Weight Training For Women – Proven Methods For a Sexy Body
February 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Arnold Vessigny
Most women who take up exercise or workout programs tend to dismiss the idea of weight training for women. A lot women find weight training as a very light and non-engaging program that does not really lead to good or noteworthy results. However, these preconceptions about the program are misleading since many women have benefited from following the basics of strength training for women.. If you’re in doubt, and are a woman, try to find time and consider this program as it may work for you-nothing to lose but fat and a sluggish lifestyle.
A common misconception about women weight training is that weight training would make a woman’s body so muscular to the point that they would look like petite bodybuilders. This, friends, is not true. A woman’s body is just as good as a man’s, as both bodies are, by convention, a work in progress. Unless a person really starts taking working out seriously, nothing good will ever come out of a workout program except for good appearance and a good excuse to burn money.
Modern women who consider the option of weight training usually do so after work or during weekends. Weekdays are still just as jam-packed though, since a lot of gyms now have huge female followings regardless of age and life status.
For those interested in strength training, it is essential to have enough of a budget and an open mind. Although working out won’t be cheap, availing the assistance of a professional gym trainer may cost you depending on the plan or program you intend to sign-up for, and the gym where you’d be doing your workouts.
Also, consider your diet before going on weight training. Women’s bodies respond to things quite differently, and having an irregular diet while engaging in extreme activities might lead to unwanted injuries in the future. In order to prevent these things, it is important for women to rethink their diet by going for less calories and more protein. Depending on the age, other food groups may be added in order to make your diet work for you.
Women’s weight training routines differ greatly from men’s in such a way that women’s routines are less rigorous but still efficient in delivering results. It is important to note that women’s bodies are more fragile than men’s, but are just as equal in terms of potential. It is also important to note that working out in gyms may be more ideal, but sometimes, workout programs may be carried out within the comforts of one’s home. So consider having your own workout set in your spare room and ask for help from friends who are in the know.
Weight training is just like any other training; just make sure you’re ready for it – physically, mentally and financially. Before you know it, you’ll be in great shape in no time! Brace yourself for a rigorous but very rewarding experience.
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Here Is a Good Weight Loss for Men Plan That Will Help You Reach Your Ideal Weight
February 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Jacob Portman
If you are a guy who is getting tired of always looking at yourself in the mirror and hating that you are overweight well then know that you aren’t the only one because there are millions of people looking for good weight loss for men methods. You aren’t the only man who hasn’t been proud of their weight, and you won’t be the only man who loses a ton of weight either.
I can’t tell you how many times I looked at guys noticing that they had the bodies I’ve always wanted. As a teenager in high school, I was never really concerned about what I ate on account of the fact that me and my friends would just eat pizza and play video games all the time. We just didn’t care how we looked, but when high school was over we certainly started caring.
Walking through New York as someone who is overweight is no picnic, and its something that I absolutely hated having to go through. What you are about to read is going to provide you with a good weight loss dieting plan that will help you see long lasting results if done correctly. The first tip for you to lose weight is that you should be eating numerous small meals throughout your day rather than the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Just make sure that you are eating meals throughout your day because eating those three meals a day do nothing to speed up your metabolism. Also if you are eating high sugar and calorie snacks throughout the day then you also need to stop as well. When you are frequently eating small meals throughout the day your body is basically turning into a fat burning machine that is constantly at work rather than stopping and starting because it is starving waiting for the next meal in 6 hours.
Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is also going to help you lose weight. In fact it would be best to drink 8 glasses of cold water throughout your day, and if you don’t have a large enough glass then just get a 32 pack of water bottles and drink 8 a day. The reason it needs to be cold is because drinking cold water helps to confuse your metabolism so that it builds up your body heat when you take in the cold water.
When the metabolism speeds up and heats up the body, it is also burning calories at the same time. Weight lifting is also a good idea to lose weight, and doing this 3 times out of your week for like an hour is going to help your body build muscle. Muscle helps to speed up the metabolism so that it burns calories, and this is because it takes more calories to sustain muscle than it takes to sustain body fat.
Muscle is going to replace the body fat, and you’ll even be losing weight while you sleep which is an added bonus to weight training exercises. Please use these weight loss for men methods because they are safely going to help you reach your goal.
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Weight training for women – If you want to lose fat and be lean, then start weight training
February 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Randy Robinson
Women generally care more about their health and their weight, than men do. Most women would like to be lean and have the sexy curves. Very few women actually achieve the look you see in fitness magazines, not because women don`t work hard, but becuase they avoid weight training.
Very few women step inside a weight room, because they believe they will look bulky and muscular, by doing weight training exercises. This certainly not true! Women just don`t have enough testosterone to build much muscle mass. Even if you want to build muscle, then you will not gain much muscle mass naturally.
If you want to be healthy, lose excess fat and develop sexy curves to your body, then training with weights will help you mold that physic. A lot of the women who do exercise with weights, do not exercise with enough intensity to have much benefits. If you want to get great results, you should train like men do and use the same type of exercise. The women you see on magazines train the same way most men do. With the exception that women put more emphasis on their thighs and glutes.
A lot of people have the misconception that if you want to lose fat, you should do cardio and when you want to build muscle, you should lift weights. And that is not really true. Research shows that weight training is actually more beneficial for fat loss than cardio training. Not only do you burn tons of calories when lifting weights, put you also speed up your metabolic rate much more than with simple cardio. Not only will you burn calories during your workout, but many hours after your workout as well.
There are many benefits of weight training: burn calories, lose fat, become stronger, have more energy, feel better, look better, tone muscles, strengthen joint and bones. There are many different workouts you can use and if you are a beginner then it is important to get help. You can get a personal trainer to help you. It is very important to perform exercises correctly. Or if you do not have the money to hire a personal trainer, you can watch videos online and read articles to help you.
To get the most out of your workouts, and also get a cardiovascular workout as well, you can decrease your rest between sets. If you are doing leg presses, then rest 1.5 minutes max during sets. That way you will get a cardio workout as well. And you should also focus on exercise that work large muscle groups like squats, leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, bent over row, lat pulldown and so on.
So weight training for women is certainly beneficial, no matter what your goal is. The main thing is not to be afraid of using heavier weights and working hard. You can and should be using the same exercises and workouts that men are using, with some modifications. After a while you will certainly see a big difference and feel much better.
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Weight Training Safety Tips!
February 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Weight training is one of the safest sports. It is only dangerous when carelessness and ignorance replace good judgment and common sense. Grouping by ability, securely-fastened weights, proper progression, and various other items previously discussed were closely related to safety. This advice should help the instructor look after his pupils.
The first and most important consideration is the requirement of a complete medic al examination prior to participation in a weight training program. This precaution is no more necessary for weight training than for any other form of strenuous physical exertion, but it should be done before undertaking any athlete or physical education activity. The results of such a physical examination can give assurance that the individual is organically sound.
If not, he should be excluded from the program.
Time should be allowed for rehabilitation before resuming heavy work by the injured part. When a player returns after injury or illness he should have the same careful examination to determine his capabilities. The player returning after illness or accident will have to be watched to avoid overdoing the activity in a weakened condition. Conversely, some players may have to be encouraged to exercise an injured limb in order to maintain its strength.
Correct lifting position is a point the coach or instructor should remind his pupils of often. When lifting the weight from the floor the correct position is with the feet close to the bar and on the same line, hips lowered, knees flexed, head up, and back straight.
The weight should be lifted with the legs, not the back muscles.
Master each lift with lighter weights before attempting to progress to a maximum lift. The time taken to master a lift not only assures proper technique but it also conditions the muscles to lifting, thereby reducing the danger of a pulled muscle. Careless stance, incorrect form, and over-optimism in an effort to show off will result in needless accidents and injuries.
Everyone should remain clear of those players actually engaged in performing a lift. It is important to maintain good discipline in a weight room. Wandering from station to station and engaging in general “horseplay” may result in bumping into another lifter and could result in a serious accident.
Some coaches prefer to use spotters at each end of the bar and dispense with placing the collars in position after each change in weights. Always make certain that the collars which hold the weights in position are securely tightened. Such a system makes it extremely important for the spotters to be in position at the ends of the bar to prevent the bar from tilting.
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Weight Training For Defensive Backs
February 17, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Defensive backs are usually the most all around athletic players on the football field. A defensive back must keep up with a receiver, watch the quarterback, play zone, come up on run support, blitz and make tackles on larger players. Defensive backs are expected to be the fastest players on the field while also generating explosive power to make big hits.
A weight lifting routine for defensive backs should reflect the demands made on them during the game. Defensive backs should train heavy, like a linebacker, but for speed, like a receiver. They need to be decisive, explosive and extremely strong for their lighter body weight.
Day 1
Push – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Defensive backs need shoulders and triceps more than anyone else on the field. They need to not only be able to bench press their own weight, but do it in explosive fashion.
Just imagine the surprised look on the receivers face when you go to bump on the snap and knock him on his butt.
Bench press – 5×5
Dumbbell bench press – 3×8
Incline press 5×5
Overhead dumbbell press – 3×8
Reverse cable crossovers – 5×5 – At the cable crossover station set the cables all the way at the bottom. Grip the handles over hand with opposite hand so that your arms are crossed in the starting position. Explosively pull up the cables across your body and out with your shoulders to end in a position like a lateral raise.
Day 2
Pull – Back, Biceps and Forearms
Defensive backs need a strong back and biceps to wrap up tackles. They also need powerful forearms to grab cloth and bring down ball carriers when they can’t wrap them up.
Dead lift 5×5
Dumbbell row 5×5
Lat pull down 5×5
Bicep curls 3×8
Finger curls 3×12 – Let the bar roll down to hand on the tips of your fingers, then close your hand to roll the bar back up into your palm.
Day 3
Legs – Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads and Calves
Defensive backs need powerful legs to drive through tackles and keep up with receivers.
They must train for power as well as speed to be successful and well rounded on the field.
Split squat 5×5
Speed squat 3×8
Hang clean 5×5
Stiff leg dead lift 5×5
Leg curls 3×8
Jump calf raises 3×12 – holding dumbbells in each hand jump up using only your calves.
Remember to keep all exercises explosive to build power. Heavy weight does you no good if it is lifted slowly. Do proper warm ups and stretch during your cool down so that you can keep up with more limber receivers.
Learn more about strength training at http://www.alternativefit.com
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Weight Training Log
February 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
You can tell whether you are making any progress with the gym workout by keeping a weight training log. When progress is not visible, you thus have the chance to look over the entire workout routine and identify the mistakes. Over-training or under-training, these could be two of the problems. As for the organization of the training log, there are several possibilities: according to the traditional variant, the columns should include the dates, the resistance level and the performed sets. The direct mention of the weight increases could be another essential weigh of organizing the weight training log.
To give just an example of what a log should look like, let’s analyze a column and see how you should interpret it. For example, if last time you trained you did eight sets of bench presses with 205 pounds, on your new session you may hit the same 205 pounds but this time in nine reps.
There is usually no growth in resistance, muscle mass or strength when you train at the same level all the time. The best way to create a weight training log within minutes is to print ready made customized workout sheets.
The weight training log should include a special column in which you can record your weight before every workout. Although weight is not always relevant for the results of gym training, it is sometimes helpful particularly if you try to burn fat and replace it with lean muscle mass. The weight training log should further include a cardio section too. The workouts can be kept track of in relation with the cardio performance. It seems that when performed before the weight training, the cardio routine reduces the intensity of the exercises.
Evolution is easier to track if you include such sections n the weight lifting log.
Mood variations may help with training or can ruin it. If you include a section for mood in the log, you will be able to determine if the success of your exercises is not influenced or impaired by the way you feel when you train. Normally, you wouldn’t be able to make a pertinent observation from one week to another, unless you have this weight training log to check. If high energy levels define your mood at 5 pm every Monday, then, that is a great time to train, but this is just an example of how you can use the mood section in your advantage.
Visit Daniel’s blog and discover more great articles and tips about bodybuilding, weight lifting, fitness, nutrition and weight training equipment reviews.
THE Weight Training Tip – Use These Tips to Build Muscle Fast
February 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Aaron McCloud
When you’re weight training to build muscle, sometimes it’s easy to end up in a plateau where you feel like you’re not making progress. If this is your problem, you may be looking for a weight training tip that will help you move beyond that plateau so you can begin building more muscle. Get ripped fast by using the following tips as a part of your training routine.
Tip #1 – Increase the Weight
One weight training tip to build muscle fast is to increase the weight you’re lifting. Many weight lifters make the mistake of working out with weights that are too light. How many reps can you do with the weights? If you’re able to do more than 10, the weight isn’t heavy enough. However, if you only make it to 7-8 reps, you need to decrease the weight.
Heavier weights help you build muscle faster when you’re weight training to build muscle. You should be working to failure when you’re lifting for the best results, so give your weights a boost.
Tip #2 – Avoid Overtraining
When you’re working to get over a plateau and build more muscle, you may be tempted to overtrain. Don’t give in to this temptation.
Overtraining doesn’t do you any good. You can’t make up for having a lazy last month, and you won’t get results faster if you overdo it.
Many weight lifters don’t realize that overtraining can actually decrease your muscle size. Over work your muscles and you won’t receive benefits – you’ll actually move in the opposite direction. Overtraining can cause many complications, including injuries, so make sure you avoid it.
Tip #3 – Get Rest Between Workouts
Between your training workouts, another important weight training tip is to get some rest. Lifting everyday won’t give you faster results.
Remember that weight training actually damages and tears your muscles. As you cause micro-tears to occur, the body works to heal them by building larger muscles.
The tears in the muscle are healed while you are resting, and especially when you are sleeping. This means that rest is just as important as doing the right workouts. It’s best to have at least one day of rest, and preferably several, between lifting sessions.
Tip #4 – Use Split Routine Workouts
Using split routine workouts is a great weight training tip that will help you see results faster. What are split routine workouts?
These workouts focus on training several body parts each day until you have trained all your muscle groups throughout the week. Don’t try training your entire body in one day. Different body parts should be trained on different days for better results.
Tip #5 – Boost Protein Intake
Last, boosting your protein intake is an essential weight training tip to follow when you want to build muscle fast. Quality (complete) protein is needed to build healthy, lean muscle.
However, don’t think overdoing the protein will help. The body will only use so much protein each day. It’s best to take your weight in kilos and multiply by 1.2 – 1.8 grams to figure out how many grams of protein to eat for the best results. Less than that, and you won’t be able to build muscle.
Take These Training Tips And…
Take each weight training tip and start applying them to your weight lifting workouts. These tips will help you see incredible results when you are weight training to build muscle.
Of course, these aren’t the only techniques that can help you get ripped fast. Take some time to find tips and advice that can boost your results even more by checking out the links below.
If you want to get more info about weight training, check out the 5-Day Beginner Weight Training Course. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I’m an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer, and I’ve been lifting heavy things and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There’s a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training. Check it out! – Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.
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Women Weight Training: Why Women Should Not Be Afraid Of Dumbbells
February 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Cornell Dayne
The image of women weight trainingfor many people, these two things should never, ever go togetherreminds us of those orange tanned, masculine-looking ladies wearing shoestring bikinis that barely cover their bulky chest areaand who wants to look like that?Those women are professional bodybuilders. And they didnt develop 21-inch arms by following a beginners guide to weight training for women. Those women worked really hard, employing advanced training techniques that many a time were developed by the very best trainers in their industry. Knowing and understanding this proves that the fear of bodily overdevelopment is unfoundedand silly. Women weight training is a good thing, and if done in moderation it can yield some spectacular results.The truth is, any good healthy diet plan should include a bit of weight training, especially if your weight loss goal is more than 25 pounds. The Biggest Loser show is a great example of that. If you want to keep your body toned and in shape, then working out with weights is the way to do it.But first, there are a few lies about women weight training that need to be discussed here. First, weight lifting will not turn fat into muscle, nor will any muscle tone youve built turn back into fat should you stop weight training. Its like saying apples can turn into oranges. Fat and muscle are completely different. Always remember that.The way that muscle and fat are alike, however, is that you will lose both if you only do cardio workout. Sure, cardiovascular exercises are critical to raising your metabolism and burning calories, but they can cause a reduction in muscle tissue.Another popular myth is that weight training is a non-factor when it comes to weight loss. This, again, is wrong. While youre not jumping around with dumbbells in your hands, the resistance of it and the work your body needs to do in order to accomplish it only serves to strengthen your heart, and it gets those endorphins revved up, too.Weight lifting for women has been shown to help improve the health of cancer patients, diabetics, and those suffering from hypertension. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis and muscle atrophy in older folks. You must combine your cardio with weight training. Youve got to feel a good amount of resistancefeel the burnin order to get the most out of your weight training routine.However, the key is to start out slowly, and increase the weight gradually. If you start out with too much weight, you can tear and damage your musclesand thats unhealthy, as well as painful.Just like you shouldnt do cardio work seven days a week, nor should you weight train every day. Start out with just two days a week, on your off days from your cardio workout, and 45 minutes of activity for each session should be perfect.While its not necessary to go to a gym to weight train, it is highly recommended that you have someone teach you the correct way to do it so that you dont get into bad habits. This is why you see mirrors in gyms. Its not because people are vain. Its because the correct position of your arms, legs, and other body parts is crucial in building and maintaining your muscles.
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Personal Training and Weight Loss
February 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Personal training is a great option for those who dread going about the weight loss process alone. Some of the benefits that the trainers offer are motivation when you are not at your best and help in keeping you on track to lose those unsightly inches around your waist. They are also there to insure that you are getting the most out of every workout.
Since many of you have never had a personal trainer, you may think that they are there to just help you to exercise better. In fact certified personal trainers do much more. The following are some of the evaluations that he or she might perform on you.
Some of the first things that he or she will do for you is to analyze your present fitness level with a series of simple tests and questions. This information helps to establish a health history that will be used to assess your risk factors before starting an exercise program.
If need be, the trainer may recommend a medical exam.
This may happen, for example if you have a history of heart disease or other cardiovascular problems, if you are taking prescription drugs, or if you have been injured recently.
Once the preliminary assessment has taken place and the trainer has determined that you’re fit enough to start a program, you will then get into more of the specifics about the goals and objectives that you would like to obtain. But before a specific program is prescribed, they may also perform more assessments such as body mass index, the determination of body fat or some of the following.
To determine your level of cardio fitness, the trainer may have you perform some physical exertion tests. By determining this, he or she can better understand your cardio endurance and capacity level. Typically the exercise will involve running or walking.
Since you will eventually perform a range of different exercises, your going to need to be flexible. As such the trainer may perform a flexibility assessment on you. After a proper warmup, a common test that is performed is a sit-and-reach.
This test not only helps him or her to asses the flexibility of your hamstrings and hip, but also your lower back. This is important because of the significant number of people who complain of lower back problems.
Another assessment that the trainer may make has to do with your body alignment, that is your posture. Posture problems can play a central role in joint and muscle problems. Determining and correcting your posture can help to alleviate nagging aches and pains that you may have. And it is more than just knowing how to stand correctly. Proper posture should also be followed when you walk, sit, and also when you perform exercises.
After making these assessments, the trainer can then design a specific program for you that will help you to achieve your goals, whether it be for weight loss or other health related benefits.
One last thing. To find a personal trainer, check with your gym. However, if you don’t like the gym scene, try a home personal trainer.
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learn language The two best weight training movements you can ever do
February 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Water Waterdef
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