Women Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Weight Training and Supplements (Exercise, weight training, weight loss and whey protein)

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Gerald Fitz

What is the best way to burn calories? Does your body burn more calories running on a treadmill for forty minutes or weight training for thirty? The answer may surprise many people. Studies have found that people will burn more calories weight lifting for thirty minutes than running on a treadmill for forty. This is due to the fact that when people weight train the body is breaking down and then rebuilding muscle. Through the proper weight training workout program people will build strong lean muscles. The body burns large amounts of calories when it constructs lean muscles, more than when it is actively working during a cardiovascular exclusive workout.

Now this information is good to know for anyone who is looking to burn more calories and lose more weight; however, many women read about these studies and think,

MMA Weight Training Routines

December 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

MMA Exercise Training Routines and Techniques That Increase Cardio and Power

If MMA Fighters that want to increase their Weight Lifting Systems – the only way to do this, is to copy techniques that MMA fighters have used daily, to get prepared for real matches. And listening to some nobody – that has never even seen a fight – isn’t your best bet.

But if you want to break out, and learn all these, this is what you need:

Here is what your MMA Weight Training Routine should do for you:

Strengthen your Core

Build Stamina – So that you STILL have Alot of energy AFTER the fight

Learn How and When to do every routine and exercise – Including lifting

Help you to Avoid Injuries

Save you time – Get more done in less time

Teach you how to TRAIN -and not just “Workout”

Teach you how to PEAK just in time for your fights

And basically -You will have STRUCTURE in your training routines

The main thing you need top do, is come up with a way to maximise your efforts.

Its about less work and added cardio.Too many times fighters think that the more we work the better results. Thats why we need a real MMA Training Method. One that is about getting the most out of every session – while increasing every aspect of the fighters – basically power and cardio, is more important than how many inches your biceps are. Do you think Muhammed Ali cared about the size of his chest or arms? 

No, he just wanted to be in better shape than his opponents.

Everyone of them. And that’s what I think makes this MMA Weight training routine so special. The Guy that made it -Eric Wong – is only worried about making you a better fighter.

He has been apart of MMA fighting for a long time -and you can finally learn from these experiences. You get to copy these Training techniques – step by step. Do exactly like other MMA fighters, that are training , using these same techniques.

What makes this MMA Weight Training Routine so unique, and so in-depth, that it will provide you with more than ANY other routine:

How to develop power and endurance in your aerobic, anaerobic lactic and anaerobic alactic energy systems.

More strength and power in all the major movement patterns, like: Lunge, bend, push, pull, squat, and twist.

Improve isometric endurance

Improvement in all 7 Biomotor abilities.

Sagittal transverse and frontal plane core stability and lots more.

There are so many of the most impressive professional training techniques, that you will again waste your time doing useless weight training exercise that are just huge time wasters. Learn how to be professional and be able to totally handle all opponents in the ring – and you will understand why some of the best fighters, use the same trainers – most of the time, its the Weight Lifting Methods .

You can have the keys to the same Weight Training Methods – That Increase Power- and will work for you to.

You can check out some great ab and cardio routines that many MMA Fighters use on a weekly basis here:

Here is an overview of some of the techniques that are used by MMA Fighters everywhere- MMA Exercise TipsMMA Training Routine – Here is the review of Eric Wongs Ultimate MMA Training Routines

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Weight Training For Defensive Backs

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Defensive backs are usually the most all around athletic players on the football field. A defensive back must keep up with a receiver, watch the quarterback, play zone, come up on run support, blitz and make tackles on larger players. Defensive backs are expected to be the fastest players on the field while also generating explosive power to make big hits.

A weight lifting routine for defensive backs should reflect the demands made on them during the game. Defensive backs should train heavy, like a linebacker, but for speed, like a receiver. They need to be decisive, explosive and extremely strong for their lighter body weight.

Day 1
Push – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Defensive backs need shoulders and triceps more than anyone else on the field. They need to not only be able to bench press their own weight, but do it in explosive fashion.

Just imagine the surprised look on the receivers face when you go to bump on the snap and knock him on his butt.
Bench press – 5×5
Dumbbell bench press – 3×8
Incline press 5×5
Overhead dumbbell press – 3×8
Reverse cable crossovers – 5×5 – At the cable crossover station set the cables all the way at the bottom. Grip the handles over hand with opposite hand so that your arms are crossed in the starting position. Explosively pull up the cables across your body and out with your shoulders to end in a position like a lateral raise.

Day 2
Pull – Back, Biceps and Forearms
Defensive backs need a strong back and biceps to wrap up tackles. They also need powerful forearms to grab cloth and bring down ball carriers when they can’t wrap them up.
Dead lift 5×5
Dumbbell row 5×5
Lat pull down 5×5
Bicep curls 3×8
Finger curls 3×12 – Let the bar roll down to hand on the tips of your fingers, then close your hand to roll the bar back up into your palm.

Day 3
Legs – Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads and Calves
Defensive backs need powerful legs to drive through tackles and keep up with receivers. They must train for power as well as speed to be successful and well rounded on the field.
Split squat 5×5
Speed squat 3×8
Hang clean 5×5

Stiff leg dead lift 5×5
Leg curls 3×8
Jump calf raises 3×12 – holding dumbbells in each hand jump up using only your calves.

Remember to keep all exercises explosive to build power. Heavy weight does you no good if it is lifted slowly. Do proper warm ups and stretch during your cool down so that you can keep up with more limber receivers.

Learn more about strength training at http://www.alternativefit.com

BodyTogs are weighted “sleeves” worn under clothing on the calves and forearms to increase the weight load. A full set of arm and leg BodyTogs adds from six to seven pounds of weight, depending on size. These extra pounds automatically increase the calories you burn throughout the day. Whatever you do – from walking the dog to cleaning the house or climbing stairs – BodyTogs turns it into a calorie-burning workout. BodyTogs feature an innovative “no-show” design that fits snugly and comfortably under loose clothing. You can wear them everywhere – and no one needs to know.

Weight Training Program For Men – Rockstar Body Training

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Men are always up for a challenge, whether it is in life or inside the weight room. Weight training program for men gives them a sense of accomplishment. This is designed to push their mental and physical limits both at the same time. This will allow them to cut off unwanted body fats in their body as quickly as possible. For those men who are ready for intense and extreme workout routine, Lactic Acid Training is the best and perfect workout plan.

Click Here For Rockstar Body Training Instant Access Now!

Lactic acid training for fat loss is created to work with the professional and some Olympic athletes known in different sports. It is good best for the physical transformation of most NFL players. This type of program is known to perform by condensing high levels of physical activities into a small timeframe and intervals.

This way, the body will put into an oxygen deficit that will later result in greatly increase of lactic acid production. By doing this, it will result to increase of growth hormones output to maximal levels, which later on will enhance muscular size, strength and rapid fat loss all at the same time.

Lactic Acid Training is done on a five day workout program cycle. As for example, day one will consists of back and chest workout, day two will concentrate on the legs, day three will be your rest day, day four will focus on your shoulder and arms and day five will be your second rest day. By doing this, you will be able to alter the workouts you are doing in a week, making this type of program great for people who want to lose weight seriously. You need to perform any series of workout in back-to-back circuit exercise with just minimal amount of rest.

All of your routines will mainly focus on the main muscle groups of your body for the day.

Keep in mind that this form of training is really intense. So make sure to always give your 100% for each training session. As you can see, the workout is so demanding that you need to do it in a 5 day cycle. By completing this program within the month, you will see that all of your efforts and hard works are all worth it.

Weight training program for men might be difficult, but if you will have the right amount of motivation and good sets of goals you will achieve it.

Click Here For Rockstar Body Training Instant Access Now!

Alice Miller writes about Lower Body Workout For Women and Body Workout For Men And Women Review

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Weight Training Workout Program

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Walking into a gym can be very frightening and the whelming of the first time. Doubts and questions that race through your mind. What exercises I do first? How should I warm up? Am I the exercises correctly performing? Are these people laughing at me? What I do and goes to give me the results I want?

In an effort to obtain, in the form to show the beginners to weight training to the gym with no clue on what to do or even where to start. You have the right attitude and commitment, however, the tendency to disappear quickly if the results they never want to show. So, if you are a beginner at the gym, where do you start? How to get the results you want? First you need a plan of attack.

Before you even go to the gym, you should know which exercises you will do what muscle group to train you and do the exact number of sets you will. Without a plan you plan to fail. To achieve this, you must have a default weight-training program. Your weight training program should include, what muscle groups are trained each session, what exercises are carried out to target this muscle and perform how many sets of each exercise, you will. With a predetermined training plan, you can get into the gym with a sense of confidence and minus the confusion of knowing what is not going to do. You can find free weight training courses over the Internet, just check whether the training program you choose something you feel comfortable and right with each muscle group in the body, aimed at least once a week.

However, what if you have no clue on how to do the exercises? Well, you have two options here. Make a personal trainer or, do your homework and research. For those who can afford a personal trainer, they can help to teach you how to do each exercise in your program. Once you get comfortable and learn each exercise, you can give them the flick. For those who consider the DIY option, there are a ton of free resources on the Internet that can teach you how to do each exercise in your program.

As with everything in life, leads the planning always reach your goals much faster. And, for a beginner to the gym, the same holds true. By planning ahead your training, you spend less time wondering around on, confused in the gym and more time to achieve what you set out to do. Is building muscle! This particular exercise video guide shows how to do each exercise in the gym and explain how it really performs.

For free weight training program, diet and a complete beginners guide to getting in shape, visit http://newschooltraining.com

Free fitness programs here – Weight Training for Beginners

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Useful Secrets On Body Weight Training

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Russ Pentignerfel

Bodyweight training is often a great technique to get a lean body along with continue being in shape. Specially when you don’t have use of typical weight lifting devices such as dumbells or some other weight equipment such as cables.

Bodyweight training is definitely scarcely new issues. It’s been around for 1000’s of years. The problem is the fact that at some time around the center of the twentieth century, individuals began to appear towards accelerating resistance weight training exercise with weights simply because the only way of undertaking condition. This definitely is ill-fated due to the fact body weight training plans can easily often provide a whole wide range of positive aspects. The good thing is, way back when 10 years end result an increase in the value of bodyweight weight training routines.

Body weight training workouts are quite diverse nevertheless the actual traditional, typical body weight exercises for instance push-ups, chinups, pull-ups, leg squats, as well as sit-ups may deliver substantial increases as well as enhancements of muscle as well as strength development. To put it merely, adhering using the fundamentals alone may deliver tremendous good achievement from individuals looking to attain increases in strength, endurance, along with additional this kind of advantages.

Bodyweight training truly is simple, they may be carried out nearly anywhere in addition to anytime with no need for using complex equipment. A body weight workout might be completed in even only just a little space. The easy fact it is so convenient and low-tech does not detract in the fact it is probably probably the most impressive methods to obtain rid of body fat. You’ll find no costly gym subscriptions to bother with either. Whilst carrying out a bodyweight training session your heartbeat increases and then decrease during a time period. This is the way you burn body fat, by growing and lowering your heartbeat inside a short time.

Bodyweight Training for body fat loss could be achieved by mixing 3 to six different body weight exercises to create a circuit. This is when you will get creative and compliment the routine to satisfy your physical demands. The amount of each exercise and also the time you relaxation might be left your decision. And, the number of occasions you want to repeat the circuit.

Body weight training offers a number of benefits on the “traditional” gym workouts. Whilst most of the classic weight raising workouts are isolation motions (make snuggle, for instance), body weight workouts are compound actions, therefore working many muscles at the same time. Since balance is involved with these exercises, in addition they build good muscle mass control, making with regard to practical strength. It makes sense the more powerful, more stable primary, along with higher general entire body control. This decreases your chance associated with injuries throughout day to day activities. Furthermore, bodyweight instruction could be accomplished nearly anyplace, which causes it to be friendly with regard to regular visitors and individuals within a strict budget.

Bodyweight training, just like each workout routine, must consider fitness level and also development. Persistence outcomes in improvement, and finally exercises or activities will decrease within their capacity to challenge you because you’ve modified. Progression (or alter of stimulus) every 4 to eight days is essential which you ought to still see results. Further, objectives like elevated strength might need adding equipment or weights as soon as you are proficient generating use of your own bodyweight as resistance.

Read a lot more excellent articles or blog posts by visiting resistance bands exercising and entire body routines

Benefits of Weight Training For Women

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Paul Yost

Weight training for women is still a fairly non-existent subject. This is because women typically don’t perform much, if any, weight training exercise in comparison to their male counterparts. Almost every gym I’ve ever been to has the same dynamic — women on cardiovascular machines and men on the weights. This is due to a number of factors, but weight training for women should definitely be incorporated into any fitness endeavor.

Why Women Don’t Weight Train

1. Fear of Big Bulky Muscles

This is easily the number one reason why women don’t weight train. I completely understand why. There aren’t all that many men that want a woman with huge legs, a big muscular back and bulging biceps. The main problem with this idea is the fact that most women don’t produce enough testosterone to cause this effect. If you still don’t believe me, just think of all the gyms packed with young males trying to get HYUUUGGGEE with little success. If a hormonally advantaged male can’t get jacked, why do you think you can overnight?

2. The Environment

Let’s face it, most women don’t weight train all that seriously at your typical gym. That means the male to female ratio is largely skewed. This intimidates many women from using the equipment. Some of it could be lack of training knowledge, but I think most of it has to do with the screaming and clatter of weights.

3. Social Aspects

I all ready said it before, but most women don’t weight train so there aren’t any other women to talk to. Not that I think it should be a huge social event, but many women would like a training partner or at least someone to talk to.

4. The Media

Media gimmicks will have you believe all that you need is something simple. It could be a supplement, a piece of cardio equipment, a piece of plastic to squeeze, etc. to reach your fitness goals. I have news for you; Very little of this stuff will get you the results you’re after. In fact, most of it is useless crap!

The Benefits

1. Increased Muscle Mass

Yes, I said it. Most women need to build muscle to reach their goal. Why? Because most women have very little muscle mass to provide much bodily shape. Having more muscle also increases the metabolic rate, increasing the number of calories burned daily. Obviously, this is a desired benefit.

2. Increased Strength

Most women need more strength. Having higher levels of strength will enhance daily productivity and make ADL’s (acitivities of daily living) easier.

3. Maintenance of Muscle Tissue

The bodies main purpose is to remain as efficient as possible. When in a caloric deficit, muscle mass can be sacrificed due to it’s high caloric cost. Muscle tissue is desired because of it’s shaping properties as well as it’s energy consuming effects.

4. Increased Energy

Weight training also stimulates metabolic changes. Metabolically speaking, weight training promotes enhanced energy through increases in muscle oxidative capacity.

5. Decreased Risk of Osteoporosis

Often, this is the last thing women worry about when embarking on any kind of exercise program. Cardiovascular exercise itself is limited in promoting bone growth. Weight training is a highly favorable choice.


If not, you should be. Weight training for women is very important for both short and long-term health. It also provides desirable changes in a woman’s physique which you probably care more about.

Paul Yost is the Owner/Operator of Paramount Fitness Training, a fitness company based in Houston, TX. He also works as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in professional baseball. Find more about his services and information at: http://www.personaltrainersinhoustontexas.com

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