Advantages of Trail Running

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Trail running is a great alternative for those who have an interest in running but have little desire for spending their time on a treadmill or hitting the pavement (literally), and dodging traffic through busy city streets and sidewalks.

There are a number of benefits to trail running, and one of the least obvious is the improvement you’ll see to your stride once you begin trail running. The uneven and unexpected surfaces often encountered during a trail run make the runner’s stride much more efficient. Road running may get you from point A to point B faster than trail running, but the lack of variance in the surface makes it easier for the stride to become normalized. Runners often become locked into a speed when doing road running. This doesn’t happen with trail running, as the body constantly has to accommodate the different terrain. After several miles logged on the trails, the stride becomes more explosive and will elongate.

The core muscle group will strengthen, as the whole body must brace itself for rough terrain.

There is often less chance of injury during a trail run. Road running is often accompanied by repeated pounding to the feet, which may eventually cause stress fractures and axial stress. The terrain of trail running provides much more of a cushion to the feet and body, minimizing the shock to the body. It’s important to remember that while there is less stress put on the body during a trail run, you will expend more energy during a trail run. When you first start trail running, you’ll need to work harder initially, so be sure you anticipate running a shorter distance for the first few weeks. The body needs to adjust to the changing terrain and unanticipated hills.

You’ll also need to adjust to trail, so be sure you’re running slowly until you get accustomed to it.

It’s easy to lose your footing on the trail, especially after it’s rained. Proceed with caution and be sure you’re always running when it’s light outside. While one of the benefits of trail running is that it keeps you from getting bored (with the changing scenery), this same changing scenery can be a definite safety risk.

Trail running is a great way to introduce you to running or breakup the monotony of a regular treadmill running routine. It’s important to remember that trail running has its risks, so be sure you proceed with caution. It’s easy to get caught up in the scenery without watching your step. That’s why it’s not only necessary to only run on trails during the daylight hours, but also always be sure you’re aware of your footing during the run. There are shoes specially designed for trail running, that have better grips on them. For those who decide to trail run on a regular basis, these can provide the appropriate kind of stability for trail running and give you a little more grip on the bottoms for any rocky terrain. Always be sure you choose the right kind of running shoe for the terrain you’re running on!

I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone massage supplies provider. They carry products such as massage stone, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

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