Circuit training at its finest!

April 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by John Platero

In a time when everyone is promoting 30-minute workouts to make Personal Training affordable, I’d like to remind you that most athletes could never train for just thirty minutes and make any gains, let alone maintain their form. Baseball, basketball, football, tennis, soccer, volleyball, triathlons, cycling and jogging all last longer than a half an hour. Although, a volley in tennis or volleyball might last a few seconds or a football, basketball or baseball play might last the same, an athlete must be able to focus, concentrate and keep their head on the game for much longer than 30 minutes. However, in soccer, cycling, triathlons and running it’s rarely the case these sporting events will last less than 30 minutes. Think back to your high school or college days. When did your practice ever last 30 minutes? There was the warm-up, stretching, skills, plays, scrimmaging, special teams, laps and a cool-down. All that in 30 minutes? Can’t happen. The human body is an amazing machine. It can withstand a whole lot of punishing. It also can adapt very well. Very quickly, this machine will be able to handle 30 minutes. The workouts below are for conditioning not hypertrophy. A bodybuilder would rarely train this long. Most clients won’t have the time, but some will not only have the time, but also have the money. Because of the long days of summer, you might be able to perform this training outside. These workouts should last about two hours plus and burn approximately 1500 calories depending on the size of the client and intensity of the exercises.


30-40 minutes on the treadmill, bike or some piece of cardio.

Starting at 15 minutes, add at a 1:1 work: rest ratio,.60,.90 and 1:20 second intervals with 3-5 minutes in between those three intervals. The intervals could be speed or hill intervals. Progressively increase the speed or the grade of the hill on each interval. You might need to keep the first and second bouts the same speeds or incline.

For example:

5.0 mph for 15 minutes or 0% grade5.5 mph for.30 seconds or 3% grade5.0 mph for.30 seconds or 0% grade6.0 mph for.90 seconds or 4% grade5.0 mph for.90 seconds or 0% grade6.5 mph for 1:20 seconds or 5% grade5.0 mph for 3-5 minutes.

Repeat the same or proceed starting with 6.0 mph or 4% grade.

Circuit Training

Here are four circuits to be completed twice each before the bouts of jumping rope.The loads and reps might change based on your client.Always obtain a client profile with exercise history, medical history and any medications.

1. 2 ft box jumps with 20-40lb weighted vest 15-25 reps2. Medicine ball sit ups (with weighted vest) 25-50 reps3. Squat. Same vest 25-50 reps4. The plank 3-minutes:.30 prone,.30 to each side with.30 prone in between and then.60 prone to finish.

Jump rope for 5 minutes

1. Hamstring curl (heavy) 8-12 reps2. Dumbbell clean and press 15-25 reps3. Reverse hip extension on ball 15-25 reps4. Standing lunge with a lateral raise (until failure)

Jump rope for 5 minutes

1. Plyometric dumbbell push-up to a standing dumbbell press. (Pick light dumbbells and good luck trying to get 25 reps)2. Reverse crunches 25-50 reps3. Pec dec or one-armed cable cross-overs 15-25 reps4. Ab machine (heavy 10-12 reps)

Jump rope for 5 minutes

1. Pull-ups (as many as possible)2. Russian twists w/medicine ball (2kg) between the feet3. Contralateral one-arm rows with a lunge on a low cable 4. Leg raises with a medicine ball (2kg) between the feet

Jump rope for 5 minutes


Jog, cycle or perform some mode of cardio for 30 minutes at 60-70% of functional capacity.

Stretch and cool down


Perform the same as the previous workout

Circuit Training

(Start with body weight and then add a weighted vest)

Squat 25-50 reps90 degree jumps with a wide stance. 25-50 repsSplit jumps 15-25 repsJump squats 25 reps

UBE (upper body ergometer or tubing) for 5 minutes

Drop push-ups off of two medicine balls. 10-15 repetitionsPec deck on two stability balls. 10-15 reps. (Prone, a wide stance with elbows bent, one on each ball similar to a Pec deck)Push-ups with legs on the stability ball. 15-20 repsOne-armed cable crossovers. 15-25 reps

Stationary bike for 16 minutes performing intervals at a 1:1 work to rest ratio, 2 minutes seated, two minutes standing for a total of four intervals.

Hip extension on ball. 10-15 repsSupermans.60-1.30 secondsProne free style kick on stability ball..60-1.30 seconds. (Prone, on stability ball with hands secured to something)

UBE 5 minutes

Smith machine chins. 15-25 reps. (If the client is not strong enough adjust the bar so it’s only about 2-ft above the ground. Have the client lie down under it). Alternating pulls with torso rotation. 25 repsStaggered stance one-arm rows 15-25 reps (you may incorporate a lunge)One armed cleans. 15 reps. (start in a squat position and hang the dumbbell between the legs, sumo style)


Jog, cycle or perform some mode of cardio for 30 minutes at 60-70% of functional capacity.

Stretch and cool down

I hope this gives you some ideas. ENJOY!

John Platero is the founder and owner of Future Fit, Inc. a successful multi-faceted fitness company that manages personal trainers, provides fitness products, services and educational services for the consumer. He is also the Director of the N.C.C.P.T. (The National Council of Certified Personal Trainers) which has certified thousands of personal trainers at its intensive, two-day workshops held throughout the country. For more informa

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