Chest Exercises For Men Without Weights

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Armando Jonhill

Chest Exercises For Men Without Weights – Health – Fitness

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This article talks about chest exercises. I write this article only for men. If you want to know best exercises to build your chest muscles, then go ahead and read it until end. You will be surprised about this simple method. Read and enjoy it!

Nowadays is popular to go to the gym to build muscles, but it is not the only way how to build muscles. There must be another way. When I read many of other articles or advertisement, I do not feel good. I feel so because I do not like to lift weights. I could not find any information on how to build muscles without weights. So, I created my own workout program which includes chest exercises for men.

I know from personal experience that the best chest exercises for real men is push up exercises. I know this because I trained my muscles without leaving my house. No, it is not because I am afraid to go out, I just do not like to go to gym. I like to do chest exercises at home. The main condition of my muscle workout is without weights. I am happy about it because I have proven myself that the chest muscles can build without weights.

Therefore, I do not see a reason why you do not do the same. I want to help you to find right chest exercises which will build chest muscles fast and safe. I will write nine ways what I use to get hard chest muscles. These ways are related with push up. I am using pitched push up, nappy push up, frog push up, navi push up, light push up, exchange push up, wide push up, simple push up and fast push up. Yes, you do not know some names but do not worry.

Combining these chest exercises you can get perfect look. Certainly you need to follow exercise frequency to avoid muscle overwork. You need to make exercise routines for every week. I think that with four months will be enough. So the best chest exercises for men without any weights is push up. If you do not believe me, then try it yourself.

About the Author

By the way, Do you want to know other chest muscle building methods to get big chest fast?

If so, I suggest you check this out: Chest Gaining Tips

Do you want to start chest exercises now? Click here:

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