Cutting Costs While Getting In Shape

March 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Many Americans will make the dual pledge this year to lose weight fast and cut expenses. New research shows that cutting the expensive gym membership and joining the local low cost YMCA, or an outdoor fitness group may be the best way to do both. Many gyms can cost several hundred to well over $ 1,000 per month for a family of four. The hi-tech equipment, while nice to look at, has not shown to improve overall results in any research study to date over low cost alternatives such as walking, or simple dumbbell exercises. According to Christine Alba, researcher, what does matter is having fun and if possible in a group. While local exercise classes at community centers can cost hundreds less per month, the results can actually be better for those looking to lose weight fast, because, according to Dr. Alba, you work harder when in a group than when alone.

While Dr. Alba’s work has shown this increased work ethic in humans the research started in rats. When a rat was allowed to exercise at will, or in a group, the rat would run longer and also have large amounts of specific brain hormones called brain derived neurotropic factor or BDNF, released. When the rats were forced to run the researchers found that there was no BDNF spike, and the rats would eat more food compensating for the increases in their metabolism from exercise. Dr. Alba’s work also shows that those that use the low cost, no frills, exercise option tend to be happier overall. Mostly, she says, because you run into your neighbors, and other active community people that lead to more community involvement. For people that do not have local community health centers, Dr. Alba recalls a research study in rural America where some local women started their own exercise classes, each women was in charge of a day out of the week and through self directed yoga, 8-minute abs, and climbing the local high school football field stairs, the women were able to lose weight and raise money for the local high school football team. To learn more about subjects like this and to start changing your body, please visit us at New Lifestyle Diet.

Hamilton Erridge is a weight loss professional. Newlifestylediet helps people lose weight and stay healthy by consuming Foods that they love (Shakes, Puddings, Soups, hot drinks, snacks etc.). It provides information and resources that help people make a lifestyle change so that the extra pounds shed are never put back on.
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