Circuit Training Workouts for Women

December 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

The popularity of circuit training is growing thanks to the amazing results it can achieve. Besides halving the progress time (as compared with steady state cardio) and placing your body into a fat-burning stage for as long as forty-eight hours, the fact that they can be performed anywhere with very little equipment, makes them a very attractive form of fat-burning routine. Aside from the benefit of being able to perform them anywhere, your circuit training workouts can also claim optimum results in less than twenty minutes.

Circuit training workouts are therefore suitable for:

1. Single moms at home with the kids
2. The aspiring business executive who has little spare time
3. Travelers who live out of a suitcase
4. Those women who can’t manage to afford a gym membership

Circuit training workouts for women, mean there is no longer any reasonable excuse not to exercise.

Are you at home with your kids?

You don’t need a lot of space to carry out your routine.

Short of time?

These circuit training workouts for women can be completed in less than half an hour.

Do you struggle with the budget, to afford a gym membership?

There is no money needed to perform circuit training workouts for women.

So what exactly are the circuit training workouts for women?

The typical circuit training workout will be of high intensity, and you will not have a lot of rest time between exercises.

Typically there are six light weight or bodyweight exercises, that are all performed in a circuit style.

The following are a few circuit training workouts for women:

Beginning with the first exercise, make sure you perform it with high level of intensity for no more than fifteen seconds.

As soon as you have completed your fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds and then start exercise two. Work this exercise for a further fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds when it is completed, and move to the next exercise. Continue this pattern until all six exercises have been completed. When all six exercises have been completed, take a break for a couple of minutes, and then start the whole routine again from the top. Your goal is to see how many times this circuit can be completed each time.

Beginners Level
1. Run On The Spot
2. Squats
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push Ups
6. Laying leg lifts or crunches

Intermediate level
1. Squats
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Half Burpees
4. High Knees
5. Push Ups
6. Lunges

Advanced level
1. Lunges
2. High Knees
3. Burpees
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push ups
6. Jump Squats

Let’s Take Circuit Training Workouts for Women One Step Further

With some light dumbbells and a jump rope, you can seriously increase the intensity of the workouts. For this you need to integrate the equipment into the circuit you are performing. All you need to do is replace one of the listed exercises with one that uses your jump rope. Another simple but fantastic piece of equipment you can add is a pair of ankle weights. Just a little extra weight on the legs, creates a much more intense workout.


Burning fat at a fast rate will be possible, if you maintain a good healthy diet, and perform the circuit training workouts for women, a few times a week. Not only will you drop inches off your waistline, your physique will be transformed into a more toned, and sexy body. Always allow a full day between workouts so your body can rest and recover from the circuit training.

Mike Miller is a CPT whose goal is to help others like himself to achieve their physical fitness goals.

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