How Can Women Benefit From Weight Training?
July 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
When it comes to weight training, it is not uncommon that many women are easily put off from the idea of doing it. One of the main reasons is the fear of putting on muscle bulk which is not very likely due to the lack of testosterone hormone in the female body. Weight training do not build bulky muscles in women but it certainly has many benefits in terms of health and fitness for women. The following are the 5 main benefits of weight training for women.
Prevent Osteporosis
Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass due to the loss of calcium. This will weaken the bone and cause the bone to break easily. Unfortunately, women often suffer more from this than men due to loss of estrogen after menopause. By starting strength training early, it can prevent and delay the effects of osteoporosis.
Prevent Sarcopenia
Sarcopenia refers to the loss of muscle size and mass that leads to the declining strength with increasing age.
With loss of strength, it can lead to potential fall injuries and loss of function. As women started off with less muscle fibers than men, they are dramatically affected by sarcopenia as they aged. Strength training can help greatly reduced effects of sarcopenia and improve function. Therefore, it is important for women to engage in such training early in life.
Increase Metabolism
In terms of weight management, it’s advantageous to have high metabolism as it would mean that the body is very capable of burning high amount of calories. This is crucial because you would have to exercise more to burn the same amount of calories compared to someone who has a higher metabolism than you. With proper weight training, it can kick up your metabolism.
Improve Toning
Weight training not only gives your metabolism a big boost, it also tones the body.
Because of the higher metabolism, higher amount of fat calories are expended at rest that results in the melting of the body fat. When the excess fat is removed from the body, it allows you to show the tones in the body.
Improve Functional Strength
Most importantly, our quality of life is much affected by out functional strength. Without functional strength, we will find it hard to carry our groceries, move your furniture in your home, squat and lean over to pick up your baby and walk up the stairs. Strength training basically improves your abilities to carry out our daily chores. And especially for women who can lose their muscular strength quite easily, it is even more important to do weight training.
TC is a Perth personal trainer and bootcamp instructor who serves the City of Nedlands, Claremont and Subiaco in Western Australia. He specializes in women fat loss Perth program and runs a boot camp catered to that. For a week of FREE access to his boot camp, please visit his Perth women boot camp website.
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Weight Training Routines For Skinny Guys And Girls
July 5, 2012 by admin
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Article by Kim Johnson
Weight Training Routines For Skinny Guys And Girls – Health – Fitness
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Does looking at yourself in the mirror every morning depress you? If you look like someone who hasn’t eaten a decent meal for days, maybe you would be happy to know that you are not the only one with that particular problem and you can do something about it by following any one of the reliable weight training routines out there on the Internet or in magazines. Adequate weight training routines have the power to transform your appearance in weeks.If you are someone who does not put on lean muscle mass very easily, your weight training routines will be slightly different than those of most fitness enthusiasts. The techniques that will be used will have a few distinct features. The bodybuilding program will focus mostly on intense trainings and very little volume training. There are a few rules to the the distinguishable weight training routines which we will discuss rather elaborately.
If your body resists lean muscle mass, your weight training routines should be carried out in as short a period of time as possible. Don’t ever spend hours in a gym at a time. You will never grow no matter how good the bodybuilding routine you are using is. Most weight training routines require you to spend a lot of calories and you can’t afford to do that. As a general rule, you grow when you are resting. Your workout pattern should therefore promote long hours of rest. Obviously that does not mean you should take days off your training routine at a time, it simply implies that you need to include plenty of rest periods spaced out all along your weight training routines.
Don’t bother with isolated exercises like triceps extensions or chest flys. They are no good to you You are not allowed much time in the gym as we saw earlier so you need to concentrate on those weight training routines that will give you the best results. Your weight training routines should focus on compound lifts only, including squats, deadlifts, military presses and so on.
Other than that, there is something you should understand. As long as you act smart in the kitchen, you need not bother with cardio at all, much less with hours of cardio. Remaining lean is no problem for you so your weight training routines should dispense of cardio exercises as far as possible. In most weight training routies, cardio just goes on to enhance the burning of calories. Since calories is not one of your hot commodities, your bodybuilding program should completely ignore the treadmill among other things. If you want to include cardio in your trainings just for the sake of your health, you should spend at most twenty minute with the cardio exercises no more than 3 times a week.
You must make sure you maintain a proper and healthy form throughout your weight training routines. Sleep is absolutely essential and should not be neglected under any condition. Ideally you should book a session with a trainer to find those weight training routines that would work best for you.
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Alternately, you may want to check out the following website about weight training routines. Click here to access them. You can also check out our muscle building blog for even more information.
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Alternately, you may want to check out the following website about weight training routines. Click here to access them. You can also check out our muscle building blog for even more information.
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Why You Need Weight Training for Weight Loss
July 3, 2012 by admin
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Article by C Piccoli
Why You Need Weight Training for Weight Loss – Health – Weight Loss
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Have you been trying to lose weight, but you’ve been unsuccessful? Do you spend hours at the gym and yet your body doesn’t seem to change one bit? Then you need weight training for weight loss.
When you go to the beach, you notice the people who are completely fit. Their muscles are toned, they look healthy and strong. This is the ideal body that we all want, and the one we are actually designed to have.
In order to get a body like that, you need to put stress on your muscles. (You also need a good nutrition plan, but that’s a topic for another article!)
You see, cardio is absolutely important. It decreases your stress. It boosts your mood. It conditions your heart and makes it strong. And it just feels darn good to get up and move! Because weight loss is, in basic terms, burning more calories than you take in, you can certainly lose weight by doing cardio. But you want to look fit, right?
There are two problems with doing endless amounts of cardio:
#1. You get burnt out from it, and then you start to lose the mood-boosting benefits. 🙁 #2. It doesn’t stress your muscles enough and therefore doesn’t change the shape of your body. 🙁
Weight training for weight loss gives you maximum benefits because: #1. Stressing your muscles changes their shape, which in turn changes the shape of your body, making it look leaner and stronger. 🙂 #2. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest. 🙂
How to lose weight by weight lifting.
If you’re someone who’s stressed for time and money, I have great news for you. You do not need to join a gym to get the benefits of weight lifting! While that’s something you can certainly do if you enjoy going to the gym, it’s not necessary.
Here are a few other ideas of how you can stress your muscles, tone your body and lose weight – quickly and easily.
#1. You can purchase a piece of equipment that you can use at home. Find something that allows you to work plenty of muscle groups and that’s easy to set up.
#2. You can purchase a few sets of dumbbells and use them to do curls to work your biceps, kickbacks to work your triceps, chest presses to work your chest, lunges to work your legs and a variety of other challenging exercises to transform your body.
#3. You don’t need to purchase anything! You can simply use your body weight to get a fantastic workout. Think push-ups, planks, crunches, lunges, jumping jacks and squats. Do a search on the internet to find tons of exercises and videos.
How much weight-lifting is necessary for weight loss?
More good news! You really don’t need to do any crazy 3 hour weight-lifting sessions. Only professional body-builders really need that much weight lifting. (And even they might be overdoing it?)
You really only need about 15-45 minutes of intense weight training 2-5 days a week to get great results. A 15-minute workout that includes cardio (jumping jack squats, for example) can be a great 5 days a week workout. It’s quick and effective.
If you’d like to just work on your muscles and not rush through the process, then a slower 40 or 45-minute workout might be better for you. In that case, you probably would only need to do this type of training 2-3 days a week, alternating cardio on the other days.
You will most likely want to vary what you do. The more you change what you’re doing, the more your muscles will get confused, and the more areas you’ll work. Plus, you’re less likely to get bored. 🙂 So, continually change what you’re doing.
How will you know when your weight training is paying off?
Look in the mirror! Yes, that’s obvious, but you’ll notice the most changes by looking in the mirror. When you’re building up your muscles, you might not notice a huge change on the scale. That’s because muscle weighs more than fat. So don’t be concerned with the scale! Look in the mirror. Notice how your clothes fit. Notice how you feel. These are the factors that are most important when losing weight.
About the Author
C. Piccoli is dedicated to improving the lives of others by researching and presenting information related to weight loss, exercise, diet and nutrition. Go to for a recommended, convenient at-home weight training solution.
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C. Piccoli is dedicated to improving the lives of others by researching and presenting information related to weight loss, exercise, diet and nutrition. Go to for a recommended, convenient at-home weight training solution.
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Finding the Right Weight Training Shoes
June 29, 2012 by admin
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Article by Avern
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Wearing the right weight training shoes is as important as wearing loose clothing, especially if you’re working with free weights. Trying to life in the wrong pair of shoes is like trying to stand on a balloon while you do your weight training. The right pair of weight training shoes should allow you to lift as much weight as possible by maximizing the energy between the bar and the ground.
Shoes with gel or air may be great for avoiding the impact shocks of running, but they’ll dissolve the force you want to use against the floor to move your weights. The right weight training shoes will help you lift as much weight as you can. The wrong shoes will have the opposite effect.
What Makes a Good Weight Training Shoe? You need to be able to control the weight while standing during your workout. Shoes that put soft or compressible padding between your feet and the floor will create imbalances and give you inconsistent results. Good weight training shoes will give you a stable base for balance and stability while you’re lifting heavy weights.
Until the mid-70s, weight lifters used combat boots because they provided the right support. Today, dependable weight training shoes should fit snug, provide outstanding support, and have a non-compressible wedge sole with crepe or neoprene for traction. You’ll also want to look for laces that go all the way to the toe and an adjustable strap in the metatarsal area. The laces will let you adjust for foot width, and the strap will give better lateral support.
If you use weight training machines, you may not get the all benefits of good weight training shoes because the equipment doesn’t have the same requirements for balance and technique that you find with free weights.
Where Can I Find the Right Weight Training Shoe? Today, there is several weight training shoes on the market that work well. Adidas is the pioneer in the area. Prices range from $ 100 for the older brands to $ 170 for Adidas’ best.
Cheerwholesale has been doing shoe business for over 8 years now, we sell almost all kinds of sports shoes and casual shoes, such as Nike, Adidas, Timberland, DG and so on. We suggest you place a small trial order first and we are sure you can get the best quality shoes fast. Our website is: (Online Livechat)
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Avern is a sales in an online cheap China wholesale shoes, clothing, handbags company:
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Weight Training Routine And Protein Powder
June 27, 2012 by admin
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Article by Kim Johnson
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As a beginner to the whole weight training routine fuss, you most probably want to know all there is to the different protein powders out there. Do you really need to include those in your bodybuilding pattern? There is much hype and confusion that surrounds the use of protein powder. Some fitness magazines go as far as saying you absolutely need a certain type of protein powder to see results with your weight training routine. You might want to beware of this biased information. The success of your weight training routine does not depend on a particular protein powder brand.
Perhaps the first question you want answered is whether you absolutely need to include protein powder in your weight training routine so we’ll start by making clear that particular point. Protein powder is not a must for gaining lean muscle mass however, it is pretty impossible for you to manage 400 grams of protein from real food per day and you need that uptake to optimize your results from your weight training routine. Ideally all your body’s protein requirement should be met by your ingestion rate of meat, fish, poultry and eggs. But that is not practical or convenient for that matter. To top on your meals, three shakes per day is a good idea for satisfactory muscle gains following your weight training routine.
Here a good question you should be asking yourself is do the protein powders really work and how healthy are they really when complimenting a weight training routine? As seen above, protein powders are good to top up on your protein intake per day. Unless you have a 24/7 cook or something, it is not practical for you to have 6 meat or egg meals a day to meet the protein requirement of your weight training routine. As for whether the protein powders really work in harmony with your weight training routine, as you probably already know protein is composed of amino acids which assist the body in building and maintaining muscles. However, you need to be selective about your choice of protein powder to accompany your weight training routine, you might neglect those with funny ingredients such as fructose and artificial colourings.
So how much protein powder do you need to achieve the best results with your weight training routine. Ideally protein should be included in your diet throughout the day. Most fitness professionals recommend 1 – 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass with your weight training routine. From here it’s a little bit of mathematics really. If you are like 150 pounds and you believe you have a body fat percentage of 10%, you will require no less than 135-205 grams of protein per day. As common sense dictates, you can hardly get that off your daily balanced meals so you will need to include protein shakes alongside your weight training routine. A good piece of advice here would be not to replace your meals with protein shakes if you want to go through with your weight training routine.
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More is discussed about the importance of a well rounded weight training routine in a nice short video. Click here to gain access to it. For more general information you can visit our bodybuilding blog here.
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More is discussed about the importance of a well rounded weight training routine in a nice short video. Click here to gain access to it. For more general information you can visit our bodybuilding blog here.
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MMA Weight Training Routines
June 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
MMA Exercise Training Routines and Techniques That Increase Cardio and Power
If MMA Fighters that want to increase their Weight Lifting Systems – the only way to do this, is to copy techniques that MMA fighters have used daily, to get prepared for real matches. And listening to some nobody – that has never even seen a fight – isn’t your best bet.
But if you want to break out, and learn all these, this is what you need:
Here is what your MMA Weight Training Routine should do for you:
Strengthen your Core
Build Stamina – So that you STILL have Alot of energy AFTER the fight
Learn How and When to do every routine and exercise – Including lifting
Help you to Avoid Injuries
Save you time – Get more done in less time
Teach you how to TRAIN -and not just “Workout”
Teach you how to PEAK just in time for your fights
And basically -You will have STRUCTURE in your training routines
The main thing you need top do, is come up with a way to maximise your efforts.
Its about less work and added cardio.Too many times fighters think that the more we work the better results. Thats why we need a real MMA Training Method. One that is about getting the most out of every session – while increasing every aspect of the fighters – basically power and cardio, is more important than how many inches your biceps are. Do you think Muhammed Ali cared about the size of his chest or arms?
No, he just wanted to be in better shape than his opponents.
Everyone of them. And that’s what I think makes this MMA Weight training routine so special. The Guy that made it -Eric Wong – is only worried about making you a better fighter.
He has been apart of MMA fighting for a long time -and you can finally learn from these experiences. You get to copy these Training techniques – step by step. Do exactly like other MMA fighters, that are training , using these same techniques.
What makes this MMA Weight Training Routine so unique, and so in-depth, that it will provide you with more than ANY other routine:
How to develop power and endurance in your aerobic, anaerobic lactic and anaerobic alactic energy systems.
More strength and power in all the major movement patterns, like: Lunge, bend, push, pull, squat, and twist.
Improve isometric endurance
Improvement in all 7 Biomotor abilities.
Sagittal transverse and frontal plane core stability and lots more.
There are so many of the most impressive professional training techniques, that you will again waste your time doing useless weight training exercise that are just huge time wasters. Learn how to be professional and be able to totally handle all opponents in the ring – and you will understand why some of the best fighters, use the same trainers – most of the time, its the Weight Lifting Methods .
You can have the keys to the same Weight Training Methods – That Increase Power- and will work for you to.
You can check out some great ab and cardio routines that many MMA Fighters use on a weekly basis here:
Here is an overview of some of the techniques that are used by MMA Fighters everywhere- MMA Exercise Tips – MMA Training Routine – Here is the review of Eric Wongs Ultimate MMA Training Routines
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Cycling Diet
June 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Cycling diet is often overlooked by many cyclists, yet it is essential to maintain your health and fitness and in giving your body the right nutrients it needs to recover from heavy training sessions. If you’re going out on a long training run then ensuring you have the right cycling diet is important. You need to be sure you have enough energy inside you to complete your training session.
Fuel up before your training session, carry something to eat during it and you need to eat after the session to allow your body to recover from the hard work you have just put it through. A good cycling diet will facilitate all these things. Another good point is about weight loss. If you are cycling to lose weight then forget about the bathroom scales as your monitor and use body fat monitors instead.
This is because cycling reduces fat and builds muscles.
Muscle is heavier than fat, so if you use the scales to monitor your progress you will not see much drop in weight as the fat is reduced but the muscle increases. Using body fat monitors will give you a truer picture of your fat shedding progress. Your cycling diet should be based on good quality foods based on fresh ingredients’. A natural diet will involve more effort but is worth it for the returns you will get in higher energy levels and a more robust immune system.
Avoid fast foods, sugary pop drinks and instant meals which are full of fat and sugar. Your cycling diet should be based on fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and nuts. Balance is also crucial. Make sure your cycling diet includes a good balance of the right food groups. Carbohydrates, healthy fat products, protein and vitamins. A diet rich in these nutrients and well balanced will not only improve your cycling but will give you a great health boost generally. If you are using cycling to lose weight don’t skip meals. You need to keep enough energy stored to get through your training sessions. Skipping meals is a mistake. Just drop all the sugary rubbish and replace it with fresh foodstuffs. This along with hard cycle training will be enough to get rid of those excess pounds.
Look at your cycling diet as important as your bike and clothing in your cycling training. Get the balance of diet and training right and you will soon reap the benefits of increased endurance and improved health.
Paul is a lifelong cyclists and the author of the blog Defensive Cycling where he discusses all things cycling related from commuting to endurance training. Go to Defensive Cycling now and get your free book “Cycling for life”.
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Weight Training Equipment: How to Get Fit and Lose Weight
June 16, 2012 by admin
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Article by Bob Lachniet
Weight Training Equipment: How to Get Fit and Lose Weight – Health – Fitness
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Weight training equipment can help produce solid results from your exercise program. And, everyone is well aware of how That can get you fit and help you lose weight. But, is That enough?
For the best overall fitness program, you want to include both aerobic exercise and strength training. For the purpose of this article, we’ll focus on the latter. Specifically, we’ll discuss how weight training equipment can help give you a stronger and healthier body.
Why Strength Training?
For many people, using that equipment conjures up images of athletes or muscle-builders working out. In reality, strength training is something everyone should do, regardless of gender or age. That is one of the best ways to build muscle and lose body fat. And, it’s a great way to burn calories.
Using that equipment is especially important as you age. You lose muscle mass naturally over the years, so you need to focus on replacing it. If you don’t, you’ll end up with a higher percentage of body fat that could adversely affect your overall health. Strength training will help preserve and build muscles as you age.
You’ll also benefit from developing stronger bones. This is especially important for post-menopausal women who have to worry about osteoporosis. More muscle mass also protects your joints. With stronger bones and joints, you’re better protected from injury.
One of the major benefits of That is weight loss and control. As noted earlier, using That equipment can boost your metabolism and burn more calories. And the more you tone your muscles, the easier it will be to keep your weight in check.
People who regularly do that also report an increase in their stamina. They feel stronger and don’t get tired quickly. Some people also report a sharper focus. You can also reduce the problematic symptoms of many conditions including arthritis, diabetes, obesity, depression, back pain, osteoporosis and more.
Why Weight Training Equipment?
Building muscle often comes easier for people when they use that equipment. They can select from a wide variety of equipment types to find the best fit for their workout preferences. And, it’s easy to do that in your home or a gym.
For example, you can use classic that equipment like barbells and dumbbells. These are effective and economical.
However, many people prefer weight training machines that are easy to use and produce great results. Buying them for home use is what attracts a lot of users. You can get the same quality of that equipment to use in the convenience of your home that you often can find at a gym.
Home gyms come in all kinds of styles and price ranges. Visiting a store specializing in fitness equipment will help you explore your options and get sound advice for your particular situation.
The best thing about that is you don’t have to devote hours every day. In fact, most people benefit from training two to three days a week for 20 to 30 minutes each. With this level of commitment, you’ll begin to see results in a few weeks. Using that has the potential to get you in shape quickly and provide a ton of benefits for your physical and mental health.
About the Author
Bob Lachniet is the owner of, a leading online fitness equipment dealer specializing in treadmills, ellipticals, exercise bikes, home gyms and more. To find the best Weight Training Equipment – visit our site today.
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Bob Lachniet is the owner of, a leading online fitness equipment dealer specializing in treadmills, ellipticals, exercise bikes, home gyms and more. To find the best Weight Training Equipment – visit our site today.
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Your Weight Lifting Log Is Magic
June 11, 2012 by admin
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Article by Denny Waldarmo
Your Weight Lifting Log Is Magic – Health – Fitness
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Many casual exercisers, and even some hard-core bodybuilders who should know better, question why they should bother keeping a log of their weight training workouts.
Part of my job as a coach is to convince them that a weight lifting log is a “magic paper” second only in importance to the weights themselves for making rapid and steady progress in building muscles.
You might think it will be easy to remember, from one workout session to the next, such things as which exercises you did, how many pounds you lifted for each, how many sets and reps you did, etc. That’s what I thought when I started out weight lifting. Boy, was I was wrong.
I would go to the gym one day and then, on a return visit just two days later, find that I had only the haziest recollection of which exercises I had done before, not to mention specifics such as poundage and reps. I’m sure I spent many a workout treading water or even drifting backward because I was not increasing my “load” properly. How could I, when I didn’t have the data from earlier sessions to serve as a benchmark?
A weight training log will give you a baseline from which to work. The baseline will change from week to week or even from session to session as you make incremental adjustments upward in pounds lifted and/or sets performed and/or repetitions.
A log will also make you more effective in selecting the exercises you want to do during a given session. For example, if you do lunges on Monday, you might want to do reverse lunges instead on Wednesday, then return to lunges on Friday. Both are great for building up leg muscles, but they do it in ways opposite to one another. Alternating them is the best way to get maximum benefit from both. Without a log, though, you can easily forget which one you did last time and which one you should be doing now.
A weight lifting log is a great motivator. When you can look back on entries from a few weeks or months ago and see how far you’ve come – how you can deadlift a weight that would have seemed impossible a relatively short time earlier – you will feel both proud and enthused all over again.
If there ever were a magic piece of paper, a weight lifting log is it. If you’re not keeping one, then I beg you to pack paper and pen in your gym bag and start today.
About the Author
Denny Waldarmo is a fitness coach and a strong advocate of weight training, particularly the system taught in “The Truth About Building Muscle.” Denny’s eye-opening review of this program is available on his Web site: Or, see the Truth About Building Muscle Web site.
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Denny Waldarmo is a fitness coach and a strong advocate of weight training, particularly the system taught in “The Truth About Building Muscle.” Denny’s eye-opening review of this program is available on his Web site: Or, see the Truth About Building Muscle Web site.
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Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.
June 9, 2012 by admin
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Article by Kevin Carbone
Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program. – Health – Fitness
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Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.
by Kevin Carbone,
Note: This is an advanced weight training program and should only be used by those with at least one year of consistent weighttraining behind them. You will be using heavy weight and a less strict form which could lead to injury if you don’t have a strongfoundation of previous weight training exercise to build upon.
Power and Bulk TrainingBack in the 1960’s it was quite common for bodybuilders to train during the winter months exclusively for size, strength, and mass. This was referred to as “power and bulk training” or a “bulking-up” bodybuilding routine which consisted of basic compound weight training exercises done with low reps and heavy weight. As far as diet was concerned, they ate everything and anything and in large quantities. Lots of whole eggs, whole milk,steaks, and potatoes were the order of the day. The idea was to gain as much weight, size and strength as possible during the winter and then trim down and lose the body fat for the summer months. Overall they would be bigger, stronger and would carry more muscle mass from their winter power and bulk weight training program.
When it came time to trim down for the summer, they usually allotted about 3 months for the task. This was done by cutting calories and changing their weight training routine to one of high reps and sets and adding isolation movements while using light to moderate weights. Workouts were also long which helped to burn calories. Cardio and aerobics were unheard of and generally frowned on because it was thought that this type of training broke the muscles down and would make you smaller and weaker.
Nowadays, the idea is to stay in relatively good shape all year round because this is a healthier thing to do for your body. The yo-yo effect of putting weight on and taking it off over and over again puts a strain on your system that in the long term is not good.
However, a modified power and bulk weight training program combined with current advances in diet and nutrition can be very beneficial to someone who is looking to bulk-up and add more muscle mass and strength. Follow this program for 3 months and then analyze your progress. You can continue for awhile longer if things are going well, or you can move on to a new routine if progress begins to slow or if you are putting on too much body fat.
Your workouts will be shorter with fewer exercises but they will be much more intense as you will be using heavy weights with compound power movements. That’s why I say that Less is More with this bodybuilding routine. As for diet, you will want to addat least 300-500 extra calories per day increasing your protein and carb intake while watching your fats. Make sure you consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Some trainers say to eat everything and anything and not to worry about how much or what kinds of fat you consume because fats produce testosterone and testosterone produces muscle. Although this is true, the wrong type of fat eaten in abundance over an extended period of time is bad for your health. You’ve heard it before – stuff like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure,and a host of other physical problems. The critics will say that you are only going to be on this bulk and power program for 3 or 4 months so go for the gusto and eat everything because you can trim the fat off later on to be ready for the Summer months.
Personally, my long term philosophy is to have moderation in everything and this is no exception. If I were you I would add some extra fat but make sure its the good stuff like the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) that are found in fish, fish oil, olive oil and nuts of all types (go for the unsalted variety). Definitely eat more but be sensible and don’t go crazy and eat a ton of empty calorie junk foods like doughnuts, cake, and fast foods. These contain a large amount of saturated fat and trans fat which should be avoided for general good health. Remember to have a large meal of protein and carbohydrates within one hour after your workout to help speed the recovery process and feed hungry muscles.
You will be training 3 days per week with one day off in between training days. As an example, train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And take Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday off. Recovery time is very important with this routine. Remember, you grow during your rest periods not in the gym. Put your aerobics on hold and do not play any strenuous sports while on this program. You must focus all of your energy on your workouts in order to progress as you should. Also, remember to get a least 8 hours of sleep with 9 or 10 hours being even better. Because yourmuscles grow when you sleep, have a whey and casein protein drinkbefore you hit the sack. The whey gets absorbed quickly but the casein get assimilated more slowly thus feeding your muscles moreconsistently through the night.
The whole premise of this routine is to handle as much weight as possible and to increase the poundages whenever you can. Use the pyramiding method where you gradually add weight to each set while doing less reps. You are to relax your strict form and “cheat” or use momentum and bounce to handle the heavier weights.
Your Power and Bulk Weight Training Schedule
Always do a warmup before attempting any workout. Start with someall-over body movements to get the heart beating and the blood flowing such as treadmill work, jumping jacks, jumping rope, etc.Then do a few exercises with light weight and high reps that target the muscle groups that you will be working on that particular workout. This is also a good time to do your abdominalexercises such as the crunch, reverse crunch, leg raises, hanging leg raises, etc. This is a good way to warm your core body temperature and get your ab work done first thing. Remember not to forget your ab work while doing this power and bulk program. Train your abs at least 2 times per week.
DAY 1 – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
1) Flat Bench Press
2) Seated Overhead Press
3) Upright Rowing(Vary your hand grip spacing. A somewhat wider grip hits the outer or side delts more.)
4) Dips (Lean forward to work the chest more and stay vertical to work the triceps more – do both versions and add extra weight when necessary.)
DAY 2 – Legs
1) Squat
2) Leg Press
3) Deadlift (Also works the lower back)
4) Calf Heel Raise (Calves respond better to higher reps. Try a rep range of 15, 12,10, 8 for 4 sets.)
DAY 3 – Back/Traps/Biceps
1) Barbell Rowing
2) Lat Pulldowns
3) Shrug
4) Cheat Curl
Start with about 4 sets per exercise with a rep range of 10, 8, 6, 4. Pyramid or add additional weight to each set when possible.You can experiment with adding additional sets but don’t over do it because you will be using heavy weights. Also, don’t do less than 3 reps on any exercise or you will be toying with possible injury. Because you are doing only 4 exercises per training session your workout time will be shorter but more intense as youwill be using heavy weight in each set. Remember to rest long enough between sets to fully recover from the previous set, but not too long or you’ll lose your edge. If you are consistent in your training and eat correctly during the next 3-4 months you will see that Less can equal More!
About the Author
Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to:
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Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to:
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. In this bodybuilding step by step workout guide you’re going to learn everything you need to know about setting up your own free weight training program. It isn’t as difficult as is it looks like. All you need to do is to apply the proven and working principles to your own bodybuilding regime and you’ll start to experience some serious muscle growth! I would like to apologize for my English, because it isn’t my first language and I’ve been talking in English for less than three years. In case I’ll say something wrong – please don’t kill me!