Cytosport – Muscle Milk Rtd Banana Creme, 4 drinks

October 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Milk

  • Serving Size – 1 drink
  • Does Not Contain: Trans Fatty Acids, ZERO LACTOSE

Product Description
Muscle Milk carb conscious lean muscle formula. Evolutionary muscle formula promotes efficient fat burning, lean muscle and fast recovery from exercise. Protein – Evopro: Perfect protein, clinically complete, multi source balanced to support lean, toned muscle. Fats – Leanlipids: Designer good fats to help burn stored fat, promote leanness, improve prolonged energy, and provide longer lasting hunger satisfaction. Carbs: Just the right amount of complex, low sugar, l… More >>

Cytosport – Muscle Milk Rtd Banana Creme, 4 drinks

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