Creative Vegetarian Muscle Building Diet

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Balu Muscle

When a lot of people think about a vegetarian muscle building diet, they think about only being able to eat salad or some other non-muscle gainers. The usual picture coming up when thinking about muscle building diet is MEAT and a lot of it. But this is not true, as vegetarian muscle building is not only possible, it can also be fun.

It is a myth that you need to have an insane amount of proteins to grow your muscles and recent studies also confirm this, now this is where vegetarian diet gets fun!

Today we live in a society that has gotten increased awareness of the benefits of being a vegetarian, which has given vegetarians a lot of different choices to play with. We will in this article go through what a vegetarian diet for building muscle can consist of and the health benefits of the different choices in the diet.

Food in a vegetarian muscle building diet

The first food in the vegetarian diet for building muscle that also contains a good portion of proteins, are beans. Even though I stated that vegetarians do not need a crazy amount of proteins in a vegetarian muscle building diet, getting protein from protein rich food is something that should be taken advantage of.

Beans in a vegetarian diet has a lot of benefits, beside the protein, it contains a good amount of soluble fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol, helps your body process fat, just to name few. Beans in a vegetarian building muscle diet also gives you the feeling of being full and maintaining a healthy calorie intake is a lot easier.

Mixed nuts is the next one on the vegetarian building muscle diet. Some people use it for snack and other uses it to mix in their plate of food. I have to admit that I have experienced some great mixed nuts diet around the world with my friend who follows a vegetarian diet for building muscle.

The benefits of mixed nuts in a vegetarian building muscle diet are many. They contain a lot of proteins and are a great source of healthy fat, which is essential for your body. You need healthy fat to lose fat beside all the other great benefits healthy fat provide you.

Furthermore mixed nuts in a vegetarian diet for muscle building provide some great vitamins and nutrition

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