It could be pretty expensive but if you’re serious in reducing your weight it could be of great benefit to obtain it. However, exactly like almost every other routines how to lose weight fast won’t ever take impact in the event you will never prepare it appropriately.

Healthy Eating is the First Step
If you want to lose weight by running, keep in mind that you’ll only shed pounds if you burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3500 calories. So you’ll need to combine running with a healthy diet. Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

One common eating mistake among runners is that they overcompensate for the calories burned by exercise with extra calories from more food and beverages. Some runners even find that they gain weight or hit a weight loss wall, despite their regular training. One way to prevent “stealth calorie” consumption or mindless eating is to write everything you’re eating in a journal for a few weeks. Seeing a record of your food intake will help you see where your diet needs improvement. It will also keep you on track because you’ll think twice before putting that chocolate-covered donut in your mouth.

how to lose weight fast

Marathon Running For Beginners

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

The marathon is a really challenging event, especially if you have never ran one before, or even if you have completed one or two. Here are some proven tips to follow that will help you finish the distance without too much difficulty.Start SlowlyI advise you not to try and run the race at the same pace all the way through. It’s better to start out somewhat slower and gradually pick up your pace after several miles. Time and time again I see marathon runners who have run out of steam by mile 20 simply because they started too quickly.Have Modest ExpectationsAs a beginner your goal should be to finish the distance as comfortably as possible. It’s not to finish under a certain time. This will come later!Conserve Your EnergyWindy day? Hilly course? When the conditions are against you, you must slow down to save energy. You’ll really notice a difference in the later miles.Expect Some Weak MomentsThe marathon distance takes its toll on your body, so it’s normal to feel really weary at times, and you just want to stop running. At these points, slow down a little but try to keep going, – you will be able to ‘run through’ the tough spot.HydrationDon’t skip the water stops. It’s best to take a little water at each one, just don’t overdo it. If you have used energy drinks like Gatorade during your training take some during the run, otherwise stick to water.Power Bars & Energy SupplementsLike the sports drinks, if you haven’t tried these during your training it’s better to abstain…Split the race into partsAs I go along I like to focus on the next ‘milestone’ instead of the finish line. Here are some typical checkpoints to aim for:- 10K – 10 miles – Half way – 16 miles – 20 milesTalk to your fellow runners!Nothing makes the miles go easier than when you can chat with the runner next to you. Sometimes you’ll run by a mile marker without even noticing…These tips should help you get to the end of the race. Crossing the finish line is a tremendous achievement, and well worth the effort you have spent to get there! To find out more about marathon training schedule for beginners and running just follow the links below. is best for website called Marathon Experts. For more information about training for a marathon and to learn how you can successfully complete your first marathon visit
 – Running for beginners is explained in this video. You’ll discover how to start running and the simple strategy I use with all my beginner running clients. Watch and enjoy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Four of the Best Beginner Running Tips

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Running is a very effective way in achieving better health and a fitter body. It is a great habit that can build your heart’s endurance, increase your lung’s capacity for oxygen, and control your overall weight. Yes it is beneficial but in any exercise regimen you need to start right to prevent injuries happening to you. If you are planning to become a runner, you need to take note of some beginner running tips found in this article to make sure you start off your running the right way.

Beginner Running Tip #1: Go See a Doctor

The first and perhaps the most important thing you need to do is see a doctor. This is very important since some people whether you are really out of shape or not, may be diagnosed for some certain conditions that would make you unfit to run. Having heart problems, breathing problems, chronic fatigue, and other ailments could make the doctor suggest for you not to do some running because it can cause more injury to you or worsen your present condition.

Talk to your doctor about the plans that you have and ask for his advice on whether you should pursue your plans of running or not. If you have no existing condition then he would usually say it is perfectly fine and that he is happy that you are taking the necessary steps to improve your overall health condition.

Beginner Running Tip #2: Do a Run/Walk Program

Contrary to what some may believe, running needs to be learnt. Everybody can run, but running longer distances needs to be trained. Therefore you should start with a walking / running program before you run non-stop. Especially when you are overweight this is important as you do not want to put yourself at unnecessary risk of getting injured or experiencing health problems. Bottom line is to start slow and gradually increase your pacing and distance. You will be surprised of your progress in just a matter of weeks.

Beginner Running Tip #3: Check Your Pulse

When you are already running, one way to check your progress and see if you have made considerable amount of improvement is to check your pulse. Remember that running is a cardiovascular activity therefore it trains you heart to pump more blood through your body than it did before. In other words, as you get better trained the heart will need lesser beats than before to let you do the same amount of work. So regularly test yourself by doing a similar workout and then see if your pulse is lower or higher.

If it is lower, then there is a good chance you have made some progress.

However, if it is higher, than this could mean you might be overdoing it and the best way to get around it is to rest for a day and check your pulse the following day. When it is back to its normal level then you can start running again.

Beginner Running Tip #4: Keep a Running Log

More experienced runners keep a running log to help them monitor their progress. It does not mean that you can skip this since you are a beginner, it is better to practice this as early as possible so you get used to the habit and do what is commonly seen as best practice. In your record book, log your distance, time, and type of workout you can also add other information there to keep it more interesting for you.

This will help you follow your improvements, but can also be useful later on when you get injured and you can see the trajectory towards that injury. Especially over a longer period of time this becomes helpful. You might find out you always get pains after about 3-4 weeks of more intense speed work, or after increasing your weekly mileage to over a certain threshold. Your running log will help you understand better how your body functions and what it can and cannot handle.

Following these four beginner running tips should get you on the right track in your newfound passion. It is a great sport, providing plenty of benefits to you, including improved stamina, reduced risk of heart diseases and it can even help combat depression. With that mind, turn off that computer now and go for a run right now, so you can start reaping the benefits derived from running.

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Important Considerations for When Buying Jogging Shoes for Novice Runners

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Carina

Definitely, it does not matter if your purpose is to become a professional jogger or simply enjoy jogging around the park every morning; you need to find the most comfortable jogging shoes out there. Joggers consider these items as their good companions when running. Unfortunately, for those who are just investing for their running shoes today, it may not be easy find the best options to use.

When trying to choose the most suitable pair of shoes, the Internet offers various ideas to help you decide with ease. Of course, these ideas are elemental because most websites want to make sure that the readers will comprehend the information easily. They want to become user-friendly websites to increase their traffic also while providing the people with useful data, specifically those who want to invest their shoes for running.

If you want to get the best jogging/running shoes, make sure to determine the type, style, brand and design. Again, for novice buyers, they may find it hard to determine these factors without proper guidance. The most common mistakes that these novice individuals do is invest their money buying affordable and not quality shoes to wear when they jog.

The main reason why these men and women adapt this kind of concept is they are inexperience. They are also afraid to invest their money purchasing costly shoes for jogging. In addition, these novices have no precise idea between the difference of buying cheap and costly running footwear. Sad to say, they feel that expensive footwear simply make the feel proud of the designs and brands without total satisfaction. They will just change their perception on this once they experience undesirable issues while running using cheap pair of shoes.

This is only the time when these inexperienced runners will decide to try investing for branded jogging shoes to find out the differences. Again, people who are not familiar on what particular shoes to buy must not fret about it because the Internet offers numerous ideas. Runners can easily find the exact pair of shoes with great deals when they need to purchase one.

Remember that these are just few of the numerous important tips to consider when locating the best footwear to use when jogging. This is important if you want to experience safer running in trying to improve your lifestyle. It is always best to consider the things that can offer you the right benefits despite spending money. This is the most important consideration if you want to start running regardless of your intentions.

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Where To Find Exercise Tips On Losing Weight

April 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Trevor Dalley

Finding the right exercise tips on losing weight is a lot more confusing than you might think. Everywhere you look there is a new diet and exercise plan that is guaranteed to give you good results. There are some things that you should consider before you choose a diet or an exercise routine for weight loss.

Consider the source of your exercise tips on losing weight. If you are looking at diets, make sure that the source is a reputable one and that the diet that is recommended uses common sense. Any diet that focuses on quick weight loss is not healthy and will only result in your gaining the weight back in the long run. There are a number of diets on the market that focus on eating one type of food, but it is better to eat a well balanced diet that includes a wide variety of food types.

A visit to your local bookstore will provide you with a number of books that have been written about exercise tips for losing weight. You will find cookbooks and exercise books that will show you the safe and effective way to eat a healthy diet and include exercise in your routine to lose weight and feel great at the same time. Don’t sacrifice your health for weight loss.

Videos are another resource that you can use for exercise tips on losing weight. There are a number of programs that are designed for beginners that will start you off slow and build you up at a good pace. Choose the type of program that you would enjoy to make sure that you use your video with consistency.

Joining a gym is a good way to get some exercise tips on losing weight. There are many trainers who work in the gyms that can steer you in the right direction for the exercises that will help you to burn calories and lose weight. Your new routine should help you to maximize your calories burned and help you to achieve the results that you want.

You can also take all of this advice and design your own exercise plan. Choose some aerobic activity that you will enjoy like walking, biking, running or swimming to increase your metabolism and lose weight. There are many activities that you can include in your exercise routine that are not typically thought of as exercise such as dance. Anything that you can maintain for twenty minutes at an accelerated heart rate will help you to increase your metabolism and lose weight.

Make your exercise plan personal by including things that you love to do. Exercise should be enjoyable and there is no reason that it has to be something to dread. It will improve your mood and help you to feel good immediately. Once you begin including exercise in your daily schedule, you will wonder why you hadn’t started sooner. There are some wonderful health benefits that will come with your new healthy exercise routine. All you have to do is get started.

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Guide to Beginning Running

April 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Sherri Haggard

Like walking, you can run anywhere. You do not need special equipment. All you need is the open road and a nice pair of shoes. Plus, any runner will tell you, nothing feels as nice as running.

The Essential Gear for Running

You could spend thousands of dollars of jogging suits, tights, tops, and a whole bunch of pointless equipment. However, all you really need is a good pair of shoes. (Now bigger women will want a good sports bra to hold themselves down.)

Shoes – It is tempting purchase the name brand expensive shoes. You really do not need to buy the most expensive shoe. You do need a good shoe.

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