DIET PILLS: Fitness Fact or Fable?

June 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Fitness Fables

DIET PILLS: Fitness Fact or Fable? – Health – Weight Loss

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“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” I’m sure you have heard this old saying, yet so many of us approach dieting with a “give a man a fish” mentality. By this I mean we buy dieting pills, pre-made meals, or expensive supplements instead of learning the concepts behind nutrition and how to lose weight.

This is certainly forgivable. People spend thousands of dollars in tuition and countless hours of study to become experts in the field, and frankly most of us are way too busy with our jobs, family responsibilities, and life in general to invest ourselves that much. My point here is, even when diet pills work, chances are you could be getting much better results by eating foods that don’t turn into fat as easily. On top of that, they are incredibly overpriced, and what you are really paying for is expensive advertising campaigns and flashy packaging. So, what do you do?

Cut out the middleman! There are plenty of resources on healthy foods that can effectively help you shed those extra pounds. You can find many of them at your local library, on dieting and healthy eating forums, or talking to your local doctor or nutritional expert. There is a lot of misinformation out there, but if you look hard enough, you can find some great sources of expert advice. Just to give you an example, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle gives a surprisingly comprehensive look at the subject. Basically, it lays out some amazingly well thought out ways to slim down, all based on a firm understanding of nutrition and human physiology.

So, what does it all boil down to? Are diet pills fitness fact or fable? Well, really I’d have to talk about each product individually to answer that question fully, but I’ll say this: Even if you find a pill that works great, in then end you’re going to pay a lot more than if you would have had you taken a little time to get some expert advise, and you’ll probably just gain the weight back as soon as you stop taking it.

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We here at fitness fables are dedicated to seeking out the most common misconceptions regarding fitness and exposing them in short, simple articles. Topics range from weight loss and muscle building to disease prevention and nutrition.

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We here at fitness fables are dedicated to seeking out the most common misconceptions regarding fitness and exposing them in short, simple articles. Topics range from weight loss and muscle building to disease prevention and nutrition.

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