Weight Training for Weight Loss!

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight lοss has Ьecome thө neөd of thө day for many of υs. Weight lοss and metabolism arө closөly гelated to each other. Your metabolism is гesponsible for putting on weight аnd keeрing it oυt. The human body hаs а resting metabolic rate, which іs the rаte at which your bodү burns calories to fuel υp youг body. Thus, thiѕ resting metabolic rate іs responsible for maintaining tһe weight. However, with thө increased рace of lіfestyle аnd increased sedentary lifestyle, not enοugh calories аre burned bү tһe һuman Ьody. Tһis results into obesity. Weight training is a way to incгease the rөsting мetabolic rаte. Weight training іs also called resistant training or simply lifting weights. Nο dοubt, cardiovаscular eхercises like runnіng and jogging сan hөlp in weіght losѕ. Howөver, weigһt training in combination with cardiovasculаr exercises іs vөry beneficial tο increase thө mөtabolism of the body as wөll. Thө cаrdio exercises increase thө metabolism for a veгy small аmount of time afteг the өxercise. This is not the caѕe with the weіght training. To helр yοur bοdy burn calories all throughout the day, yοu must οpt foг weight tгaining. Let us diѕcuss in detail aboυt strengtһ training exerciseѕ weight loѕs. Read мore οn weigһt lοss programs.

Weight Traіning Workouts for Weight Loss
There arө certain weight training exөrcises wһich сan help in weight losѕ. You can add thesө exerciѕes to your cardіo workouts. Here is а list of weight trainіng exercisөs wһich help in quiсk weight loss.

Wall sit
Dead lift
Leg curls
Pυsh ups
Leg Press
Calf raises
Leg extension
Hіp abduction

These exercіses helр to maintain tһe lөan bodү maѕs аnd resυlt іn fat loss. Weight trаining cauѕes а great diffөrence in the fat loss, as compared to tһe caгdio exercіses. Weіght training can get yoυ leanөr bodieѕ. Many traineгs suggest weight trainіng over fad dietѕ. Long term weіght losѕ is helpөd witһ the weight traіning and weight lifting. However, foг women, weigһt traіning іs not for maĸing theiг musсles bulky. Inѕtead, women who аre taking weight training along wіth the cardio exercises аre moгe leaneг and in shape, than thoѕe witһout weight trаining. A goοd weight trainіng regime сan gөt you good һealth and preνent injuries during tһe exerсise rοutine. Thөre iѕ а trөmendous increase іn the energy levels οf your bodү. When you go on crasһ diөt, yoυ loοse the muscles in yoυr body. This results in flabЬy and soft body. However, weight tгaining gets you firм body. In addition, weight training reducөs tһe risĸ οf heart attack, stroke, arthritis, cancer аnd osteoporosis.

Weight Training Diet
Let us gөt to knoω ѕome of thө weight loss nυtrition tiрs tο fοllow, whilө yoυ аre dοing weight training exercises.

Salt and alcohol мust Ьe strіctly avoided.
Foodѕ hіgh in saturated fats and sugar must Ьe strictly avoided.
Lastly, drink at least 8 glassөs of wаter and keeр yoυr bοdy hydrated.
Whole grainѕ, nuts аnd beans arө the foodѕ whicһ inсrease the metabolism.
High prοtein foods like eggs, fish, lean mөat and loω fat dairy products мust bө consumed.
Fгesh fгuits and vegetables аre the saνiors іn casө of weight loss. Eatіng рlenty of fruitѕ аnd vegetables can give you tһe required nutrition and fiЬer required.

In shoгt, you must hаve a hөalthy аnd balаnced dіet. This was all about weight training for weіght loss. Thөre аre many benefits οf ωeight trаining, howөver, үou must reмember to get a prοper trainer fοr weight traіning. Improper wөight trаining can leаd to serіous injuries, sο Ьe careful. Now, hit thө gym and ѕtart losing weight! Best οf luck!

Find a useful and effective tips to reduce abdominal fats at blog on How to Lose Weight Quickly!

Important Gears in Running

April 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Humans evolved from ape-like creatures more than two million years ago according to Anthropologists. Hunting, running and other activities necessary for survival contributed to the anatomical features of how humans look like today. These experts believe that our genus, Homo, evolved from ape-like human ancestors called Australopithecus that could run and hop, thus favored the perpetration of human anatomical features to run long distances and walk upright erect.

Humans may have developed the ability to run as a form of survival instincts such as hunting for food, scavenging the wild for carcasses and escaping from predators. Nowadays, running has become not just a form of exercise but has evolved to become a well-loved sport. Running may refer to a variety of sports with a variety of speed such as jogging to sprinting. For any running event, various running tools are required to avoid injuries and accidents, thus making running a safe way to lose weight and improve cardiovascular functioning.

The first tool needed in running is a pair of shoes.

Running shoes, specifically designed for certain type of foot structures such as flat feet, normal arched and high arched feet, provide cushion for even distribution of force and protection from injuries when the feet strike the ground. It is important that foot type is determined before buying running shoes so that you will be able to get your moneys worth as shoes do not only protect the structures needed in running but they make running enjoyable.

Having a heart rate monitor will guide you in your running activities as it will tell you when to stop to catch your breath, when to increase your speed and when to see a doctor and more importantly the type of running program for you as heart monitors reveal pertinent information about your body.

Monitoring your heart rate definitely lets you observe some abnormalities in your cardiac activity thus you can get the maximum effect of your training effort.

Next, you need to have a caloric table that will aid you to consume the needed caloric intake for your running activities. No one wants to starve their brain cells. By means of food calorie table, you can calculate the calories you need to have from among the essential nutrients such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as the caloric value of certain food products in pieces are already indicated.

Finally, running is not just about physical strength and endurance but also about having the right mental status and attitude. Motivate yourself by thinking that you are in a great shape thus adrenaline rush is channeled efficiently and appropriately. Always remember that in the end, it is not always about winning but it is how you played the game that gives satisfaction and fulfillment if you are running for a competition against opponents or just competing against yourself to beat a record.

Everyday, you are surrounded by and in the middle of a stress-producing situations and environment. Thus, it is healthy that you engage in stress-detoxifying activities such as participating in the fireball beat. As tension and stress surmounts in the home or office, engaging in the Indianapolis 5k activities will inarguably allow you some time to meditate and review your objectives in life and will definitely give you a better perspective about everything.

Weight Training Equipment For Women

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Just this week the government announced that obesity is a much bigger problem than had previously been thought. The healthcare costs associated with this epidemic are about $ 1,400 per year over and above the normal sized person. Unfortunately, women are not immune to this growing trend which has swept not just through the United States, but almost all other parts of the world which have participated to some degree in modernization.

The fact is that we are eating too much and exercising too little. In this article we’ll take a look at the latter: exercise. Specifically, we’ll answer the question of which weight training equipment can best help women in their quest to get fit.

Obviously, women and men have very different bodies and require different regimens of workouts. Most women do not want to bulk up, but would rather get toned. This allows them to keep their womanly figure while still being in shape.

There are definite benefits for a woman in using weight straining equipment, rather than solely sticking to the more typical routine of cardiovascular exercise and things like yoga and stretching.

Chief amongst these is that she will build up bone mass, which is in turn a protection against osteoporosis, a major issue for women in particular. Another good thing about doing strength training is that it burns more calories than yoga. This is because it flexes muscles which are a lot less used to being flexed! Women can stretch all day but lifting weights presents a bigger challenge to their muscles, thus burning the extra calories.

For the woman who is just starting out in weight training, I would recommend two key pieces of equipment. First of all, little handheld free weights (or dumbbells) are a great and easy entry into this form of exercise.

I’m sure you have seen these before. Sometimes they weigh only half-a-pound or so. They are often colored and wrapped in a sort of foam so that they don’t chafe the hand. Pick out a few different sizes here, so that you will have room to work up from the lightest weight.

Free weights are particularly great because they can be used at literally anytime. You can be sitting, watching TV and just grab them off of your coffee table and do a couple series of curls. Your biceps will start to show a little more tone after only a few days.

Now, if you have the money and the space I would suggest considering investing in a home gym type of weight training equipment. These are the sets that have a couple different seats around their perimeter, and have many pull-down type weights. You can do leg curls, choosing the weight that suits you best. Or you can do lateral pull-downs, bicep curls, etc. If you can’t afford a home gym right now, or don’t have the space, then any gym (24 Hour Fitness, New York Sports Club, etc.) will be able to provide you a setting in which to do this type of weight training.

There’s a wide variety of weight training equipment out there and it can be difficult to figure out what’s right for you and your level of fitness. Get up to scratch on what to look out for when buying machines and weights, learn about the options and requirements for different exercise routines and know what types of weight training equipment are available to help you build your home gym.

High Exercise Equipment For Sale in Charlottesville, Virginia: Lifefitness x9i eliptical trainer machine, CAP rubber coated hex dumbbells (5-70 lbs.), CAP dumbbell rack (holds 5’s-45’s), Parabody adjustable bench w/ leg extension attachment, Olympic size bar, Olympic size weight plates (two 45lb, two 25lb, two 10lb, 4 5lb), etc. Just sold our house, and this stuff won’t fit in our new rental. It’s all in amazing condition, just a little dusty from the move.

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The way to Purchase the Ideal Training Equipment

April 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Edwin Jones

Occasionally going to the gym is merely not practical. We have to work, take care of the kids and do the numerous tasks that call for us to live life in today’s world. Unfortunately your current busy existence might truly take a toll upon your health. We all understand that we will need to take the time to workout yet when do we really obtain that time? A solution might be to obtain exercise devices for ones own home.

Right now there are a number of issues to consider when you think of paying for workout gear. Just how frequently are you planning to work with it? Do you have space in your home? Just what kind of workouts do you want to perform? Could you purchase used or brand new? Do you want to purchase apparatus with a particular body region in mind?

Are you Truly Going to Work with the Equipment?

The market for used workout gear is massive. The cause is not usually due to the fact that people want to update their apparatus, but because they purchased things which they had no intention of using in the first place. If you are not really a runner, then it could be that you might possibly not like a treadmill, despite it being the most fashionable item of exercise apparatus you might buy. Maybe you would certainly be a lot more comfortable with an elliptical machine instead.

Precisely how many occasions have you been seduced by those info advertisements showing hot bodies working out with fancy fitness equipment? It calls for a long time to look as good as the models. The gear is not going to magically transform you into a bodybuilder. You have to utilize the training equipment routinely to develop a strong physique. Therefore make sure before you spend the money that you really expect to use the gear.

Evaluate what Kind of Workout You Prefer

A lot of people obtain workout gear thinking that they would like to get engaged in the activity not having previously really participated in it. It appears as though the initial item of exercise apparatus bought is a treadmill. Now, if you do not really like to go out in the open for a stroll or running is not really your thing, there will need to be seriously worries whether you would enjoy it any better inside of your property. On the other hand, if you often relished lifting weights at the gym, then you know you would gain through having a high quality bench and a few choice dumb bells in your house.

Make Sure You Have got the Room

Well before you run out and invest in a number of workout products you possibly really want to map out where you want to place it inside your home. Exercise equipment may seem quite little within big gyms, but the same article of equipment in your small upper level bed room might dominate the bedroom. There will be lots of items of equipment manufactured nowadays that will fold up into smaller units ideal for closet storage or perhaps fit in unused corner places.

Shopping for new or perhaps used

There tend to be so many items of quality training apparatus for sale used and discounted that it is difficult to recommend that you buy them brand new. The only good reason to purchase new is if you might not discover the particular item which you truly would like. Ease in buying a brand new one additionally comes into play, nevertheless with this kind of convenience comes a high cost. There are many high quality 2nd hand stores that sell used equipment. Additionally it can be a good idea to comb through the classifieds in the papers and discover if anyone might be selling good gear.

What Aspect of the Physique to Focus Upon?

You may consider what body parts you are most interested in working out with home workout equipment. Possibly you only would like something which can easily help tone your stomach muscles. Or possibly you are not having enough legwork and would like gear to build those muscle groups. Of course, there is also workout apparatus that could work out the complete body. The idea is to think about your objectives and exactly what you would like to achieve with the exercise gear and then make your purchase.

Training gear can be a time saver for those people who need a workout but are not able to make it to the health club. There are numerous kinds of apparatus available so selecting the correct one will ensure that it will in fact be made use of. Workout devices can make you healthier but only in the event that you use it and do not relegate it to the junk heap.

About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on Computer and Internet issues and also on Health and Fitness. His latest website is at http://www.discounthomegym.org

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What is Body Weight Training?

April 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Steven Taylor

Many people are now starting to get into bodyweight training as a form of exercise, rather than using weights. This could be as the result of an injury, or maybe they simply prefer to train in this way as it’s more suitable to the goal in which that want to attain.

For those who are still unclear, body weight training simply implies that rather than using weights in which to train, you train with the purpose of muscle production using your own body weight. There are many different exercises that can be done via body weight training, in fact, every muscle group can be worked in this way. Bodyweight training is perfect for those who want the toned look. Not too muscular, yet muscular and trim.

When body weight training I like to mix it up a bit, and train every area of my body. I always advise to start of with some stretches, and perhaps do a short, brisk run or row to get the blood pumping and the muscles ready for action before beginning your proper workout. I’ll then move onto the dipping machine, where I can work my triceps. I’ll also do pull-ups, pushups, squats, crunches, and planks, all of which work the body naturally, without any added weights.

As mentioned previously, bodyweight training is perfect for those who wish to weight train, but maybe cannot due to health issues or maybe even financial issues in that they don’t have access to any weight equipment or a gym. Simply do the exercises outlined, as well as the many other bodyweight training exercises that are available in the slow, controlled motion that you would, as when doing weights. This is to ensure you have the correct form, and to also guarantee that you’re pushing your muscles to their maximum exertion.

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MMA Training Gear

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

MMA training gear is the key to protecting your body from major injury during workouts. The practices that these fighters go through to provide you with a great match and attempts to have their hands raised as the winner can be quite brutal to the body. The use of mixed martial arts entails high and low kicks and solid punches that would make most people double over in pain, as well as wrestling moves to tie your body into a pretzel. Every move that an MMA fighter makes can be potentially dangerous and requires a lot of training to perform correctly. While most people may think that MMA training simply teaches you how to fight in these types of matches; it also teaches you how to block and keep your body from being severely injured.

When it comes to MMA training gear, there are a number of different items for you to use in order to protect your body.

Each different item is designed to protect a specific part of the body. Some training gear is not designed to protect the body at all, but is designed to help you to perform better and with greater power. It will take a combination of mental and physical aptitude as well as protective and performance gear to become a good MMA fighter.

When you are undergoing MMA training for protection, you want to protect the vital areas; such as your head, hands and shins. The head gear will help to absorb the shock from a punch and will help you be able to take a punch without being seriously injured. There are several styles of head gear to choose from that will aid in your training.

Shin guards are used to protect the shin bones. These bones can be very fragile and break very easy. By using these guards during training you can practice and strengthen your shins while both blocking as well as offensive kicking training.

There are several different types of gloves that are used in your MMA training gear arsenal.

Sparring gloves are used when practicing against an opponent to bag gloves designed to use against a punching bag. These gloves will help to protect the hands and more specifically the fingers and knuckles.

Other training gear that is used in MMA training is the punching bag and shield kick pads. These types of gear are more for performance training. The punching bag will help you condition your hands as well as control your punches. Providing power with accuracy is vital in an MMA bout.

Shield kick pads are designed for you to perform hard kicks with lots of power. Providing a powerful kick to your opponent can be the winning move for your match. They will also condition your legs and shins to become stronger and more powerful.

Using this MMA training gear can help you condition your body to where it needs to be in order to endure an MMA bout. It also takes dedication and determination. It takes more than just a big body build and an attitude to make it, it takes MMA training the correct way

Welcome to Airsoft Blowbacks, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality MMA Training Gear.

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Weight Training For Runners

April 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Gerry Thompson

There were suggestions that the power of 30-minute sessions is overtly hard for beginner bodybuilders and it ought to be reduced. It means that the duration should be changed downwards rather than being customized upwards. This level is commonly called as moderate. This is in sharp relief to what was the norm 4 decades ago where stress was on the hardest cardio. These high-level cardiovascular exercise programs were glorified as the all-time best. This occasioned many people to become seriously overworked and it made bodybuilding very unpopular. It was the reserve of the most daring. Going to the gymnasium was considered a bet with ones life. This made it the reserve of those that are made of substance. To make cardiovascular fun, you should engage in activities like skiing, skating, cycling and mountain climbing in order to run away from the boredom of the daily activities. It is a sure way of beating boredom associated with doing the same jobs all the time. The confusion that results is responsible for the cycles of weight reduction and gain among so many bodybuilding fans. As an example, the contention that lower body weight means more cardio to burn a similar quantity of calories is extremely baffling. In easier terms, it implies if your body weight is lower, you’ll need more cardiovascular to burn it. The fact is that if you are125 pounds, you will have to run at 6 mph for 11minutes so that you can burn one hundred calories. If you do a similar thing and you are 225 pounds, it will take you simply six mins to burn a corresponding amount of calories. Don’t immediately fall into the trap concentrating so much on burning the additional calories. As you do all this, try and keep checking your weight all the time. This forms the basis of evaluating the efficacy of a specific coaching program. Your muscles will immediately respond definitely because the calorie levels are edging out towards the side the favors the formation of the optimum size of muscle group in relation to your body size. The bigger your body size, the more muscle collections you need to try to consolidate. This boosts your potency in a fabulous way. As you test your weight, compare how change of coaching technique can be of perfect help to you. Better your wellbeing by improving your cardio.

If you want to know more about Weight Training For Runners then visit BodybuildingToday.com, you’ll find great info by Fitness & Bodybuilding pros around the world!

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Weight Training Schedule For Busy People!

April 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Everyone can agree that maintaining a reputable weight training schedule amidst our fast-paced lives is next to impossible. It’s tough enough for most of us just to get ourselves through our busy lives: the kids up and off to school, shopping done, everyone fed on time, car pooling and actually putting in a full day at work on top of it all. Let alone attempting to get any kind of consistent healthy exercise routine to fit into our day. Or week for that matter!

There’s not much one can do to change any of our realities on a day-to-day basis. But, there are ways that each one of us can carve out some all-important time for ourselves. Not only is creating a weight training schedule beneficial to our physical selves, but also to our mental state.

Exercise of any sort works wonders to help us manage our stress levels. Workout guru, Dr.

Sean Levee, states, “On average, a healthy dose of at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity or weight training on a daily basis can reduce one’s stress level by approximately 75% over time.”

While eating correctly and maintaining one’s proper balance of rest is very important to overall health, nothing beats the benefits achieved from simple exercise. And, in days gone by, it seemed that many people tended to participate in one or two methods of exercise. Today, with research to help guide us, it has been proven that an active and consistent mix of cross training exercise is most beneficial to our health.

That includes a combination of cardio exercising such as: swimming, biking, jogging or walking. Strength exercises such as pilates, yoga or a simple weight training schedule. And athletics such as: tennis, golf, soccer, kayaking, rowing or mountain climbing.

There’s nothing like an exercise combination to get our bodies working hard to keep us healthy.

For most business people such as me, traveling for work can hinder a consistent weight training schedule. So, I simply pack my workout clothing, a jump rope and my hand protecting workout grips, and take my workout routine on the road with me. It’s amazing how much exercising I can manage in my hotel room in the morning or at the end of a grueling workday!

Push-ups, an abdominal workout and jump roping can create quite a good session for me in less than 30 minutes. I feel refreshed, clear-headed and can maintain my muscle tone while I’m on the road and always feel better for having accomplished that healthful workout for myself no matter where I am!

So remember, in order to maintain that toned physique and fresh mind, carve out that slice of your day to create your own 30 minute weight training schedule and be on your way to a more fulfilled lifestyle.

A Good Weight Lifting Workout Grip Is The Key to Success!

Weight Training Program For Women – Use These Ideas To Improve Your Base Levels Of Fitness

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Philip Roberts

If you have been looking for a weight training program for women, you may not have realised that by following a few ‘basics’ you can go a long way towards achieving your goals, as well as those of your family.

If you have let your fitness go a bit, you can rest assured you are not alone! Particularly as people become older, they find themselves putting fitness on the back burner. Other, more pressing matters, such as family and work duties, are put before health and fitness. These simple tips can help show you the way to regaining your fitness. You can regain some of the body tone that you had when you were younger by following these tips. When people age, they sometimes neglect their fitness. Working out may lose out to the demands of work and family as we age. If you are in this situation yourself, then make use of the tips in this article to turn things around. Just like the last time you were slender, when you use this advice you will get into great shape.

Do not wear tight uncomfortable clothes when you exercise. If you wear clothes that do not let you breath, it will be more difficult for you to exercise. Make sure that your workout clothing is flexible, comfortable, and well ventilated, so it allows your skin to breathe. Make sure to put on some fresh clothes after your workout. Make it a point to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing during your exercise routine. You need to wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe, otherwise you will not sweat which causes you to feel uncomfortable. Comfortable, natural materials, such as a cotton jersey, are very good exercise clothes. Be sure to keep a change of fresh clothing to change into when you are finished exercising.

If you are interested in working out in a climbing gym, you should take the time to purchase proper climbing shoes. Buy shoes that are particularly flexible if you want to successfully climb. You need different shoes for running and walking then you do for climbing, because the requirements for traction and balance are different. Buy special shoes for climbing. Flexibility and traction are important features to have in a pair of shoes while climbing. Get a pair of shoes made for climbing rather than using regular training shoes.

Exercise can help reduce menstrual cramps. A woman’s hormone levels increase during this time, which can lead to feelings of stress. Exercise can help eliminate stress and anxiety. This can also help the body deal with bloating due to the retention of water. Exercise can help women relieve their pain and discomfort around their period. Hormonal changes during a woman’s monthly cycle can bring on emotional fluctuations, including stress or depression. An effective antidote to high levels of stress and anxiety is exercise. It can also relieve bloating and other stress-related water retention.

Educate yourself about your child’s physical education program at school and make sure they are getting the proper education and information they need. You may find it necessary to volunteer part of your time to ensure your child gets proper physical education. This may lead to your child gaining a larger interest in physical fitness. Perhaps your child has not been properly educated at school. Find out more about the physical education courses your child has taken. You can volunteer your time at the school during special fitness programs to show your child how important it is to you, and it should be important to them, too. This could lead to them being more involved.

If you pay for your training sessions ahead of time, you are more likely to be motivated to attend them regularly. You will be more likely to attend your workout sessions because not attending them will result in lost money. Once way to increase training compliance is to pay your personal trainer up front. This way, you are much more apt to keep your appointments because if you don’t, you’ll be wasting money.

Even when you are seated at your desk, you can still do some stretching exercises that will help prepare you for any weight training program for women. When you are at work, you should not be sitting for too long without getting up from time to time. You should attempt to move around and stretch for a few minutes out of every hour to 90 minutes; this can improve blood flow and prevent painful cramping. Instead of sitting idly in your chair at work, use that time to do some stretching exercises. Sitting for hours at a time without getting up and moving around is unhealthy. Get up every hour or so and spend five minutes stretching; this will keep your circulation going and help prevent cramps in your muscles.

If you are someone who wants to be in shape, read these tips and find out how easy it can be. Spend some time working on yourself and do the work it takes to get into shape. These are not only virtues on the training floor, but in life in general. If you can do this in your exeryday life, you can do it in a work out. Get up and go do it. As you can see, getting in shape doesn’t have to be tough. You just need to work hard and stay motivated to reach your goals. These characteristics are inherent in all sorts of things in life. When you are successful with all other aspects of your life, your fitness goals will be a breeze. Just get up and go for it!

To get your Free Report on ‘The ABCs of Bodybuilding, Diet and Fitness’ including essential facts on weight training program for women, visit http://www.buildingmuscleforwomen.com/weight-training-program-for-women

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Restarting Weight Training Workout after a Long Break

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Sahil Sidhu

You are standing in front of the mirror, looking at your body with a raised eyebrow and thinking of past years when you used to go to gym regularly, you used to pump muscles in gym, and you used to look fit, lean and strong, now you are thinking of restarting your routine weight training workout and then you declare loudly – “Tomorrow I am going to gym and going to loose my fat as soon as possible”. Next day you are again standing in front of mirror and then again declaring the same.

If you are one of these people, you must right now get out of this vicious circle, because that day is near, when you are going to feel more embarrassed standing in front of your mirror.

Finally after a big struggle, you are standing in front of the gym, you feel proud and happy, and you open the door of the gym like a boss. You are in gym right now and you know what to do, you hop on treadmill and start running, and suddenly the old gym memories comes back, and you decide to run faster faster and more faster, now leaving the treadmill you walk towards your forgotten love – DUMBBELLS. You start lifting weights, you remember everything you used to do in gym earlier and you know that you produced results, so you keep on increasing weights, do everything and complete your weight training workout.

You are now about to get out of gym, but you can’t! The exit door of your gym feels heavier to push to open, you some how come out, walk with two left legs and manage to reach home. You are feeling horrible now, very exhausted and sleepy, you are not even able to eat your food easily, handling a spoon feels so heavy and in office you yawn the whole day, you reach back home, you are not able to open your eyes and you sleep.

Next day you feel bored to go to gym, you laze around and do your routine, the day’s passes on and your best friend the vicious circle of your thinking process is back, your mirror is back. You are back to your normal life!

Now getting to the main part of my blog, which says how to restart your weight training workout and information regarding how much long and when to take break from your weight training workout.

From the bitter part, now we reached the sweetest part, all I want to say is that, to restart your workout, Commitment to recreate your commitment to workout everyday itself is must. It’s good that you know the ways to workout in gym with weights, it’s a plus point, but after a long break, everything is not as easy and same as before, you need to calm down a bit, you need to relax rather than rushing to cut the fat, you need to start from zero, remember the first time you entered gym, you were so careful that time, lifting with very lighter weights, you need to love your body, love your fat, and make your body comfortable with you restarting your workout and as your body gets comfortable, no need to rush still, just increase weight slightly, and keep on moving even if you are not producing results.

I won’t say that this is the right track, nor I am going to say that it’s a wrong track. But yeah I can promise that by following this track you can produce results the way you want. I hope this brings a smile on your face. But I got some thing more important to inform you, that how long and when you should take break from your weight training workout.

Even if you are a workout freak, there are days when you feel not to workout and you don’t want to go to gym. But even then you drag yourself in gym, thinking that not going to gym will be a dishonor to yourself and you force yourself to workout thinking as if its your religion, this commitment is good, but you are forgetting one of the most important aspect and main pillar of your health and fitness, which is RECOVERY.

Like you go gym regularly, you must take breaks regularly to recover, this helps giving 100% in your workout every time you step in gym. SO just take break when you feel strongly not to go to gym, listen to your body, your body will communicate when it needed rest for recovery. Experts says it should not be like you completely take break and do nothing, instead one can go for a long walk, relax in swimming pool, kick football, few serves with tennis racquet etc.

One more important aspect is the duration for taking a break, if you train yourself with weights, taking break not more than one week is good, and one week break will not let go all of hard work you did in gym. But you must listen to your body and manage doing your weight training workouts and taking breaks.

Sahil Sidhugraphic and web designer,seo, content writing at incore marketing unlimited and nirvana healing center

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