Circuit Training For Weight Loss

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Chris Guthrie

As I said in my last article, Workouts To Promote Rapid Weight Loss, circuit training is a very effective method for weight loss. In fact, it will probably get you in the best shape of your life as it will also get and keep you fit and nicely toned.

As I also said in my previous article, it can be very hard work. There is no easy way or short cut to losing weight and toning up, so this really shouldn’t come as too much of a shock.

I will suggest a programme in a moment that will get you started in circuit training and give you a good solid base level of fitness to build on. After a while, you will probably wish to maybe change things round a bit, use different exercises etc. This is good and will help you stay motivated due to variety which is very important in an exercise programme.

The exercises we are going to use here are the squat, the calf raise, the squat thrust, the press up, the lateral shoulder raise, dumbbell curls, bent over dumbbell rowing, tricep dips and crunches. This may sound like a lot to begin with but don’t worry; we will be starting off gradually on the amount of each exercise done and build up slowly, so it can be done by anyone and not take too much time up.

Before any of the above exercises though, it is important to warm up your muscles. Stretch every muscle of your body gently but thoroughly, until you feel thoroughly warmed up and loose all round.

After the warm up, it is time to begin. First exercise is squat thrusts, this exercise will help you to be warm all over and get your blood pumping, perfect for the next exercise, squats. These are to be done without weights and controlled in speeed, taking 2 seconds up and 4 seconds down. Next is calf raises, done at the same speed as the squats.

Next up is press ups, these can initially be done against a window sill until you build enough strength up to do 10 full press ups on the floor, before moving straight on to bent over dumbbell rowing, making sure of a good stretch at the bottom of the movement.

After these its time for lateral shoulder raises, done again controlled and to the point of the dumbbells being parallel to to floor, then you go to do your dumbbell curls nice and controlled once more, then straight onto tricep dips, after these your whole body will be thoroughly worked out, this will have the effect of toning your whole body and burning fat.

Last but not least are the crunches, just do the same as the rest of the exercises, that is do as many as you can comfortably manage, and in subsequent workouts the idea is to try and do one more repetition of every exercise until you can do 25 of each.

When you reach this level, it is time to move onto the next level, which I will discuss in another article very soon.

To find out more about weight loss and exercising to effectively remove body fat and keep it off, visit
 – give this weight loss workout a shot and experience the Fitter U circuit training difference. With workouts like these you’ll lose weight faster than ever before!
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