Circuit Workouts ? An Explanation

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

“Circuit training” is a term frequently mentioned in gyms and on weight loss TV programs. And yet, few people really understand the point of a circuit workout. So what is circuit training really? And does it actually work?

Wikipedia states that circuit training combines simple resistance training with intense cardio exercises to increase weight loss, build muscle and heighten aerobic fitness. An exercise “circuit” involves a series of brief resistance sets targeting a specific muscle group using moderate weights. Each set offers a short burst of exercise for the designated muscle group, followed by another set designed for another group. If you are the kind of person who likes variety this may be the perfect workout for you. It tones your muscles and gives you a fantastic cardio workout at the same time.

So do circuit workouts really work? Cooper Clinic did a study in 1982, in which researchers considered the effects of a circuit workout practiced three times a week.

They divided their 77 participants into three groups. One of the groups did nothing at all, the second group did only resistance training, and the third group jogged between circuits. Not surprisingly, the sedentary group achieved no results. The weight-trained group improved their strength by 17% and their cardio fitness by 12%. The circuit-trained group that jogged between stations improved in their cardio fitness by 17% and in their strength by 22%. The results proved conclusively that circuit training can effectively improve both strength and endurance.

Still a little skeptical about circuit training workouts? Try this sample workout, courtesy of WebMD. You can do it in your living room:

Use 5lb weights at first, and then increase weight as your strength increases.

Complete each resistance exercise quickly and move on to the next circuit to keep your heart rate up:


1) 30s of squats, followed by 30s of riding a stationary bike, jogging on a treadmill, or jogging in place

2) 30s of lunges, followed by 30s of jogging or cycling

3) 30s of chest presses, followed by 30s of jogging or cycling

4) 30s of bent over rows on weight bench or table, followed by 30s of jogging or cycling

5) 30s of shoulder presses (with palms facing out, push your arms straight overhead), followed by 30s of jogging or cycling

The Weight Loss Plans website offers diet tips and tricks as well as reviews of some leading weight loss programs. Check it out here!

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