
January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Do you experience tight or tense muscles? Do you feel that even though you do your exercise at the gym, park, beach or home you still have these tight or tense muscles?
You may not be devoting enough time to stretching.
Stretching is as equally important as strengthening but how much attention do you pay to it? Most people are aware that they should be stretching but they dont do it enough. There are a few reasons for why this may be:
1.Too tired before or after work (or during!)
2.Not sure how to do it properly
3.Are afraid of pulling or tearing a muscle from attempting to stretch
4.Not enough time to stretch
5.Dont feel the need to stretch
6.Dont like stretching
7.Not sure why they should stretch
If you can relate to any of the above reasons, you are not alone and you are not in the wrong. These barriers to stretching are realistic and it is important to address these so you can get the most out of your stretching regime as possible. One of the priorities with stretching which can help overcome many of the above barriers is the education about stretching and the steps to take to perform it correctly. Once you are aware of how and why to do it, your insight becomes deeper and you are likely to enjoy it and do it more often.
To help you understand more about stretching, here are the benefits listed below much more than just ease of movement:
1.Increased Range of motion and flexibility of your muscles
2.Improved posture and posture awareness
3.Improved circulation
4.Maintenance of suppleness of muscle and healthy muscle tone
5.Reduced risk of injury and also reduced risk of falling
6.Relief from anxiety
7.Enhanced recovery
8.Relief from pain
9.Smooth and efficient function and movement
10.Improved breathing and awareness of breath
11.Enhanced relaxation and focus
12.Improved Quality of life
A sound musculoskeletal system will compliment every other system in your body and will also create a deeper awareness of your own body.
In my clinic I cater for your very own stretching session. I do this because I believe that all of the above mentioned benefits can be reached. It is a part of my mission to enhance body awareness, through education and empowerment, that I want to help people better understand this component of health. By using quality and good application, any age can achieve a good state of flexibility.
If you feel you have tight or tense muscles and you want to effectively stretch, give me a call and we can go through it together. The stretching you will learn here is practical and will help you at work, rest or play.
Please call 02 92 333 800 and ask for Ricky.
You can also email me at

George is an Author for Backonyourfeet, A natural Heath Clinic where highly skilled experts share their wealth of experience and range of alternative therapies like
Myofascial Release to help you achieve ultimate health and wellness.
For more information, visit

Overview of the Zoga Stretching Routine

December 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Roxanne Daniels

The Zoga daily stretching routine is said to relieve joint discomfort and stiffness and decrease muscle spasms. It is usually created to boost energy, lessen stress and raise range of motion. Furthermore, the stretching routine will lengthen muscles, decompress joints, improve posture and increase athletic performance. Here is a detailed summary of the Zoga Stretching Routine.

What is Zoga Stretching?Zoga was developed by Dr. Suzanne Osborne of Pure Life Inc. Dr. Osborne is also the author of the book “Pure Life, The Pura Vida Journey”. She’s a retired Doctor of Chiropractic and is now an active holistic health and fitness instructor.

If done daily, these low-impact stretches will boost your flexibility. Also, lots of people claim that it simply makes them feel better. There are plenty of stretching routines currently available; however Zoga is different because in place of concentrating on just one body part it is more like a fairly easy variation of Yoga. You move your entire body to make a sweeping circuit of stretching as opposed to individual stretches. Zoga uses physical therapy and treatment type stretches.

Everyone can perform the Zoga stretching routine to increase flexibility in a quick and easy manner without much thought; yet it’s designed in a specific structure to relax some joints and muscles prior to stretching others. Zoga stretching routine can be finished within 8-10 min’s a day, split into 2 parts. Part 1 is standing up and part 2 is completed on the floor. Some people choose to get started with part two right off the bat each morning, when still in bed. This is particularly handy for seniors or those struggling with lower back pain or joint disease.

Don’t be worried about going to a work out center for these stretches. All you need is just a little area to stretch out plus a thick pad. The more padding the better it is. To start:

1. Take off your footwear.2. Put on loose, comfortable clothing.3. Minimize disturbances. Turn off your cell phone ringer if you possibly can. You can also turn on some comforting songs.

Attempt to get into a regular program. As stated by Dr. Osborne, repeating the exact same routine daily can help enhance neurological path ways and alerts your body to unwind all the more deeply.

Breathe deeply. Stay in front of any full length mirror when possible to examine your form. Gradually you are able to close your eyes while you execute the stretching routine to help you enhance your concentration.

Execute each stretch two times consecutively. Once you become familiar with the routine, you may want to increase the amount of repetitions. For exercises having a left to right motion Dr. Osborne says to “always move toward the left side first. Go to the left side first, and then go to the right side. For example, if you are stretching your back by bending to the side, then you would reach with your right hand and bend to the left side first.”

She also suggests not to count during the stretching routine. Rather it must be more about relaxing and it should be a calming experience. Hold the stretches so long as you comfortably can. Understand the routine so each stretch goes into your next one.

The whole Zoga stretching routine involves your warm up, then your standing up stretches of lower back, neck, shoulder, “swimming” stretches, and “fencing & chopping wood” stretches. Going at this moment on the mat, the stretches incorporate low back warm up, raise and twist and then the runners stretches. The stretching routine is ended with a cool down.

The information on the stretching routine website is available to everyone at no charge. Check out this valuable resource to get all the information you need in order to implement a safe and effective stretching routine into your daily activities.

Anti Aging Benefits Of Stretching Exercises- Why Stretch Muscles?

December 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Chris Chew

In many exercise programs, be it weight lifting for building and toning muscles or cardio vascular exercises for increasing stamina and to lose weight, most people do not perform enough stretching exercises even though stretching exercises can be performed by anyone at any age unless that person has some physical restriction to stretch. What is worse, many people do not even stretch before and after exercising. Unknown to most people, stretching also has anti aging benefits.

*Benefits of stretching exercises for muscle growth

Stretching is an important aspect of exercising and should be a part of any exercise routine and program. There are many wonderful benefits when you perform regular stretching exercises. Stretching exercises not only help you to warm up and cool down before and after your workouts, it can and will actually help your muscles to grow bigger and stronger too. Don’t believe me? Then read on.

Stretching exercises help muscle growth because stretching lengthens your muscles and thus giving your muscle fibers a greater range of motion when lifting weights. So in effect, it recruits more muscle fibers and thus causing your muscles to grow stronger and bigger from your weight training.

By stretching your muscles after an intensive workout will reduce muscle soreness commonly known as DOMS (delayed onset muscle sore) which usually occurs a day after your workout.

Performing stretching exercises before your workout or before a physically demanding sporting activity will also decrease your chances of sustaining injuries and muscle cramps which will certainly destroy the joy of your activity.

When you stretch regularly, stretching exercises will help you gain agility which will make your daily chores much more pleasant and if you play sports, you will notice your agility is much better than others who do not stretch. This will put you in a more beneficial position against your opponents.

*Anti Aging Benefits Of Stretching Exercises

If you are a baby boomer and age is catching up, this agility will make your life so much more pleasurable because you will be able to avoid stiff muscles and stiff joints unlike your peers who do not stretch. You will be more mobile, agile and suffering from less pain associated with aging and stiff body parts. These anti aging benefits from stretching regularly are priceless. Benefits that money can never be able to buy.

What is more, you can stretch anytime any where as and when you like. Stretching exercises need not be limited as a pre and post workout activity. So start a stretching exercise routine soon and make it part of your everyday lifestyle. You will surely enjoy the pleasures and anti aging benefits that a regular stretching routine can bring you.

Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of actors, pageant winners, fashion models and other celebrities. His websites Enjoy Fitness and Great Health Forever and Fitness Trainers In Singapore

Penis Enlargment With Pictures 2 Dark Secrets To Giving Her The Most Explosive Orgasms Ever (And You Almost Didn’T Know About It)

December 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by vernonmeucci

See if your partner notices that your erections are more stimulating last longer and help her enjoy the moments as much as you. In fact you may have to get used to her initiating intimacy more often.

Confidence is something every person needs to do different things in life. And one of the things that need confidence is to be able to have sex comfortably and to make your partner just beg for more from you. And just how does a man exude confidence in the bed? How to make her beg for more? Nothing much is required just a big penis. In fact women are said to be able to read a man just by their facial expressions to find out how confidence they are in their day to day activities and in the bed.

Don’t you just wish you could measure up where it matters most and finally make your penis bigger stronger? The truth is a larger and more powerful manhood can be yours in just 8 minutes a day. Sounds far-fetched? It doesn’t need to be as it’s certainly a reality with tens of thousands of men getting sensational sizes through one single method that has stood the test of time.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long. Enlarge your penis now >>

A growing concern with men about their libidos is spreading across the globe. When a man begins to lose his virility it causes anxiety and stress which only makes the problem magnified. The manufacturers use the media to hype their products so that gullible men reach out for the products that they ensure will enlarge penis naturally.

What would you do to grow your penis bigger? By using suction pumps? Swallowing pills? Wishful thinking? I am willing to bet that all the above methods do not bring about any effective result. At least I know for sure that doing stretching exercises on your penis will end you up with a permanently bigger AND fitter manhood for life!

It’s time to accept the reality that women prefer a big penis. The fact is that a longer penis is usually a thicker penis and a thicker penis is capable of properly stimulating the nerve endings in the vagina. So what can you do to make your erection bigger? First stop buying penis pills! They don’t work! And guess what else doesn’t work? Penis pumps. Yep. The good news is that there IS a way to get both longer and thicker for like. The better news is that you only need your own two hands. Allow me to back up my claim.

If you are still wondering whether to try surgery pills or extenders then you are behind the times! There is now a new approach to getting a bigger penis and the great thing about it is that it’s 100% natural. That means you will never have to worry about the issue of safety and you needn’t question whether it will work or not – because it’s already been scientifically proven to be a success!

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed! Enlarge your penis NOW >>

Why A Golf Stretching DVD Is Not The Answer To A Better Golf Swing

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Mike Pedersen, CPT

A golf stretching dvd can and would be a very effective way to improve your golf swing technique, power and overall performance…but you can’t forget one very important factor to make these results lasting!

The main reason you can’t just look for a golf stretching dvd is the critical component of strength specific to your golf swing. You see…improving your flexibility with a golf stretching program, without the implementation of golf strength exercises will not warrant long-term flexibility gains.

Picture a rubber band for a second. Keep stretching it and stretching it. What happens? It breaks down and eventually snaps in two.

You muscles are the same thing. You can keep stretching your muscles, but unless you improve your strength in those newfound ranges of motion, they won’t be permanent results. In fact, just doing a golf stretching dvd could be detrimental to your performance by exposing your muscles to injury.

The wisest purchase would be a golf exercise dvd that incorporates both stretching AND strengthening exercises. Now you will see permanent results! You won’t be wasting your time in hopes of a better golf swing.

You’ll see a much higher level of power, accuracy and overall consistency. I am always surprised when a senior golfer says he/she needs to work on their flexibility, and the term strength is not put in there.

We know from statistics the human body loses range of motion AND strength every year that you don’t maintain it. The “use-it-or-lose-it” phrase comes to mind and it’s a true one. Your muscles were meant to be used, not just lay dormant and inactive throughout your later years.

When you start to really understand how the human body works, you’ll have a different outlook on your golf performance program. You will no longer think that the answer is a golf stretching dvd.

Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his golf fitness exercise site – Perform Better Golf.

Recommended in MORE magazine! Buy this Annette Fletcher DVD at
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Find More Stretching Dvd Articles

Stretch Band Workouts Stretch Bands

December 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Angela Rubicsa

Most Stretch Bands are between 15mm and 60mm thick and are 10cm to 20cm wide. The thicker the Stretch Band the larger is its resistance. Newcomers should thus utilize a thinner band (usually coloured yellow or green), intermediates should utilize a medium thick band (usually red and/or blue) and complex customers may choose too high resisting ranges (black, gold, gray, violet). The color code may change between varied brands and materials, thus look scrupulously on the colour code that applied to the actual stretch resisting band.lower body structure squatGrab a grip of the band together with your ft shoulder width apart, maintaining your torso straight. Stand on the band whilst your hands are holding it in a half bicep curl. Lower yourself lightly untilThe final piece is the cost. Dumbbells can be expensive, in particular when you keep consuming heavier ones since the progressions in your particular workouts. Do not turn into surprised in case you spend around $ 150 for a set of dumbbells weighing 20, 30, 40, and fifty lbs.The health important things about resistance bands are many and much reaching. The low effect movements build joint force with out inflicting damage, as workouts similar to pushups are prone to do. These movements build lean, drawn-out muscles, that are more attractive than the bulky muscle tissue created by weight training. The process that builds this muscle also will improve your versatility and range of motion. Following the muscle is built, your body can certainly burn much more calories (and stored fat) than it did before.What is also exceptional about stretch bands is that you can shop their particular needs away and transportation them easily. It does not take a lot of effort to hang their situation in a closet right after a workout. In case you are a businessperson who is usually traveling, owning stretch bands are perfect for letting you exercise routine on the way and not needing to concern yourself with lugging around heavy weights.Stretch bands do have a drawback. The just one drawback is that they are likely to stretch out and lose their elasticity over time. My bands have made it via 2 rounds of P90X and are only now beginning to lose a number of their elasticity. Not bad for $ 40!

Phillip Meyette is an specialist on Stretch Band Workouts who also discloses strategies angeles family los law offices,las vegas weather november,florida gators roster and other associated topics at TAG Heuer Men s

Types of Stretching

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Jonathan Blood Smyth

The limitations in flexibility which people exhibit are of interest to a large group of professions from medicine to physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. Yoga and other eastern traditions have employed stretching techniques called asanas for thousands of years although this was not their primary purpose. The eastern martial arts, such as karate, judo and taekwondo, also emphasise flexibility in the performance of these comprehensive martial ways of living. Flexibility is not precisely defined but in anatomical terms it mostly refers to the ability of joints to go through a particular range of motion.

Ballistic versus Static Stretching

Stretching, when you get down to details, has a lot of controversial and uncertain matters which are unresolved. The pros and cons of static and ballistic stretching is one discussion point. Static stretching is overwhelmingly more common but most activities and sports have a large dynamic component so ballistic stretching may reflect more accurately the actual physical challenges. Ballistic stretching can be more interesting and reduce the boredom associated with static regimes.

Ballistic stretching does have severe possible negative characteristics which can limit their usefulness. Rapid elongation of a muscle and the accompanying connective tissues means the tissues do not have the time they need to adapt by more permanent lengthening as using longer periods of low force stretching has been shown to be more effective. Muscles which are stretched quickly can react by reflexly contracting to prevent injury, limiting elongation. If the movement develops much momentum this can cause forces which overwhelm the tissues’ tolerances.

Stretching Statically

Static stretches are performed by holding a position for a specific period of time, either once or several times. Controlling the position is important as is eliminating any velocity of movement and holding the static position carefully. Joints and tissues have been shown to increase their ranges of motion or length in response to static stretching. This technique is easily performed and requires very little effort, perhaps reducing muscle soreness or providing other potential benefits which are not yet supported by any evidence.

Whilst effective, static stretching is often used alone without thinking about any requirements for ballistic performance in an activity or sport. There have been many supposed benefits and these include:

Warm up is enhanced by stretching. As stretching does not increase the temperature of contractile structures this seems not to be the case.

Cool down is enhanced by stretching. The mechanism of cooling down is to facilitate the diversion of blood from the exercising muscles back into the circulation. Passive stretches cannot achieve this.

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is relieved by stretching. This idea has not been supported by any evidence.

Performance in athletics and sport is improved by stretching. Dynamic flexibility is more closely allied to athletic ability and static stretching has little evidence to support this idea.

Stretching helps to prevent injury. While lack of flexibility can be associated with increased injuries, stretching has not been connected with a reduction in this risk. Recent research has indicated that stretching before exercise might actually increase the chances of injury rather than reduce them.

In physiotherapy movements of the patient are classified in slightly different ways and this can also be applied to stretching. If a person moves their joint through a range of movement the movement is said to be active, in other words performed by the person themselves. If the physiotherapist moves a person’s limb for them entirely the movement is said to be passive, performed by somebody else. Stretching can be looked upon in the same way.

Active physiological stretching occurs when the patient lifts their arm up using their own muscles, automatically stretching the muscles and joint tissues which oppose the active muscles. Physiological movement is the normal movement we are all familiar with and if active range is not full the physiotherapist will investigate why from the reasons which include pain, weakness or stiffness. The treatment of the joint will be partly determined by the result of the passive physiological tests ” if the joint moves fully under the physiotherapist’s effort then weakness is the likely cause of limitation as the joint can move well. Physiotherapists also employ accessory movements in treatments, facilitating the small slide and glide movements which occur in normal joint motion.

Jonathan Blood Smyth is the Superintendent of Physiotherapy at an NHS hospital in the South-West of the UK. He writes articles about back pain, neck pain, and injury management. If you are looking for physiotherapists in Harpenden visit his website.

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