Cross Country Running

July 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Robert Perry

Cross Country Running – Health – Fitness

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Cross country running is a type of sport which takes place over open, natural terrain in events comprising large groups of runners. No two running courses are exactly the same. There are differences between cross country running and track running. To begin with, cross country is carried out in open, natural landscapes instead of specially designed track surfaces. The speed is also different particularly because of the long distance that has to be covered over natural terrain. The running style also differs in the areas of leg movement, foot planting and stride length.

Generally, cross country cannot be learned automatically but one must go through special training to acquire the right technique for successful running and the minimizing of injuries. Even a good long distance track runner may not have the same superiority in cross-country races.

Different techniques for are used different surface conditions. For example, if the ground is wet and soft, the stride should be shorter to avoid skidding. Also, the runner must bend the knees somewhat and point the toes outwards slightly in order to increase ground traction. Running on wet surfaces requires more effort than on dry ground. On hard surfaces the runner must keep the foot pointing in the direction of the run, with a straight line from heel to toe.

The ever-changing surface conditions means the cross country runner is more mentally alert and physically versatile than a track runner. Training programs consist of workouts on different physical terrains and can take months for those who want to compete professionally. The training not only builds up the physical skills but also boosts the muscle and joint stamina to protect against any damaging effects.

The equipment required for cross country running is very minimal. Most people run in shorts and vests, although during colder weather long sleeved shirts and sports tights are recommended for keeping warm, provided they don’t hinder mobility. Shoes are the most important part of the running apparel. Cross country shoes are called ‘Cleats’. They are lightweight and typically have metal spikes on the underside, which may or may not be replaceable.

Cross country running events are organized according to gender and age-groups, and competition can comprise of several of these individual events. Aside from the physical training, a competitor must incorporate proper dietary habits in their regime. Meals should be well balanced, high in carbohydrates but with minimal fatty foods. Drinking plenty of water is important including just prior to the race.

The race usually beings with a large mass of people jogging briskly but over the course the group spreads and thins out as runners fall into their race pace. From the start speed the runner settles into a slower, long-distance pace so as to avoid oxygen debt which may deplete his energy to early.

Runners must stay within a particular distance from the designated path which is marked out with ribbons, paints and flags. The course normally terminates at a long, narrow walkway called a funnel, whereby runners pass through in single file.

Although our website is mainly for joggers, there are many joggers who like to participate in cross country running events so we thought we would add this page for anyone interested. Be sure and check out our article about all the health benefits jogging exercise has to help you lead a longer, healthier life.

About the Author

Robert Perry specializes in the building of income producing websites using google adsense ads. For $ 75 he can build a 5 article website that the search engines love. All you have to do is start adding articles. You should visit his site.

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Robert Perry

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Robert Perry specializes in the building of income producing websites using google adsense ads. For he can build a 5 article website that the search engines love. All you have to do is start adding articles. You should visit his site.

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