Scheduling Weight Training

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Even though it seems possible to train the body to operate efficiently in different daytime zones, many of people seem to have an instinctive comfort at a particular time of the day. The comfort zone seems related to the natural cycle of sleeping and waking that your body and brain control.

This body clock is known as the “circadian” clock and is an actual group of cells in the brain that emits hormones and electrical impulses according to a timing that seems to be genetically set. The hormone melatonin is the principle hormone that regulates this body clock.

Melatonin and the circadian cycle are affected by light and darkness. Now that you have some background, you need to know how this affects your fitness goals.

It seems that you can reset your body clock by manipulating waking and sleeping hours to a degree. This means that you can teach yourself to get up early and go to gym or for a run and still do a great workout.

It may take some time, however, to reset your body clock to this program if you are not used to being active early in the morning. Sports scientists say that exercise performance is closely related to body temperature, which peaks for most people in the early evening.

You may be different. And even so, the response to exercise is cyclical during the day with the early afternoon a “down” time for many people.

Further, the optimum time for exercise for you is not just determined by your body clock, but by the type of exercise, your age and health, environmental conditions such as light and heat, and social activities like meals and work patterns. If it is cooler in the morning this may outweigh any extra bounce you extract in the warm early evening.

Early morning exercisers have increased risks of heart attack and stroke, and a greater risk of damage to the spine. Late in the day exercisers have increased risk of respiratory difficulties.

These risks are probably not as great for fit, athletic people, but may be worth noting if you are undertaking a rehabilitation program or just starting out with exercise. Weight lifting in the evening may be superior for building muscle according, to research on the hormones cortisol and testosterone in weight trainers.

Cortisol is a hormone that, among other functions, helps regulate blood sugar by breaking down muscle tissue when necessary. This is called “catabolism.”

Testosterone does the opposite; it helps to build muscle by utilizing proteins. This is called “anabolism.”

Cortisol is usually highest in the early morning and lowest in the evening. Testosterone is also highest in the mornings.

The ratio of testosterone to cortisol is highest in the evening because cortisol, the muscle-breaking hormone, drops more over the day than testosterone does, providing a more anabolic, muscle-building state in the evening. Another important consideration in choosing a workout time is the normal time of your competition if you play for a competitive sport.

If your competitive activity takes place in the morning, then you should train at that time often, and at the appropriate intensity, in order to get your body used to that activity at that hour of the day. Recreational exercisers have more flexibility.

Ultimately, you should go with whatever time you feel most comfortable with and can manage considering all factors. These include your natural body clock plus social, work, health and environmental conditions as well as training and competing priorities.

The morning often suits running, walking and cardio exercise, rather than heavy weight lifting. Make sure you warm up before doing anything strenuous, especially in the morning.

Take it easy on the back for a few hours after rising. Do not hop out of bed and try for a dead lift personal best.

Weight lifting in the morning on an empty stomach is not a good idea because blood glucose can be low. Taking some food or a shake about 30 minutes before lifting can help power you through the sessions and avoid lifting in a catabolic environment

Team sports and weight lifting may benefit from evening workouts. Early evening gym sessions are popular with weight trainers.

Training too late in the evening may not be ideal for nutritional recovery and sleep patterns. Some trainers find that doing cardio in the morning and weight lifting in the evening works well for them.

Ronald Pedactor has worked in the exercise and health industry for 31 years. When searching for a good deal on exercise equipment he suggests getting someone knowledgeable to compare treadmills, and tell you their qualities.

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Rondald Pedactor This beginner weight training program will start you up on the right path. Visit my website for my free ebooks, articles, etc.

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Beginner Weight Training Tips

January 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight training has long been recognized to have many health benefits. For those of you just starting out, these beginner weight training tips will help you to avoid some of the common pitfalls and mistakes many beginners make. By following these tips, you can look forward to lowering your risk of injury, getting more out of each workout, and avoiding some unnecessary pain.

Beginner Weight Training Tips

Stretch Stretching is a long held practice that is designed to lengthen your muscles and loosen your joints so that you can move more freely. However, you don’t want to over-stretch as it can lead to unstable joints. Holding each stretch for 10 seconds or at the most 30 seconds, is sufficient.

Start with light weights It may be tempting, especially for guys, to prove how strong you are. As a beginner, you need to resist that urge, since this is the easiest way to become injured.

Instead start with light weights, light enough to do 10 to 15 reps. Also perform at the max three sets.

The next day after your training you are going to experience some soreness. The level of soreness you have will depend on the amount of weight you tried to lift and the duration you spent on each exercise. If you used light weights and performed the recommended amount of sets, your soreness should be bearable. If you went overboard … Well, let’s just say that the pain will go away in a couple of days.

Develop proper form When you begin weight training, the most basic skill that you want to develop is proper form. This helps to avoid injury, as well as helping you to maximize the working of the muscle.

Some common mistakes that you need to look out for has mostly to do with your back.

For instance, when bench pressing always keep your back on the bench. When performing leg exercises such as squats, keep your head up and your back straight.

To avoid joint injuries, do not lock your elbows. When you do, you transfer part of the force of the weight from your muscles to your joints, which can lead to overextension.

Go from light to heavy When weight training, you should always go from light to heavy weights. By exercising in this manner, you give your muscles a chance to warm up and increase the blood flow to that area. Also, this progressive type of training is the best way to develop and strengthen muscles.

Carry weights with two hands For safety, when you are transferring weights to different places in the gym, always use two hands. It may appear more manly to use one hand, but the weights can slip and cause an injury, if not to you, then maybe to someone else. And as a reminder, again do not lock your elbows.

Replace weights & wipe down As a courtesy, replace your weights to their proper place. Guys need to be particularly attentive about doing this, since you tend to lift more weights than women. If you don’t and a woman is following you on a machine, it can be very difficult for her to take off the weights that you have left on the apparatus.

Also, wipe down the bench after you have finished. No one wants to sit or lie down in your sweat.

Rest Muscle grows after you have finished weight training, not during. So the process can take place you need to rest your muscles. If you exercise your muscles everyday, they will not get a chance to recuperate and grow.

As such, most trainers recommend that you exercise your major muscle groups only once per week. The only muscle group that takes exception to this advice are your abdominals, which you can train several times a week.

Check out the latest news and information on diets, weigh loss products, and exercise at It’s Lee Hayward here with a complete chest and shoulder weight training workout routine. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t get at least one e-mail from someone asking how they can build a big muscular chest. Well in this video clip I’m going to share one of my all time favourite chest workouts for fast muscle gains. I like to start my chest workouts with a big basic compound power exercise. Usually some form of the bench press. In this video I’m doing the barbell bench press but I’ll sometimes use dumbbells or incline bench presses instead. When doing bench presses make sure to set up properly by expanding your chest, arching your upper back, and pulling your shoulder blades back. This will help to fully activate the chest muscles and place less strain on the shoulder joints. It’s also a good idea to have a spotter with you at all times just in case you need help lifting the barbell off your chest. The next exercise that I like to do is the dumbbell flye. This exercise works the chest in the fully stretched position. I don’t use heavy weights here, but rather I emphasize getting a full stretch in the pecs. I even hold the weights for a second at the bottom position to get a better stretch. You’ll also notice that I only lift the dumbbells about ¾ of the way up. Going all the way up just takes the stress off the chest muscles. In the video I’m doing incline bench flyes. But sometimes I’ll do flat bench flyes, or decline bench flyes to work the chest
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The best weight training routine for the purpose of gaining lean muscle mass.

January 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Kasper V. Christensen

I always chuckle the moment someone says that they know the ideal weight training routine intended for gaining muscle tissue – That there’s just one way to work out – or even that there’s just one Most effective way to train.

A weight training routine that everyone should certainly adhere to?

Just one best weight training routine for gaining muscle that works well for everyone?

I don’t believe so.

Heated discussions are often raging within the bodybuilding community forums. Most observed will be the conflicts in between the high volume people and the HIT jedis. I have found these types of discussions useless simply because the participants aren’t noticing the bigger picture. That both style of weight training routines could have their unique benefit within a good organised plan.

For sure, all of the bodybuilding information is generally foolish. The marathon muscle pumping workout sessions aren’t really worth paper they’re printed on. The rubbish they have inside of the magazines is really ineffective.

However when it comes to really serious, no-nonsense, productive strength training intended for drug-free athletes – stuff that works for skinny bastards – there are lots of “Best” weight training routine and really successful approaches to workout.

Evaluate the following:

1. Powerlifting


3. Fortius Fitness body transformation systems

4. HST

5. Heavy singles

6. The 5 x 5 system

7. HIT (High intensity training)

8. 20 rep breathing Squat workout

9. Doggcrapp training

10. Blending a few of the above with bodyweight workouts

This is really only just a tiny selection of all the training routines for gaining muscle offered today that will deliver results for natural weight lifters. They’re all different, however Virtually any of those training techniques and workout routines can make you larger, thicker, much stronger, far healthier, slimmer, much better conditioned and more powerful.

That’s precisely why there’s simply no single best weight training routine for gaining muscle. As long as you select the proper weight training program appropriate for your experience, recovery level and ensure that you simply train really hard, heavy and truly serious – its going to work.

Everything you do and just how you work out is basically a matter of individual choice plus individual circumstance. It depends to some extent upon your age, your experience, your training goals and objectives, how quick you recover from your workouts, whether or not you might have any kind of injuries which minimize what you can do to perform certain exercises, just what equipment is accessible, as well as a host of matching factors.

What exactly matters most is intensity and effort put forth in training. When you do that lots of weight training routines would certainly get the job done. The best weight training routine for gaining muscle would be the one which you believe in which generates the results you’re after.

A solid weight training routine is the key to a successful body transformation. specializes in teaching men and woman how to build a strong, (very) lean and toned or muscular body with the look that is perfect for YOU – the natural way! Go there now!

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Home Weight Training Equipment and Precisely What to Take Into Consideration

December 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Tom Gerry

If you’re looking to construct a gym in your house or apartment, then you will want to get the right home weight training equipmen. What you’ll see however is certainly that this specific equipment comes in just about all shapes, styles and amount ranges, and you’ll have to make a few significant choices in what specifically you want to have. Use this guide to ensure you create the right decisions and end up with the equipment that suits you the best.One of the first things you really want to complete is think about your very own goals for your training. What exactly are you wanting to accomplish? There’s a chance you’re trying to put on plenty of lean muscle mass, decline all of of those unwanted weight around your belly, get into much better form for any competition or an event, or all of the above. Additionally, are you currently the sole person who will be utilizing the equipment, or is there several individuals – partners, children, siblings and so on – that’ll be making use of the equipment as well?Purchasing home weight training equipment should really be about finding the right gear to obtain the job for your specific goals. That’s the way that you will see one of the most success, and if you buy equipment that will not assist you to perform the types of workouts and techniques that you will be searching for, then you’ll definitely be in a hopeless situation.But another one of the major considerations for buying gear like this is how much space you have to work with. Some home weight training equipment can be massive in size. These complex all-in-one home gyms or stations include multiple different exercises, moving parts and more, and require a great deal of space. It might be the perfect solution for a great workout, or it could be prohibitively large.On the other end of the spectrum, you can find individual components such as a few dumbbells and extra free weights, a foldable weight bench and so forth which will take up the smallest amount of space possible. Space is certainly a concern, but there’s always an option that can work with a given space of any size.Along the same lines, you also have to consider price. A few basic free weights and other small pieces of training equipment won’t set you back very much money. But those huge home gyms and other fancy machines and pieces of equipment can cost thousands of dollars. In the long run, you’ll still probably save money versus having a pricey, monthly gym membership, but many people don’t want to make that upfront investment either way.As you can see, there are a few important factors and choices that you’ll have to make, and your answers will guide the decision process for you. You should think about what your goals are, who will be using the equipment, how much space you have to work with and how much money you have to spend. If you do all of this, you’ll be assured of buying the perfect home weight training equipment.

Want to learn more about home weight training equipment? Discover how you can build your own home gym and save some money at the same time.

Click here now for more information.

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Golf Swing Weight Training A New Approach

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by

Golf swing weight training is as specific as you can get in regards to golf training to improve power, distance and iron yardages with every club. Wouldn’t you love to add 10 yards to every iron? Instead of a 150 6 iron, you’re hitting a consistent 7 iron the same distance.

This alone will greatly improve your “greens in regulation” and getting more shots closer to the pin. The end result is a much lower score.

Golf swing weight training shouldn’t be new to you. You’ve heard all the pros train for their game. So why shouldn’t you? Here’s one secret that can add a quick 20 yards to your driver in less than a week or so.

Swing a weighted club!

This is not revelating stuff, but I’m here to tell you it’s one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase your distances with all clubs.

The benefit is developing the exact golf swing muscles from a strength and flexibility standpoint within your golf swing. You’ll improve your backswing and follow through range of motion, as well as your power through the hitting zone.

In all my dvds, books and websites I preach the importance of a balanced routine of both golf stretching and strengthening exercises for all your golfing muscles. This is critical for your long term success.

I am an advocate of this approach, and strongly suggest you be too. There are many muscles swing the weighted club don’t hit that can be affecting your game. Like the hamstrings, lower back and even abs.

But how about a little shortcut along the way?

Golf swing weight training is something I’ve personally been doing for over 10 years and I’m fortunate enough to say I can consistently drive the ball over 300 yards. I don’t say that to brag, but to say this type of training and approach is effective and works!

Because I’m not a big guy like all those long drive competitors, golfers are surprised when they see me hit a drive. They all seem to ask how can I do that? Immediately I go into my golf trainer mode and precede to tell them the importance golf swing weight training and working on the “machine” to hit longer drives.

Within a couple of holes they are hitting me with a ton of questions they want answered. By the time I’m done, I wished I hadn’t told them what I do for a living.

No I’m just kidding.

By doing a golf swing weight training program that incorporates strength, flexibility and weighted clubs you will see the quickest results that last long term.

Your golfing buddies might think your crazy, but you’ll get the last laugh.

The winning combination is swing technique and golf swing weight training! Golf now

Read all the latest Golf tips from the Golf’s elite. Golf advice from professional golfers. Latest Equipment News and Reviews. Increase your Drive distance, increase your putting and get a better score card. For more visit us at:

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How to Use Cardio and Strength Training to Lose Weight

December 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

If you want to lose weight fast, you must engage in cardio and strength exercises. This is because cardio and strength exercises can burn fat. So by using cardio and strength training, you will increase your metabolism rate and make your body burn fat faster.

So how much time do you need to put into cardio and strength trainings in order to lose weight successfully? Many people think that they must put in hours every day in gyms or on the track in order to achieve their weight loss goals. This is not true. In fact, the hours needed are much lesser than you assume. Although putting hours in the gym is effective, it is very difficult for you to find the time to do it because of other commitments. So, you should start from basic trainings that can be achieved in 30 to 45 minutes every day.

For strength training, you must lift weights at least 3 to 4 days a week.

For each session, you only need to spend 45 minutes. Overdoing it in the gym may slow down your progress and prevent you from losing weight fast. A basic strength training program should consist of bicep curls, bench press, should press and squats.

Next, let us move on to cardio exercises. Cardio exercises are anything that involves movement. Some excellent cardio exercises to burn fat are running, sprinting, swimming, rowing, skipping, soccer, tennis, etc. If you have not been exercising for a long time, you should stay within the intensity level that is most comfortable for you. If you do not condition your body enough and jump straight to high intensity cardio exercises, you may get injured.

For cardio exercises, each session should last at least 30 minutes. Anything less will prevent you from losing weight successfully.

Also, you should engage in cardio exercises at least 3 times a week, depending on your conditioning. If you are more conditioned, you can increase the frequency to 5 times a week.

By engaging in both cardio and strength trainings, you can achieve your weight loss goals faster. These trainings will greatly increase your metabolism rate and make you lose fat extremely fast. By reducing the volume of stored fat in your body, you will lose weight, get leaner and look better when you look into the mirror. So go and plan your training programs now. Stay motivated and stick to the plan that you created. Let’s go!

Here is a little known secret to lose weight that no one will ever share with you. This secret will make you lose weight fast and you don’t need to bother about the food that you eat. If you truly desire to have an amazing body, then I strongly urge you to read the next page. It may well be the most IMPORTANT message you ever see – Click Here now!

Weight Training Muscle Building – Weight Training Diet For Skinny Guys To Pack On Muscle Mass Quickly

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight Training Muscle Building

If you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain muscle mass quickly then this weight training diet is the missing key you need to start growing fast. I’m going to give you the absolute best food you need to include in your weight training diet.

Your weight training diet can be broken up into 3 categories of food: Protein, carbs, and fat. You the right amount of each of these in order to build muscle mass. Especially if you’re a skinny guy – you need to pay special attention to your diet if you want to grow. Weight Training Muscle Building

Best Carbohydrates To Include In Your Diet

Brown Rice
Whole Grain Breads

Best Protein Sources To Include In Your Diet

Chicken and turkey
Steak and ground beef
Cottage Cheese
Whey Protein

Best Fat Sources To Include In Your Diet

Flax Seed Oil
Olive Oil
Fish like salmon and tuna
Fish Oil

So how much of these foods should you be eating to start building muscle mass? Well, I recommend my personal training clients split it up into 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat.

This is the best ratio for gaining muscle weight quickly especially if you’re a skinny guy.

Your weight training diet should also include the right number of calories for your bodyweight.

If you’re a hardgainer and have trouble putting on muscle mass, I recommend you take 20x your bodyweight in calories daily. So take your body weight x 20 and that’s how many calories you should include in your diet on a daily basis. It’s pretty simple. Weight Training Muscle Building

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Beginner Weight Training for Weight Loss

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Robert Lyon

Beginner Weight Training for Weight Loss

Content Copyrighted

Robert Lyon

BA Human Movement, MAAESS

In the quest for weight loss, many novice exercisers fall into the trap of thinking “cardio cardio cardio” without even considering the benefits of resistance training as a weight loss aid. It frustrates me when I hear the same old phrases thrown around again and again. As I always love to do – let me debunk the biggest resistance training myth and show you how weight training can work for you!

“I don’t want to lift weights – It will make me too big and bulky”

Women – put your hand up if you have said this or thought this in the past. Those who haven’t put your hand up yet – I think you’re not telling the truth!

From a physiological perspective, females are not designed to gain a lot of muscle mass due to hormonal reasons, as well as the simple fact that females have less testosterone available in their bodies when compared to men. Not saying that you won’t be able to gain muscle, but an appropriately designed progressive resistance program will ensure you a fit and toned body.

“But why would I even want to gain any muscle?”

Quite simply, the more muscle mass you have, the more fat you will burn. Why? An increase in lean muscle mass will increase your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). An increase in BMR will increase the amount of calories burnt throughout the day. Think of this – you could be burning fat while sitting around doing nothing!

Any shift in your metabolic rate increases the efficiency of your body. An efficient body burns more fat by properly utilizing its effective calorie stores for good, rather than bad!

Think of your body as a furnace. Then think of your muscular body as a white-hot furnace. Add the calories consumed from food and drink as fuel for the furnace. Which flame will burn the fuel the quickest?

“Ok, Ok, I understand now. But how do i start?”

The easiest way to begin a weight training program is to think of your own body as a weight. Bodyweight exercises are some of the MOST EFFECTIVE exercises to perform, as they use the largest muscle groups in the body, whilst also developing balance, stability and co-ordination. As an added bonus – the lighter and stronger you get – the easier they become (What a great compromise!!).

Bodyweight exercises use the large muscle groups in the body, such as the thighs, butt, chest and back. The larger the muscle group, the more muscle fibres you use. The more muscle fibres you use, The more muscle you build!

Great beginner bodyweight exercises include squats, lunges, dips, push-ups on the knees and simple abdominal crunches. They might be hard at first, but with some persistence and good old fashioned hard work WILL see the improvements!

It is a great idea to get a registered fitness professional to devise an appropriate resistance training program – as they can progress the program to ensure that you keep reaching your goals! If you would like more information on my fitness coaching services, please email

Until next time, stay strong and live well!

Rob Lyon

Robert Lyon is a qualified exercise physiologist residing in Sydney, Australia. He is currently available for online customised fitness programming and personal training. See for more information and take that first step today!

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Women’s Weight Training

December 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by kayla pang

The newest study in exercise science indicates that weight training is crucial to fitness and weight loss. Cardio physical exercise which doesn’t incorporate or contain weight training is far much less effective and will even be counter-productive. But women’s weight training routines need a specific approach. Ladies will need to not weight train inside similar way that adult men do. Weight training approaches that are designed with adult men in thoughts might not attain the results that girls are searching for.

Gals who want to include resistance training into their workouts have to contemplate particular hazards which probably don’t bother adult men. For instance, excessive muscle building can show up unattractive on the feminine frame. Women’s weight training need to assemble muscle power without producing the appearance of bulkiness.

It is also genuine that women’s weight training have to focus on various elements in the physique than men’s weight training normally does. For instance, males might want to develop size and power in their lats or trapezius (shoulder) muscle tissue. But girls most likely will not need to perform weight training workouts which create bulk in those people locations.

So women embarking upon a weight training regimen need to carefully contemplate the weight training routine which very best accomplishes their gender-specific objectives. Women’s weight training will need to be tailored on the strengths, weaknesses and aesthetic worries unique towards the female physique.

Women’s weight training will need to normally entail decrease opposition than men’s weight training. In other words, weights need to be less heavy. But compensate for that more affordable weight having a bigger amount of reps for each exercise.

Also, ladies will need to concentrate on specific muscle groups far more than others. Women who’reweight training won’t need to construct too much bulk inside the biceps, shoulders, back or thighs. Within the other hand, women’s weight training should give specific awareness on the abdominals, pecs, glutes, triceps and calves. Those muscle tissues, when properly formulated, contribute for the look of a lean, slender, feminine figure.

Overall, when embarking upon a workout regimen with includes weight or opposition training, ladies must be properly mindful of the original desires and worries with the female entire body. Not all weight training regimens would be the exact same, and not all are developed especially with women’s needs in mind. Consider time to check with using a private trainer to pattern a women’s weight training schedule which suits your personal desires. Women’s weight training isn’t the identical as men’s, and most trainers should be conscious on the critical distinctions.

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Weight Training For Women

December 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Luke Wilson

Let me start by saying rather it’s weight training for women or anyone else, the first thing you should do before starting any new exercise program is check with your doctor. With that, said lets begin.

Up until recently, and by recently I mean maybe five or ten years ago, most women did not train with weights. The reasons I was given varied from everything from being worried about getting bulking up, or appearing to masculine, some even worried about getting veins.

The truth of the matter is none of that depending on your program could be farther from the truth, If you design, a program tailored to what you want. There are lots of benefits for women when it comes to weight training, the first benefit is the obvious you will have a fitter, toner, and more healthy looking body.

And that is just on the outside, on the inside the benefits are a stronger heart and connective tissues. There are a few differences between men and women weight training. Here are some facts before we go on, weight training does not always equal a bulked up body.

Another myth is that cardio training without some sort of weight program is all that is needed to lose weight muscles help burn fat. Now it is true that you will certainly burn calories, but weight training helps to speed up your metabolism.

Here in my opinion is the secret for women that want to workout with weights, but are still worried about bulking up. Start with lighter weights and higher reps. Higher reps with lighter weights tone, while heavier weights with lower weights bulk.

If you remember that you should not have to worry about bulking up like the incredible hulk. You are going to want to work hard; you want to get that heart rate up. The more calories the faster you will be fit and toned.

My name is Luke Wilson and I am an avid consumer writer. I write about everything from the basic day-to-day items to the latest in technology and health.

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