Finding Used Weight Training Equipment
April 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Weight training can be a great way to lose weight and pack on muscle in a matter of weeks so finding equipment that can help you train is an all important task. Whenever you are looking into buying anything used you have to worry about buying something worn down and of low quality so make sure before you buy any equipment you test it out for wear and tear. Besides the quality of the equipment you have to look at the price, purchasing used brand names can cost just about as much as new generic off brand sets, so make sure you aren’t going to waste your money on a brand name.
So if you are looking for ways to find used weight training equipment the first thing you want to do is check out what is available locally. Pawn shops are a great place to purchase used anything at a great price, so I would start by taking a visit to some of your local pawn shops and checking out their inventory to see if they have any weight training equipment.
If you visit all of your local pawn shops but are unable to find any used weight training equipment then you should check out what is available through classified ads.
Looking though the ads in your local paper can be a great way to find used weight training equipment that someone is getting rid of due to space issues, or because they are buying a new set. If there is nothing listed in your local paper the next step you want to take is checking out if there are any other local ads listed on Craigslist. Craigslist is used every day by hundreds of thousands of people for buying and selling so if you haven’t found anything locally so far don’t give up. The only problem you can run into when purchasing something from a listing on Craigslist is the guarantee you are buying a well made piece of equipment for the price you are paying.
You want to always meet the seller in person before you make any sort of payment to avoid getting scammed.
If you have been unable to find any used weight training equipment locally through ads and pawns hops the next step is to hit the internet. There are several sites you can visit and purchase used weight training equipment that are reliable and trustworthy. You aren’t going to find much used equipment by going to those major manufacturers websites but you may be able to get a good enough deal on a set that you can buy new, but for finding used equipment you want to check out auctioneer sites. These sites will have products listed for sale over the course of several days while people bid on them. In the end the product, in this case the used weight training equipment is sold to the highest bidder whenever the action ends.
So overall there are several methods to find used weight training equipment all you have to do is look around locally or check out what is available online.
To find out more about cheap weight training equipment, be sure to give us a visit. If you’re a student, why not read about weight gear for college students?
Eight Weight Training, Fat Loss Tips For Lazy People
March 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Juana Cruz
There may be seemingly countless diet plans which seem to claim weight watchers they would eliminate weight, but regardless of what kind of weight loss plan you go for, there are general pointers to apply when you are losing weight. These tips help you along the way as you follow a specific diet or weight loss plan. When you are bodybuilding or weight training, the same principles apply, too. Always see to it that you are losing weight the healthy way, without risking your health.
What are the general pointers when eliminating weight?
1. Do not starve your self.
The key to a healthier way of losing weight is not to diet.
You may seem happy and feel that you are eliminating those huge flabs on your belly and thighs by skipping meals. But remind yourself that this would not last long. Your body cannot allow having insufficient food to fuel the energy that energizes you everyday.
If you are accustomed to skipping one or two meals a day, your stored calories will be used up rather than the energy that should have been gotten from the food you eat. So if you just eat one huge sandwich in one day, it will end up straight to your problem area (i.e. highs, buttocks, hips).
2. Start your day right.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should eat your breakfast to help your metabolism get to work.
Your food intake after you wake up will burn your body fat all day long.
3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently.
Five snacks in small amounts per day is more recommended than three large meals. Eating more often, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also speed up your metabolism and make calories burn faster.
4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.
Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is very hard for you to eliminate 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to be healthy for the rest of your life.
Once you have picked a weight loss plan, follow it and keep it a point that you practice your own set of dieting rules.
5. Drink lots of water.
Your body must have adequate water to burn fat and make sure your cells are healthy.
6. Avoid too much sugar.
Prepare your meals involving plenty of fruits and vegetables, some bread, rice or pasta for carbohydrates, along with lean meat and protein rich-foods. Sweets, sodas and pastries should be once-in-a-while indulgences only.
7. Watch your fat intake.
Fat is not the factor to being overweight. You need this to keep your weight at the right level.
There is such a thing as healthy fats. Olive, peanuts and canola oil have them. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which is good for the heart.
8. Exercise.
Leave your car if you the distance is only a few blocks from home, take the stairs rather than the elevator, jog, cycle or skate. Take advantage of these activites and other home chores if you don’t want to go to the gym. Do them regularly and you will soon find yourself doing them without hesitation or reluctance on your part.
Learn about weight training and fat loss at Healthy Fat Loss Tips, with helpful tips on how to lose body fat healthily.
Related Weight Training Weight Loss Articles
The Basics Behind A Simple Weight Training Program
March 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Aaron McCloud
If you are looking to get fit and develop some muscle, then it’s important that you start out on some kind of simple weight training program that will allow you to start seeing quick gains.
There are many different aspects that you need to bear in mind when approaching a beginner weight training program, but the three most important are:
1. Weight Training In Moderation
Weight Training is often misconstrued as an activity that you need to carry out to excess in order to see any meaningful gains. The reality is, however, that all of the gains in muscle size come in-between the training sessions, and so it is vital that you allow yourself good rest periods in-between weights sessions on even a simple weight training program.
This period is going to differ depending on who you ask, but a good rule of thumb is that you should never be training the same body part without a minimum of 48 hours of proper rest in between sessions. And even that depends on how hard you exerted the muscle, because if you really do a very hard work out to exhaustion then it may take your body five to seven days to properly recover from it.
Over-training is one of the key reasons why people just starting out on a simple weight training program either get injured, or quit – because it all seems like too much effort. So whilst your sessions should be fully committed, you should be wary of over-training.
2. Eat The Right Foods, And At The Right Times
Most people eat three meals a day, with a small breakfast, a larger lunch, and an enormous dinner.
From the perspective of a simple weight training program where you are trying to gain muscle and minimize the amount of fat on your body, this is OK. Do not get suckered in by people telling you need to eat five or six (or more) tiny meals each day.
If you eat a little more you’ll gain weight (since you’re working out, muscle). And if you eat less you’ll lose weight, mostly fat. Simple.
You should also make sure that you are eating enough protein, such as chicken, egg whites, and grass-fed beef. Since the primary building block for muscle is protein.
It is also a good idea to consider supplementing with protein drinks that contain Whey Protein, as Whey Protein is quickly and easily absorbed and can help your body to recover in that important post 30 minute period after a hard training session. Protein is the structure of your muscles.
3. Get Enough Sleep And Rest
It is essential, if you are training hard to build muscle, that you get adequate rest.Sleep is like a magic pill for the body, because you go to bed with muscles that you have literally torn apart with hard training, and overnight through the sleep process your body is able to rejuvenate itself, repair, and rebuild your muscles until they are bigger than before!
In a very real sense the most important part of weight training actually happens at night when you are sleeping. So if you are getting less than eight hours of sleep, you are robbing yourself of potential muscle gains.
These tips will help you when you’re starting a simple weight training program, but these are only the first essential elements. There are dozens of others that go into building muscle like the professionals, even if you don’t want to train like them! So if you want to find out the easy methods for a successful, step by step simple weight training program that you can achieve results with, then check out the links below.
If you want to get more info about weight training, check out the 5-Day Beginner Weight Training Course. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I’m an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer, and I’ve been lifting heavy things and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There’s a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training. Check it out! – Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.
What is Turbulence Training
March 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Danica Mcwilliams
What is disturbance training? This is a plan by a fitness professional named Craig Ballantyne. According to this fat burning system, long slow cardio is not the best thing to do to increase your metabolism in order to burn body fat. This training manual requires that you do 45 minutes of workouts a couple of times a week (normally 3) to burn body fat. This manual is created especially for those individuals who are busy to get probably the most fat burning end results within a of time. On my research about this specific program, I came to realize that it is very popular, which necessarily doesn’t rationalize it as the best weightloss program out there.
Craig Ballantyne’s fat loss program has had it’s own thing going on for a while now. The author of the program Mr. Craig Ballantyne is really a Trusted Expert in the actual Fitness Industry. He has appeared in several major fitness magazines and he is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. This fitness program doesn’t need you to spend hours and hours of exercising in order to see results. Craig, the author teaches that you don’t have to go to the gym in order to take action. To become more specific here, this fat loss manual is a home fitness workout but also can work much better for those who go to the fitness center. This fat burning workout routines are done or can be carried out from the comfort of your own home.
Here would be the things or equipments that you need in order to put this system into action at house. You need dumbbells, an exercising bench and an exercise ball. You don’t need long cardio workouts with expensive machines to burn some fat and lose weight. With this program you can do your workouts from home by using the simple instructions outlined in the manual.
This fat loss program can help you be in shape or maintain an exercise shape that you currently have. The fat burning workouts provided by the program will help you lose fat, build muscle, some abs within a few weeks and get in design. All and all said you can’t go wrong with this program. If you are the busy person or someone who is interested in getting fitter and getting into design, then this program could be something that you can consider. Here is 1 catch though, as for this fat loss program or any fitness program, you must follow exactly what it tells you to be able to see any results. To see all about this system, Visit Turbulence training evaluation.
Read More: What is Turbulence Training
Combine Yoga With a Weight Training Log
March 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Howard Dennison
The primary reason that stress management activities work are that they break the normal chain of events that lead to stress. If you do not take time away from your work and life responsibilities to exercise your body and mind, stress will result. If you keep a weight training log, it will help you get more benefit from your activities.
Yoga is an excellent example of a beneficial stress management activity. As little as 15 minutes per day of Yoga exercises expels the tension that is stored in neck, shoulders and back muscles, not to mention all of the stress that is stored in our mind!
You don’t have to climb a mountain to meet a Yoga guru. In fact there are many outstanding Yoga books and web sites that can teach you all that you need to know. Practiced correctly, Yoga is both a body and mental exercise.
There are some basic Yoga exercises that are excellent for stress management. The most basic is called Savasana although some people spell it Shavasana. Either way, it has the slightly scary nickname of the “corpse pose”. Don’t let the name scare you though because the only thing it will kill is stress. As you recognize reduction in stress, keep your weight training log up to date.
This exercise teaches you to become very still and to systematically let every inch of your body relax until the stress just melts away. Amazingly, you’ll discover that while you are concentrating on relaxing your body, your mind is relaxing at the same time.
Once you have melted away the stress, the next classical Yoga exercise, or meditation, concentrates on what is called your “chakras”. Your chakras are energy concentrations, or centers, that are between your tail bone and the top of your head. Chakras are positioned right above your tail bone, immediately behind your navel, immediately below and behind your ribcage, in the center of your chest, in your throat, your forehead center, and immediately above your head.
These areas are thought to control your entire being. By using Yoga as part of your stress management activities you clear the stress form these areas and free your body and mind from the damaging effects of stress. Your weight training log will help you stay on track with your Yoga activities.
There are many stress management books that focus on Yoga as a stress management exercise. Yoga is easy to learn and can be mastered over a lifetime. If you make a serious effort to use Yoga some of the benefits are near instantaneous. Try Yoga as a stress management exercise, together with the maintenance of a weight training log and success is surely yours.
If you don’t already have one, you can get a weight training log at and learn to make a lot of money online too.
About HGH Weight training
March 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Carol A. Martin
Perhaps you have achieved the decision to go ahead and begin to use hgh body building? You’ve, perfectly if so you’ll are interested in learning using utilize it accurately and also hard drive, injections recommendations and whole never-ending cycle programs. As fas as storage area is concerned many 191aa hgh body building can just be stashed for under four weeks at room temperatures, if you like it to very last make the fridge. The next task is tips on how to merge your hgh muscle building appropriately, so start to take critical information now.
Just 1mg of hgh building muscle mass is equivalent to 3iu, so you may must do some maths the following. So in the event you a 20mg jar of hgh weight training, you will need to create 3 milliliters on the supplied waters that means each one milliliter is 20iu (20mg x 3iu / 3ml). Make use of an the hormone insulin needle, becoming small evaluate needles like 27g or 29g, because it’s markings are smaller sized for improved dimensions. For injection therapy, I’d personally usually highly recommend using 27 or 28g 50 unit (1/2 cc) needles.
As early as you can observe how the hgh muscle development is reconstituted you need to put it straight into the freezer or fridge at among one and three. These minimal temps will help keep the goods from diluting and perhaps worse, dropping a number of its 100 % potential. Should you be holding it in a refrigerator which has a slightly increased temperature then Chance to find the for you to maintain it perfect at the back or as at the fridge as possible.
NaCl or bacteriostatic h2o must be used with each hgh body building treatment and cannot be not encounter any kind of acrylic centered product or service around the hypodermic injection place or perhaps the syringe. If you are using normal water with lyophilized dust you are going to manage to get the quickest uptake possible.
Hgh muscle building will need to only be used without treatment and you must never mix it with other peptides or analogues. The main reason becoming that the amino collection chain is quite sensitive and vulnerable to interference external to resources. I normally advise hgh weight training intramuscularly (I’m) for use rather then subcutaneously (Below-Queen) with any procedure for higher customer base and this also is a lot more detectable while using the it in submit exercise.
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Weight Training Devices Choices – The way to Make a decision Between Totally free Weights And Fat Teaching Devices
March 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Gary Vinski
As soon as you might have created the selection to make investments in bodyweight teaching gear to your home gymnasium, another action is to determine which sort of devices to purchase. Most fitness enthusiasts who need to consist of a bodyweight instruction routine as component of their general fitness efforts will choose possibly free of charge weights or perhaps a bodyweight teaching machine.Free WeightsFree weights consist of numerous separate elements that you could combine in a number of ways to differ your fat teaching schedule. A full set of no cost weights will generally include:o One barbell (sometimes two)o Weight plates and security collarso Fat bench and racko DumbbellsWith these simple pieces of weight training gear, you can easily alter the sort, intensity and frequency of physical exercises performed. Because the parts are separate and never connected to one another, many fitness enthusiasts uncover free weights to get the easiest form of weight training equipment to fit into numerous sized spaces within their house.Should you are into really major lifting, you may want to invest in a very energy rack. It is a heavy duty rack that adjusts to fit your height, enabling you to squat and place the barbell across your back. Then you definitely basically stand up, do your distinct workout, and return the barbell towards the energy rack. This is actually the safest way to suit your needs to do heavy lifting with your fat training equipment.Weight Coaching MachinesSome fitness enthusiasts go for a bodyweight coaching machine that supplies several workout stations and alternatives, all attached to a single steel frame. A normal excess weight coaching machine allows you to perform the following:o Bench presso Lat pull downo Leg extensiono Leg curlo Bicep curlo Very low rowThe type of weight instruction resistance will vary from machine to machine. Some use adjustable fat plates although other individuals use versatile rods of a variety of stiffness to modify resistance. There’s also some teaching equipment available on the market that utilizes the fat of one’s individual entire body blended with gravity to build resistance, but be cautious about deciding on this type of house health club. They aren’t constantly of the highest high quality, and lots of are constrained with regards to the forms of exercises they can handle.Which one particular is proper to suit your needs?Choosing which form of bodyweight coaching gear is proper in your case – totally free weights or perhaps a bodyweight instruction machine – will rely on numerous components. Prior to making your choice, feel concerning the subsequent:Space – Simply how much room do you might have to accommodate the devices? Bear in mind which you require sufficient place for the equipment alone, and also plenty of space to stroll all around it and securely execute workouts.Experience – In case you really are a seasoned weight teaching enthusiast then you can be equally well-served by both form of bodyweight training equipment. In the event you really are a novice, although, just remember to comprehend and use suitable techniques for whichever kind you purchase.Budget – Great good quality fat teaching devices generally expense a lot more than excellent high quality no cost weights, but both variety can drop in a very array from inexpensive to top rated with the line. Be especially cautious of machines which can be extremely cheap, because they are likely make of inferior high quality components.
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Jason Statham Training Routine
March 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Wondering what Jason Statham’s training routine is?
You too hey?
Man I remember after watching death race, thinking…
“What the hell is Jason Statham’s training program?”
The dude is in awesome shape.
Well, what found is quite simple. He works his tail off, and is dedicated to a clean diet (and if you don’t know, up to 80% of your results are determined by your diet.)
Here is a summary of what I found out about Jason Statham’s training routine.
He trained for 10 weeks leading up to Death Race.
Trained 45-60 minutes, 6 days a week.
No two workouts were the same. What was more important was the intensity (or as Jason said it, “vomit inducing”)
He performed heavy strength sessions with the deadlift and front squats
The rest of his workouts comprised of different types of circuits made up of push ups, dips, chin ups, sprints, kettlebell and power exercises
Here is what Jason had to say about his Navy Seal trainers’ workouts…
“The good thing about his sessions is nothing was ever repeated. We’d hawk back to the old starlets of exercise, using everything that uses your own body weight and the very basic things like pull-ups and pushups and squats and dead lifts, power planes, that kind of thing, sprints, explosive power stuff.”
Now you can never lose fat and get as ripped as Jason Statham did in Death Race and Transporter 3 if you are eating too much.
His trainer’s secret weapon to radically transforming Statham’s physique was eating correctly.
He made Jason eat around 2100-2285 calories a day and stop eating or drinking refined carbohydrates.
Here is how Jason Statham described his diet…
“It was lots of protein, lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts, berries, a little bit of dairy, no refined carbohydrates, no pasta, no bread, no sugar, no juices.”
I read another article, where he says how much he hates it because he loves pizza and having a beer. I then saw the special features of death race and there he was trying to eat a plate of raw vegies and lean meat (I think it was chicken breast) while everyone else on set was enjoying the delicious catered food. He didn’t look to happy!
In regards to his diet, Jason says…
“It makes me very miserable. But you know, it’s in for a penny, in for a pound. You do it for a reason and it’s part of the job, so it’s nice to have that focus and dedication.”
But not all of us are motivated by million dollar paychecks to stick to such a tough diet now are we?
I don’t know about you, but this is the part that has stuffed me up for so long. The diet! I simply love food too much, and don’t have the willpower to give up all the foods I love and eat nothing but vegetables, and fat free/taste free protein sources like egg whites, tuna and chicken breasts.
I have been overweight my whole life, probably because I absolutely love food!
Fortunately for me though, after 7 years of obsessively dieting, (that only left me fatter!) I stumbled upon a way to lose fat that enabled me to eat absolutely whatever I wanted. It worked so well that I lost 35 pounds of fat, and got a six pack for the first time in my life, without once having to give up all the so-called “bad” foods that I love.
For photo proof, and for more information as to exactly how I did it eating sugary cereals, chocolate, ice cream, pizza and burgers every day, head on over to
Don’t waste another day doing it the hard way.
If you have been struggling to come to grips with dieting because you love food, and you want to lose fat and get ripped like Jason Statham then head on over to to discover how to lose fat eating absolutely whatever you want.
Luke Johnstone has battled with his weight his whole life. After struggling to come to grips with dieting for over 7 years (because he loves food too much!) he stumbled upon away to lose fat without ever giving up the foods he loved. He lost 35 pounds and got a six pack for the first time in his life. To discover exactly how he did it go now to
Women’s Weight Training: 5 Common Myths and Realities
March 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Patricia Zelkovsky
Weight training and Men have always been the norm since the start of time, women who enter weightlifting or any other strength portraying activity had always been portrayed as masculine and taboo.
However, nowadays weight training is an important part of keeping healthy and a lot of women are practicing it and since it is a male-dominated field most myths are based on the male’s anatomy and women think they will get the same results as their male counterparts.
Here are some examples of common myths about women’s weight training:
Common Myth #1- Exercise Increases Your Chest Size.
I’m sorry ladies (and gentlemen) but breasts are composed mostly of fatty tissue and fat can never turn into muscle. Thus, it is impossible to increase breast size through weight training but instead, if your body fat goes lower than 12 percent your breasts will become smaller.
The Reality Is: Weight training increases the size of your back and this creates the misconception of confusing a bigger “back size” from an increase in cup size. The only way to increase your breast size is to get fatter. It is after all composed of around 90% fat tissue.
Common Myth #2 – Weight lifting will make you bulky and muscular
This is one of those myths that derive from a male’s result of weight training. Males and Females have different hormones and women don’t and can’t produce the same amount of testosterones as males do. Testosterone is one of the main hormones that build up muscle size and without this women have a hard time gaining big muscles.
However, most of the images being shown in television and other sources of media always portray female bodybuilders that are as muscular as men.
The Reality is: Most of these women use anabolic steroids along with other drugs and supplements to grow to their size. Some of them also have good genes and exceptional work ethic that allow them to gain muscle quickly when they workout and lift heavyweights for hours.
They did not get as muscular naturally. It is just physically impossible. Women who do weight training without the use of steroids get the firm and fit cellulite-free looking body that you see in most fitness shows these days.
Common Myth #3 – If You Stop Your Weight Training Your Muscles Turn Into Fat. This is like saying that oil and water can mix. Muscle and fat are two totally different types of tissue. What usually happens is that when people decide to stop their weight training programs they start losing muscle due to inactivity (use it or lose it) and they also usually drop their good balanced diet as well.
Thus, bad eating habits combined with lower metabolism due to inactivity, and lower degrees of muscle mass, give the impression that the person’s muscle is slowly turning into fat.
The Reality IS: While the muscle is being lost due to inactivity, fat is accumulated at the same time.
Common Myth #4 – Weight training will make you stiff and musclebound.
This is one of the most common myths, even with guys. Some people they will turn into robotic and lose their natural grace.
But Reality is: Most of those who are stiff musclebound people are already that way before weight lifting and that If anyone performs all the exercises through their full range of motion, flexibility will increase.
Exercises like flyes, stiff-legged dead lifts, dumbbell presses, and chin-ups stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement. Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your stretching capabilities will increase.
Weight training will not only burn off excess fat but will tone and sculpt making a women’s body curvy and sexy. So women if you want to look slimmer, toned and feminine, look into adding weight training as part of your fitness workout.
If you’re interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab a free fat loss report which details 27 unique methods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat.
Find More Women S Weight Training Articles
Weight Loss and Fitness Through Circuit Training
March 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
A great exercise program includes both cardiovascular (aerobic) and strength training. These are typically done separately, even on separate days sometimes. Circuit training combines them both into one workout.
The premise is simple; if you link together enough strength building exercises and run or walk fast between them, you are doing both cardiovascular and strength training. It’s simple, it works well, and you decide how long to work out, which exercises to include, and how hard to push yourself.
Circuit training aficionados refer to the spots you do your strength building exercises as “stations.” A station can be an exercise machine, a set of dumbbells, a chinup bar, a mat to do crunches on, a spot where you do pushups, and just about anything else.
The first circuit training I did was at a school where along a circular trail there were a number of spots, or “stations,” appeared.
One station was a chinup bar, another was a spot where you did pushups, another where you did jumping jacks, and so forth. Similar circuits exist in many public parks.
Your gym may have a circuit setup, including a variety of exercise machines, free weight exercises, and stations for pushups, crunches, and similar exercises that require no equipment. Alternately you can do what I often do at my gym at make your own circuit.
I find circuit training to give me a great workout and it’s fast as well. With limited time it’s great, It’s also hard to get bored as you’re generally moving pretty fast. If you haven’t tried circuit training you may want to give it a try. And with all times of exercise, make sure you incorporate warm up and cooldown exercises.
Harry Baldwin is a prolific writer whose topics including fitness and gardening topics. His latest is Best Garden Hose focused on garden and lawn care, including information on garden hose storage.