Do It Eith Dumbells

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by David Gentle

Do It Eith Dumbells – Health – Fitness

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Although it is not as easily accomplished as with a barbell or appropriate machine, dumbbells can nevertheless, be used effectively for leg work. There is a unique, almost sheer joy trainees on all stratas of accomplishment experience when using dumbbells. In fact, many physique stars favour them exclusively over other accepted apparatuses – even the standard barbell! Why? Concentration and supreme muscular control are required and developed simultaneously… along with a lot of muscle.

Huge varieties of full body schedules or specialized routines can be devised using just two dumbells. Likewise, the range of application for dumbell training is as wide as your imagination, from fitness and body conditioning schemes to the aquisition and demonstration of great strength. Of the latter the Iron Game archives contain many wonderous feats of strength involving dumbells -often with a “special challenge” dumbells of the celebrated strength athletes own creation. Names fitting into this select category which immediately spring to mind are, Rolandow, Louis Cyr and Thomas Inch, who managed to lift his own unique dumbells exclusively against challengers until late in life.

[[[–]]] In more recent muscle history, nearly all of the great bodybuilding champions have devoted lots of training time to dumbells. For example, John Grimek favoured them for heavy alternate pressing and curling.In the 1950s, over here in England, I recall seeing the magnificently developed Len Sell regularly bench pressing 200-pound dumbells. During the 1960s, heavy dumbell training was the rage with the strength and physique stars who frequented your illustrious Muscle Beach. And today prime cases-in-point are available in the awesome Barbarians (David and Peter Paul), who routinely repped out with 150-pounders in the alternate dumbell curl, and the rugged Bertil Fox, who can bench with a pair of 250s! The message should be clear: Exercises, systems of training etc, have come and gone over the decades, but heavy dumbell training was always in vogue. This enduring quality gives sufficient testimony to the merits of dumbell exercise.

[[[–]]] The magic of dumbells – especially inx a commercial gym setting where there is normally a rack of pre-set dumbells arranged in graduated resistance, is that they can readily accomodate the weakest or the most powerful of humans. Plus, the availability of such diverse ready made poundages permits the working of every muscle group, including the legs, despite the fact that people have a tendency to view dumbells as soley an upper body “tool”, in an efficient time and energy saving manner as the trainee is spared the trouble of having to load and reload bars. This is not to imply that dumbell training is out of the question for basement and garage pumpers. However, these individuals must make sure that they have enough plates to sufficiently tax their muscles in the various movements. Obviously, a heavier dumbell is required for one-arm dumbell rows than, say, lateral raises.

Ed’s Note: Bill Good and the world’s biggest dumbbell 215lbs owned by the York Barbell Co. Sorry for the strange picture shape – David and his magical scissors strike again I fear! ha ha!

[[[–]]] Given the wide array of exercise mediums open to today’s might and muscle seekers, you may not want to stick exclusively with dumbells. However, keep the “variety” theme in mind for if nothing else dumbells are first-rate when it comes to alleviating training boredom or combating stale periods when physical returns from other forms of exercise are not forthcoming.With all those glowing superlatives said, let’s get into some specifics regarding dumbell – oriented routines. For your conveniencs I’ve outlined three different schedules based on training experience and current level of condition. Decide where you realistically fit into this criteria and choose accordingly.

[[[–]]] As with any training mode, though, remember to warm up thoroughly with some stretching and a few free hand movements. Might I also suggest that you take the precautionary step of performing the dumbell swing, a highly effective movement that has inexplicably fallen out of weightmans repertoire, first to further warm the vunerable lower back and promote additional blood flow. Actually, the swing is a simple exercise, straddle a single dumbell, grasp the handle with both hands, allow the bell to swing back between your legs and lift it overhead in one movement. Although the exercise primarily stresses the lower back, gluteus and hamstring areas, even if the knees are kept unlocked, many other muscles are affected. Repeat for 10 to 12 reps and note your body’s reaction.You’ll also notice that the programs I’m outlining are based on three full body workouts weekly, factoring in a days rest in between workouts. This is usually the best approach for beginners; however, there’s no reason why those of you who like to split a routine can’t do so with these exclusive dumbell programs.

BEGINNER’S PROGRAMStart of with light dumbells and gradually increase poundage in the respective exercises as your strength and endurance increase. After four weeks on this program, increase the number of sets to three.

Alternate Dumbell Press:Clean the dumbells to your shoulders and press them alternately overhead in “see-saw” fashion, doing two sets of ten reps. Terrific for the shoulders, arms and upper back muscles.

Hack Squat: With a dumbell held in each hand at your sides, and your heels resting on a block of wood so your torso will remain absolutely erect, squat for two sets of 12-15 reps. Aside from building the legs, especially the tough to fill in area just above the knees, overall growth is promoted.

Pullover on Bench:This exercise can be done with apair of light dumbells and by loading the plates in the centre of the dumbell bar, thus making it a “swingbell”. Do two sets of 12 reps, doing a set of pullovers immediately after each set of squats. Expansion of the rib box as well as development of the lats and serratus muscles is encouraged.

Dumbell Bench Press:Since you can work up to some pretty sizable dumbells in this one, getting the bells into pressing position can make this a hard exercise. Hence, it is preferable to have spotters hand them to you. Do two sets of 10 reps and get an awesome pump in your pectorals, shoulders and arms.

One-arm Dumbell Rowing:Support the upper body by putting either the non exercising arm or the knee on that side of the body on a bench to avoid straining the lower back. This is another “heavy duty” exercise, but do not use a dumbell so weighty that full range of motion is impaired. Also, make sure to isolate the latissimus as much as possible. Do two sets of eight reps.

Triceps Extension:This is the single-arm version of the “French press” or extension movement. Use good, controlled style. Do not throw up the dumbell for the sake of more weight as this promotes elbow injuries and doesn’t concentrate on the triceps. Two sets of eight reps ought to do it.

Alternate Dumbell Curl:Curl the dumbells to the shoulders one arm at a time while maintaining control throughout. Two sets of eight reps.

Calf Raise:Hold a dumbell in either hand and place your toes on a thick block of wood. Rise up on your toes to full extension and lower completely to stretch the calves. Do two sets of 15 reps.

INTERMEDIATE PROGRAMAfter eight weeks on the aforementioned, try this schedule:

Inclined Bench Press:Four sets of eight reps to really work the front deltoids, upper pecs and triceps.

Squats:(dumbells held at shoulders) – Three sets of 12 reps for leg development.

Pullovers:Three sets of ten reps.

Flyes:Three sets of 10 reps for pectorals.

One-Arm Rowing:Four sets of eight reps for the latissimus and upper back.

Triceps Kickbacks:Holding a light-weight dumbell in one hand, bend over at the waist, bring the dumbell toward your shoulder, and without moving the elbow, extend the arm straight back. Three sets of ten reps.

Concentration Curl:Four sets of eight reps for biceps development.

ADVANCED PROGRAMTry the intermediate program for two months, and then tackle this one:

One-Arm Press:Employ a heavy dumbell which allows you to just squeeze out 8 to 10 reps. Without resting, continue doing a set for one arm and then the other until you have trouble getting two reps per set.

Lateral Raise:The top shoulder isolation exercise, perform with slightly unlocked elbows… but not heaving or swinging up the dumbells. Do four sets of eight reps.

Squat Jumps:While holding a pair of dumbells, slowly sink into a full squat position and then jump upright as high as possible. Four sets of eight reps will encourage an explosive leg power.

Pullovers:Two set of 12 reps.

Flyes:Perhaps the best chest exercise of all. Do four sets of 10 reps.

Bent-over Lateral Raise:A real toughie for the posterior deltoids and upper back muscles. Four sets of eight.

Two-Arm Overhead Triceps Extension:This time use both hands and heavier dumbbell to blast the triceps. Four sets of 10 reps will build massive arm size.

Incline curl:Another all-time favorite for the biceps. After the previous exercise, five sets of eight to ten reps of this one should leave your arms pumped beyond imagination.

From beginning to end, the outlined programs span six months. If they are followed exactly as specified, at the end of that time you cannot help but notice that your physique has taken on startling changes in muscle size, shape and overall power. So – happy dumbbell training!

About the Author

Article contributed by David Gentle DO to Mick Hart’s No Bull Collection. Bodybuilding and steroid author, trainer and founder of the cult No Bull Collection magazine. Learn more here:

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

David Gentle

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Article contributed by David Gentle DO to Mick Hart’s No Bull Collection. Bodybuilding and steroid author, trainer and founder of the cult No Bull Collection magazine. Learn more here:

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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