Quad Bike Safety Tips

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

When making a purchase, be it a 50cc or a 250cc quad bike then you will notice that most of them look and feel as if they are designed for road legal use. When in fact that over 60% of Quad Bike sold in the United Kingdom do not posses any documentation for use on a public highway and should only be used on private land.

Standard maintenance for any quad bike is essential, and we have included below some of the top tips for making sure that you get great service from your machine, be it for road use or just for off road fun.

As follows are the top 5 tips that we would issue to anyone buying a new or used bike or, if you are selling a quad bike then you should point out to the respective buyer that these areas have been recognized in a scheduled service.

1) Before you even consider starting an engine there are two things on a quad bike that you should check, one is the front brake and the other is the rear.

When pulling the lever for the front brake, it should only move towards the handle bar approximately 75% of the distance when not engaged at all. This normally signifies that the cable is not stretched or the brake pads are low.

As with the front brake, this also applies to the rear braking system. Should you have a brake lever on the left hand side of the handle bars then you would expect the same measurements as the front brake, and that is approximately 75% travel towards the handle bars maximum. Some older used quad bikes do have this system, but most of the new quad bikes now have a foot pedal as the rear brake. From pressing the foot lever you foot should not travel any greater than 45 degrees from the point where the pedal is stationary and nothing pressing against it.

2) Before starting the engine on your machine, always check the levels of water, coolant, oil and petrol before you start your journey.

Some machines do not have oil reservoir facility which means that they 2 stroke oil should be mixed in a petrol can prior to putting it in the fuel tank. Anything from a 110cc Quad Bike can also have an engine cooling system, which should be checked prior to moving the bike.

Brake fluids should be checked and a good level should always be maintained in the reservoir. If the level drops below the minimum line then there is a possibility that with all the bouncing around across rough terrain that an air blockage can be created.

3) Ignition switches and kill switches should be checked and double checked. In the unfortunate event of mechanical failure on any quad bike or buggy, you need to be able to kill the engine to stop the bike from running away with it’s passenger. Some Adult Quad Bikes and most Children’s Quad Bikes are fitted with a safety device kill switch which is fastened around the wrist, this in the event of an accident will remove a key from a temporary switch killing the engine.

On Road Legal Quad Bikes and Buggies it has become a legal requirement when putting the a machine through the SVA test that it should have one of these as standard. Unfortunately the UK testing system is not completely clear cut on this subject, so even to this day some centers do not enforce this one point.

4) Once you have completed these very basic checks, the next stage is to make sure the throttle and linkage is free moving both to accelerate and to shut down the engine when slowing down. Some if not all New Quad Bikes will be fitted with a thumb control throttle system. These are standard fitting from the factory, yet even though most people can use them they do get changed for the same twist grip control system that is used on even the most standard of bikes and mini moto.

When you are happy with the operational features of the throttle and brakes, it is time to look at the last important part of the machine, and this is the tires.

5) A Road Legal Quad Bike will come (or should come) with road legal tires. The way to identify the difference between road legal tires and off road tires is a small CE mark or a the British Standards Institute Kite Mark. If neither of these are present then the fitted tires are classed as Off Road Tires and should not be used on a public highway.

Even though it is not written in complete stone, the standard tires that come on most models when imported are accepted, as there is nothing to say that the correct ones would not have been fitted whilst the registration is being processed through a DVLA test center.

Darren Moore has been involved within the motorcycle and quad bike industry for the last 9 years. Through this time he has imported quad bikes and buggies, traded machines to and from dealers to now part owning with his business partners the most comprehensive website the Quad Bike Industry has ever seen.

When looking to buy a Quad BIke or ATV – always consider the issue’s involved with potential fraudulant sellers by only purchasing what you can see. If the seller will not let you see it, then do not proceed with any sale until you have physical proof the machine exists.

Quad Bikes and ATVs can be amazing machines if treated correctly, with many of them being used on the road as well as off road too. For Quad Bike Insurance – please view our insurance pages and follow the recommended companies provided.

Calcaneal Bursitis

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Do you suffer from severe pain in your heel after you open your shoes? Do you have a problem keeping the heel on the ground? Is there any inflammation of the heel or the appearance of a sac like fluid filled structure on the heel? If the answers for the above are all in affirmative, then you may be suffering from the problem of Calcaneal Bursitis. Calcaneal Bursitis is medical condition of the heel in which a victim suffers from severe pain and or inflammation in the posterior portion of the heel. The condition is the result of bruising of the tissue covering the heel bone. Calcaneal bruising is mostly caused by injury or continued stress on the tendons and ligaments of the heel. The result of the continued stress or injury is the formation of a fluid filled sac in the heel that causes a lot of pain and irritation. Calcaneal Bursitis can be very painful for people like athletes or runners who have to put more stress on their heels.

The regular stress on the heels, result into this painful medical condition and it can be a cause of great concern for the victims as they cannot perform their daily tasks like walking and running.

Calcaneal bursitis can also exist adjacent to other medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or gout. Researchers have noticed that in the US there is an increase in the number of people suffering from Calcaneal bursitis and they attribute it to the increase in activities involving musculoskeletal body parts. Though this problem never takes a fatal turn but if proper treatment is not received in time, then it can result into permanent damage of the tendons. The women are at a higher risk of developing the problem because of the tight fitting footwear they use.

Middle aged and elderly people are more likely to suffer from the problem but athletes of all age groups can fall victim to this dreadful condition. The general treatments for Calcaneal bursitis is injecting anesthetics or a mixture of corticosteroid, but they are all temporary treatments and do not provide long term relief.

People suffering from the problem of Calcaneal bursitis are advised to use heel seats or soft soled shoes for relief during excess pain in the heels. Heel seats in particular are very effective in treating the problem because they not only provide a soft padding but they actually stretch the ligament and provide acupressure to the heel. The use of heel seats have a long term healing effect as it not only gives relief from the pain, but gives extra protection from any future injuries or stresses. More and more victims of Calcaneal Bursitis are using the heel seats as they are very effective in acute pain and the success rate of these heel seats is also huge. More and more people are opting for the heel seats and the customer feedback is also very good. Heel seats are far better than the normal padding and cushioning shoes that are available because they ensure long term prevention from Calcaneal Bursitis. They also do not cost a fortune and are relatively less costly than he other modes of treatments available in the market. Heel seats have proved to be a real healer and a great help for people suffering from the excruciating pain of Calcaneal Bursitis.

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6 Essential Stretches for a Woman’s Workout

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Flavia Del Monte

For a healthy workout, you can’t just lift weights. You need to include stretches for a woman’s workout. In fact, you should stretch half the amount of time you lift weights. So, if you lift weights five hours a week, you should stretch 2.5 hours a week.

The Repercussions of Not Stretching

Muscles naturally tighten up. And not stretching and loosening them up can have some serious repercussions. You increase your risk of injury. You’ll move slower, have decreased mobility, and have less power. Your muscle coordination and metabolism will suffer, and so will your performance.

Flexibility — One of the Four Main Components of Fitness

Stretching has numerous benefits. It reduces the amount of lactic acid and inflammation in your muscle tissue, while preventing muscle cramps. Most importantly, because stretching reduces your body’s automatic need to protect itself against overextension, it improves your flexibility. And the more flexible you are, the easier your muscles are able to move through the full range of motion. This increases your performance and reduces your risk of injury.

Tips for Stretching

There’s a lot more to stretching than just movement. First, you should never stretch cold muscles, so warm up a bit with five to ten minutes of low intensity exercise like walking or jogging. Then, stretch all the major muscle groups. Just make sure to stretch each side equally and focus on the major groups you’ll be using during your workout.

Don’t bounce while stretching your muscles. This will only cause unhealthy damage. Use slow, focused movements, gradually speeding up as you go. You should feel some tension as you move, but there shouldn’t be any pain. If it hurts, you’ve moved too far. Ease up on your position and hold it.

Ready for some good stretches?

Neck Stretch — Standing with your feet a comfortable width apart, tilt your head to the right and slightly forward. Then, with your right hand behind your head, gently pull down until you feel a gentle stretch on the left side of your neck. Hold it for half a minute and repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Shoulder Stretch — Shoulder stretches for a woman’s workout help you avoid issues like rotator cuff injuries. To stretch it out, bring your left arm over your body and hold your right arm either above or below your elbow. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat by brining your right arm over to hold your left.

Back Stretch — Called the “Cat and Camel”, start in the kneeling position, with your hands flat on the floor. Then, looking at the floor, let your tummy sag to the floor and your face turn to the ceiling, arching your back as far as you can. Then, do the opposite: Round your back by tightening the abdominals and lowering your head to the floor.

Hip Flexor Stretch– When doing stretches for a woman’s workout, don’t forget your upper thighs. Called a hip flexor, this muscle lifts your knees and helps when you bend at the waist. To stretch your hip flexor, place some padding on the floor and kneel on it with your right knee. Then, put your left foot in front of you. Shift your weight to your right thigh by leaning forward, holding your left leg with your left hand to hold yourself steady. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat it on the other side.

Quad Stretch — To stretch your calf muscles, stand an arm’s length away from a wall or support. Put your right food behind your left foot and slowly bend your left leg, moving it forward. Keep your back and right knee straight, your hips forward, and your right heel straight and flat on the floor. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat it for the other side. If you need to deepen the stretch, bend your right knee slightly as you lean forward.

Hamstring Stretch — Sit flat on the floor with your legs straight out. Then, bend forward to reach ahead of you, while keeping your knees straight. Hold for ten seconds, relax, and repeat the motion.

It can be tempting to skip stretching, but you won’t save yourself any time. Stretches for a woman’s workout can improve your results and you might even do more harm than good.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and great butt workouts on her female fitness blog.

Learn some great tips on how to do Quad stretches for a track and field meet in this free sports events, stretching, and preparation video clip. Expert: Jabari Pride Bio: Jabari Pride started running track in 1993. The summer before entering into college at the University of Wisconsin, Jabari competed at the Junior Olympics in Baton Rouge. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Bodybuilding Chest Exercises – Tips on How to Increase the Size of Your Pecs

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Alex Rockson

Especially for men, having an expansive chest is something that they aspire for. Having a solid chest makes the male body look more proportional and stronger. Alas, not a lot of men are blessed with a solid-looking chest that gymnasts and swimmers seem to be naturally endowed with. Moreover, not a lot of people are into swimming or gymnastics. So, how can someone have an impressive looking chest without having to do a million laps on the pool or a hundred sets in the rings or pummel horse?

One great tip when doing bodybuilding chest exercises is to do two days dedicated to the body part. That’s actually quite a small part of a weekly routine, but it should be sufficient, so that the rest of the week can be set for the recovery of the chest muscles and make the area more muscular. One of the two days should be a dedicated all out day for chest exercises, while the other day should be a chest stretching day that includes exercises in high reps but low volume. Chest training involves a lot of strain on the shoulders, thus requiring hard core training only once a week. Doing too many chest exercises without sufficient rest may lead to injury. For the chest stretching exercises, cable flys are great because they stretch chest muscles but do not put too much tension on the shoulders.

One tip with chest exercises that people, especially those who are just in the beginning phases, to keep the movements simple and avoid experimenting with the movements. One can definitely experiment with the repetitions, but trying on weird movements when doing bodybuilding chest exercises will only waste time and does not help the chest building cause.

As with any other body part, a lot of people tend to value size more than any other factor. If they do not see that their chest has expanded in inches, they immediately conclude that their efforts were in vain. The truth is, size comes only after strength. When muscles are strong enough, then it is the time that they expand. This is why barbell presses are recommended over barbell presses, because barbells imply heavier weights and therefore, harnesses the strength of the person training.

Even with the dedicated full chest day, it would be great to finish off with stretching, to keep the muscles flexible and limber. Fascial stretching can be done, which is using lighter weights and lowering oneself to the chest’s end point, which sends signals to the fascia, which is a structure that is paper-like, and when opened up increases the potential of the growth of chest muscles.

So, one question that people who engage in bodybuilding chest exercises ask is when they will see the definition in their chest. The answer to this question really depends on the person’s chest size to begin with and diet, aside from the workout routine. With strength comes size, and with size will come the protruding veins and prominent cuts.

Are you looking for more information regarding bodybuilding chest exercises ? Visit http://www.muscle-building-quickly.com/ today!

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Common Misunderstandings About Ballet Stretches and Doing The Splits

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Dianne M. Buxton

I am flabbergasted at the misunderstandings being perpetuated about doing the splits. Ballet stretches taught properly help with muscle flexibility. Ballet exercises in soft shoes and pointe shoes all require the correct posture and alignments. Doing the splits for a jete or a penche does not come naturally to many dancers. So how do they make it look right?

One of the biggest reliefs I had when I went from amateur to professional training was that hips do not have to be square in a derriere (behind you) position. Including doing the splits.

I started my training in the R.A.D. system. I had natural turnout. It looked great except when I did a tendu (French word for stretched) derriere. We had to keep our hips square. In more advanced classes the developpe to the back, and attitude positions still looked terribly turned in. Naturally the students would go for height, which opened our hip. Our teacher would correct our hips, placing them back to a square position, and both the height and turnout looked miserable.

When I got into classes taught by teachers from The National Ballet of Canada, I was elated to find I could open my working hip. The waist, upper back and shoulders had to stay square, but not the hips. I finally and instantly had a professional looking line in arabesque, attitude, etc. When I explained how I had been taught they said “no one can do that!”

Another absurdity is that some people will never do the splits due to hip deformity.

Doing the splits depends on overall hyper-mobility. Not only hamstrings and quads need to be extremely flexible, but your postural muscles, the iliopsoas, needs to be very flexible. Hyper-mobility of the joints is an extra blessing for doing the splits, but creates a lot of problems too.

A professional ballet dancer will do whatever it takes to get a good line in a split jete or penche. Those who cannot do the splits perfectly open the hip more, and sometimes slightly bend the leg so that their foot lines up with the hip, and even though the entire leg is not lined up, the illusion of the splits is seen.

The hard and fast rules of ballet technique are for safety – for prevention of dance injuries. Getting the right line allows for accommodations that skilled teachers know how to teach.

Stretch after your ballet exercises when you are warm. Relax your muscles first. Use a rubber ball to knead out the worst tension. Then stretch gently in correctly aligned positions. You will improve your muscle flexibility, and you may end up doing the splits. But if you never do, it is not going to kill a dance career.

Get more safe technical advice found here in professionally written ballet manuals.

Click here for free articles on ballet shoes, pointe shoes, The Perfect Pointe Book, The Ballet Bible, how to get exactly the right fit, details about turnout, pre-pointe, dance books and DVD’s and more.

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The Benefits of Stretching

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Everyone can benefit from stretching. Everyone can learn how to stretch, in spite of age or flexibility levels. Most people acknowledge weight training and cardio exercise as important. Stretching is often left out or forgotten altogether. What people don’t know is how stretching impacts their everyday life. Activities we used to take for granted seem so difficult now. Something as simple as zipping up a dress can be such a challenge. A stretching program will help you regain your flexibility. It will lengthen your muscles and make doing your daily activities a lot easier.

Stretching should be part of your daily fitness regimen. Stretching increases your range of motion. Range of motion refers to the distance and direction a joint can move to its full potential. People who do stretching regularly generally have a better range of motion.

They can move more freely without the stiffness associated with age. Stretching also reduces muscle tension which can contribute to limited range of motion and muscle fatigue. It improves posture, mobility and general wellbeing. Stretching indirectly improves personal productivity. When you are flexible, you are more likely to accomplish your work more efficiently. Athletic ability is also enhanced. When you are flexible, your muscles are at their optimum strength.

Stretching should be an integral part of a workout program. Stretching exercises should be done before and after aerobic and weight lifting exercises. Most experts believe that stretching reduces post exercise muscle soreness. It moves out lactic acid and promote healing. Stretching exercises should be done after warming up your muscles. Try to stretch your muscles gradually. Learn to relax and breathe correctly when stretching. Incorporate this into your fitness program. Try to stretch daily so it becomes a habit.

Stretching provides stress relief because it relaxes tired, tensed muscles. It improves circulation, increasing blood flow to the muscles. Injured muscles benefit from improved circulation by decreasing healing time. Stretching increases muscle coordination and balance. As one gets older, balance and coordination is sometimes compromised. This can be managed with stretching exercises. Hold each stretch for at least 30 up to 60 seconds. Tightened muscles take time to lengthen safely. Don’t bounce as you stretch as it can cause small tears in the muscle. If a stretching exercise causes pain, you’re not doing it correctly. Any exercise that causes pain should not be continued. Conditions which prohibit you from stretching include joint sprains, fractured bones and acute muscle strains.

There are so many benefits to stretching. Some fitness programs like yoga consist mostly of stretching moves. Stretching comes naturally to us. We stretch upon waking up, when we are immobile for a certain period of time or when we just feel like it. It is the body’s natural way of destressing. So go ahead and stretch. It will do your body good.

For more health and fitness tips and insider advice on selecting home gym fitness equipment, visit FitnessArmory.com where we review all the latest products, like the Smooth 7.35 Treadmill and the Smooth 9.35HR Treadmill. We invite you to stop by and drop us a line if you have any questions.

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Penis Enlargement Exercises – Stretching Techniques to Increase your Manhood

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Abel Mens

There are a wide variety of stretching techniques in penis enlargement methods. Stretching techniques is considered one of the best penis enlargement exercises. Stretching the penis definitely increases its size. The first stretch exercise is very simple. It is the Side Stretch technique. Other techniques are performed during a sitting position while this one is not rather it is perform in a standing position.

Use your hand to grab the penis. Make an OK sign and pull the penis downwards. Stretch your penis straight down pointing the floor. Then try to pull your penis slowly with tension to the right side and then to the left side. Do this technique for another 99 sets, having 100 sets performed. Afterwards, take a rest at least 5 minutes. It basically stretches the ligaments of the penis that are attached to the pubis.

The next stretching technique is very unusual but proven good and definite results. This technique is called the Torso Stretch. In this exercise, you will be using your torso to stretch the penis. To start up the exercise, you should lie on the side of your body with your upper body is perpendicular to the legs. Then take and stretch your penis and pull it towards the anus. Now tuck it in between your legs and then close it. After that, you should try to straighten your torso. You could also straighten and bend your body more so that you could feel more stretch in it.

This exercise should be done for at least 5 minutes only for the beginners. This technique should be done without checking what is happening there. It must be there based on the given time. You should not check on it until the time is finished. After doing this process continuously for a month, you can double up the time range for it by doing it for about 10 to 15 minutes. You should notice that the glans of the penis has changed its color after performing this exercise. It just means that there is blood circulation is going and that is normal.

Abel Mens has been internet marketing for nearly 8 years. Come visit his latest website over at http://www.71speakers.net/ which helps people find the best 7.1 speakers and information they are looking for when doing home theaters.

Stretching Inner Thighs

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Lucas Charlotte

Exercising your body is a vital step in your life and you should ensure that you do the procedure thoroughly. Exercises help one to remain healthy, in good shape and thus the reason many physicians will recommend those fighting cellulites to do a lot of workouts on daily basis. Many fat deposits are found in the legs, especially the inner thighs which a widely ignored.

Whether you are receiving treatment for a leg injury or just warming for a sport activity, you should ensure that you stretch your inner thighs to keep them flexible and strong. However, this routine may be tiresome and demanding to some people but you should consider this as a way of keeping you body fit and your muscles strong. Before, you start stretching inner thighs there are a few inner thigh stretches which help in warming up and cooling your inner thighs and you should always begin with them and they are; Seated split stretch which is easy to do but it takes time for one to build the flexibility to stretch completely. The other stretch is the Cobbler

The Different Types of Back Stretching Appliance

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by David Eldridge

There could be all kinds of reasons why you might have found yourself in need of a back stretching appliance. It could be needed after an injury, there could be a necessity for stretching your muscles before working out, or a surgery may have left those lumbar muscles weak and susceptible to damage. No matter what the situation is, there is a gadget which will not just help, but in fact enhance the functionality of the various muscles stretching along the back side of the body.

Somebody that is into fitness adheres to the standard dictate of stretching their muscles prior to any form of intense exercise routine. This can not merely help in increasing performance, but may also enhance endurance and reduce the chance of injuries. Fortunately, it’s not hard to get a back stretching appliance which will assist you to effectively maintain the muscles of the back.

You will discover a variety of devices to choose from, with each one offering an effective means of improving the flexibility of the muscles of your back. They each provide different levels of difficulty and your preference will be dependent on a few factors.

The most straightforward kind of equipment will be a standard stretching mechanism. This equipment is easy to work with and can be bought at a price that suits just about any budget. The best thing about this device is that it may be utilized safely and efficiently with good results from only several uses. This is a well-liked means of relief for such things as back surgeries, pinched nerves, or even poor posture.

One more popular form of back stretching appliance is the inversion table. When using this apparatus you strap yourself in and then invert your body. It can be quite helpful for increasing blood flow to injured muscle tissue in addition to stretching out tight or injured muscles.

Back traction tables are also the perfect method of stretching those tight back muscles. With this particular equipment you just need to lay back on it and it will allow you to stretch backwards in a helpful manner. A lot of people like this equipment as a result of its ease of use and compact storage. This is the perfect device for someone whose back muscles are afflicted with continuous tension.

You will discover many stretching instruments to choose from. It is a wonderful approach to alleviating persistent backache and at the same time improving the flexibility of your back muscles. Relief will come fast when you find the back stretching appliance that’s right for you.

More and more people are experiencing debilitating back pain these days. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to manage back problems, including using a back stretching device. Get the facts about this type of apparatus at our Back Stretching Equipment site.

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Yoga Stretching Routine for Tennis Players

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Roxanne Daniels

Starting a stretching routine into your exercising will boost your results in any sports activity. Tennis demands cat-like reflexes with quick bursts of strength and swiftness. These types of short movements might not permit the muscle tissue to extend their full-length. When muscle tissues are strenuously used they come to be tight and can lose their elasticity unless correctly stretched. Yoga exercises may boost the body’s range of motion plus restore the elasticity of the muscle tissue. Without any muscle elasticity you will not be capable of performs at the greatest capability. A sound stretching routine can provide that edge on the court.

Using yoga techniques makes it possible to re-train the muscle tissues so they learn that it is acceptable to go beyond their usual restrictions. Nearly all tennis players perform in a continual state of muscle tension. Yoga trains our body to relax muscle tension. Learning to begin your match in a relaxed condition could mean obtaining an extra step on the ball.

Yoga breathing exercises may help improve endurance and energy. Whenever exerting in sports activities or exercise we frequently hold our breath as a way to create power. Yoga trains the body to produce strength via breathing control. Holding your breath at points of effort requires a lot of energy that may be made use of throughout long sets or matches.

It is possible to discover the appropriate breathing form when carrying out a yoga pose. Breathe out through the execution of any pose until you feel the muscles’ full length of stretch (maximum resistance). Under no circumstances hold your breath. Breathe normally and tune in to your body. Maintain the pose for thirty seconds, and then release the pose gradually. With continued practice of yoga poses you can soon be able to implement breathing techniques in day-to-day workouts.

The Spine TwistOne particular yoga stretch that would be ideal for tennis players would be the simple spine twist. Adding that in your stretching routine is wonderful, particularly for rotational sports activities. It helps increase overall flexibility in the shoulders, back and hips. Remember to implement the breathing technique to this pose. This stretch will allow you to maintain sideways mobility of your spinal column. It is easier to watch that one instead of to attempt to explain.

Mind & BodyAll the physical benefits associated with yoga, such as increased power, endurance, balance, and flexibility; help tennis players satisfy the demands of the activity. Your body is continuously being put out of balance while taking part in tennis. Your elbow and wrist take a beating plus your knees, calf muscles, and ankles. As we lunge for passing shots and during the serve your back gets twisted and jerked out of alignment. Anyone who has ever played sees that tennis is very challenging to your entire body. Adding a stretching routine in your training can assist restore the balance and suppleness to your muscle tissues. Try these types of yoga techniques to increase your mobility and give you the edge on the court.

1. Tree pose (vrksasana) to strengthen the thighs and legs, open the hips, and increase sense of balance and coordination. 2. Triangle pose (trikonasana) to strengthen and stretch out your hamstrings, open the chest area, and promote stability. 3. Warrior II pose (virabhadrasana II) to strengthen quads, calf muscles, and Achilles’ tendons; expand range of motion; and teach you to move through the hips.A complete body conditioning and flexibility stretching routine is crucial to the serious tennis player. Yoga techniques may be the advantage you’ll need in growing your game. Yoga can help your game on numerous levels, most notably working on your overall flexibility, strength, balance, injury avoidance as well as mind control, all that can enhance your tennis game and over-all well-being.

The information on the Stretching Routine website is available to everyone at no charge. Check out this valuable resource to get all the information you need in order to implement a safe and effective Stretching Routine into your daily activities.

Easy Yoga poses with basic stretching and simple body conditioning. After this 9 minutes session you will feel relax, restore and re-engerized! Buy this DVD www.yoga4man.com Namaste~ Vicki
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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