Chest Stretches – Breaking the Monotony of Work With Chest Stretches

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Chest stretches are one of the most effective ways to break the monotony at work. In this day and age, many individuals work seated behind a desk for the greater part of the day. This position over long periods of time cramps up many muscles of the body. This leaves you weak and sluggish during the day and this affects your productivity in the workplace. Not only do you have low energy, you also become irritable and impatient with the work and your co-workers.

The Good in Chest Stretches
Chest stretches provides many good effects for the working individual. By stretching at given periods of the day, you can help circulate the blood more effectively throughout your muscles and thus relieve tension built up in your body. These stretches also help refresh your senses and break the monotony of the daily grind. By this activity, your body releases endorphins in your body that are helpful to your overall health.

The Kinds of Chest Stretches
There are many kinds of chest related stretches that you can do while you are behind your desk.

Doing them at given periods surely helps you become better while at work.

* Simply trying to reach out to the ceiling while seated behind your desk is one kind of stretches you can do. By doing this, the arms and chest muscles stretch, letting your blood circulate through your chest muscles and making yourself healthy at the same time.

* Pushing your palms together and letting your chest muscles stretch while counting to ten helps in relieving tension in your body.

* Doing several breathing exercises are also good types of stretches for the chest. You need to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth clears many cobwebs in your head and chest.

You also clean the airways and exhale toxins from your lungs.

* Try stretching your arms parallel to your shoulders and then folding your arms to your chest, you let blood circulate. Do this repeatedly and push your chest and then pulling your chest back helps your chest muscles become active and ready for the work at hand.

Reminders when doing Chest Stretches
Do remember always that you are in the workplace and not in the fitness center. Keeping your exercises simple and low key surely helps from calling attention to yourself. You don’t need your boss all over your back if you disturb the relative peace of the workplace. Another simple guideline in doing chest related stretches is the reason for the exercises. These chest area stretches should serve to break the monotony and recharge your flagging energy. The exercises are not supposed to be all out exercise programs you do while in your office attire in the company pantry.

Chest Stretches and You
Doing chest muscle stretches while at work is but one of the ways to invigorate yourself and keep you alert while at work. They also provide many benefits for you, such as improving circulation, removing stress and tension and ultimately help you become a more productive employee behind your desk.

A lot more information about chest stretches can be found at so going online to the site can yield nuggets of wisdom for use in your daily life.

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