Discover three abdominal exercise for women

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by R.T. Bucher

Discover three abdominal exercise for women – Society – Women’s Issues

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The best abdominal exercise for women incorporate hitting all portions of the abs. As you read each word in this article you will grasp the fundamental techniques you can use to shed belly fat.

Here are some abdominal exercise for women you can start using today to begin your quest to getting rid of stomach fat.

Exercise ball cruncher – This is a great exercise for toning the lower abs, if done correctly. Make sure instead of pulling your head towards your knees, you squeeze your lower abs. Use the contraction of the muscles to pull your body together. It will explode fat loss in that area. Many women have problems losing the pouch after child birth. This abdominal exercise for women will help remove that stubborn pouch.

Leg lifts – Leg lifts really help tone the midsection. This type of movement works all the abs and really strengthens the core muscles. Simply lie on your back with your hands under your buttocks and lift your legs six inches off the ground. Make sure you hold this position for at least twenty minutes. When the burn kicks in, go ahead and rest for a few seconds and repeat the process.

Praying crunch – Many men use this movement and women should also use it when they are trying to get rid of stubborn belly fat. You need a machine to accomplish this movement and most gyms have one of these in the corner somewhere. Just grab a rope and sit on your knees. Pull the rope down by contracting your abs and tuck your head between the knees. This movement will skyrocket your gains without a doubt.

You might now like hearing this statement but it’s so true. You can use all the best abdominal exercise for women daily and see only small results. You need to incorporate a healthy diet and couple it with fitness regimen. Without these two steps you can exercise till the cows come home and not see the results you desire.

About the Author

If you are a woman looking to shed belly fat then you need to go here now Six Pack Abs. Why spend the time to remove excess belly fat without expert instruction? You get a great body by emulating those who have one.

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R.T. Bucher

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If you are a woman looking to shed belly fat then you need to go here now Six Pack Abs. Why spend the time to remove excess belly fat without expert instruction? You get a great body by emulating those who have one.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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