Complete Guide To Speeding Up My Metabolism – How To Speed Metabolism Up Today

August 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Marc Orsen

Complete Guide To Speeding Up My Metabolism – How To Speed Metabolism Up Today – Health – Fitness

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If you feel you have put on too many pounds, you have plenty of company. In the U.S. today, nearly 70% of adult men and women are overweight or obese.

If you feel that you’re in this large group, don’t beat yourself up, don’t blame yourself. You have been bombarded by misleading information and magic pills; don’t be looking for the next great elixir because you are not going to find it.

You probably already know that your metabolism controls how efficiently your body processes the calories you consume. People speak about metabolism as though it’s a switch that can be turned on or off at will, well in a way it can, but we will get to that in a bit.

Here are ways to increasing metabolism. Here are 3 important ways to boost your metabolism naturally and how to stop it from slowing down.

Eating: Stay away from those fad diets that deprive you like the 1,000 calorie diet. When your body realizes your calorie intake has dropped, it gets confused and thinks you are starving. It slows down your metabolism and your weight loss slows down greatly!

Your Physical Activity: Increase your physical activity. People with sedentary lives are least likely to be at their most ideal weights. Moderate exercise such as dancing, walking or swimming will increase your metabolism and burn calories while you are active.

Weight Train: Work on developing lean muscle on your body. You have to realize that a pound of lean muscle will burn 7 to 8 times more calories each day than a pound of fat.

The essentials are really easy to follow each day. I am no one special, my body operates the same as yours; so if I can do it you can too.

Employing these three methods how to increase your resting metabolic rate (RMR). The key is to be aware of what you eat and good old fashion regular exercise. In summary the quickest way to lose weight consists in avoiding extremes such as excessive food reduction and in using instead common sense to improve your health.

About the Author

How to speed up metabolism starting today – Here’s how to speed up metabolism secrets!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Marc Orsen

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How to speed up metabolism starting today – Here’s how to speed up metabolism secrets!

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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