Dumbbell Weights Exercise Tips

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Dumbbells have been used by personal trainers for years as a way to build strength and endurance in both elite athletes and those regular individuals looking to get more physically fit. You can use dumbbells to build up muscle in various areas of the body, and such training will lead to a disciplined body and mind.

There are other products on the market like resistance machines and for some people these can be helpful but they are very limited and adustment to a persons height and body weight is poor.

When you first get your dumbbell weights you will know doubt experiement with different exercises and there is no harm in doing this, it will get you use to the feel and design of the weights. When it comes to dumbbell exercises they are really divided into a number of varying groups. Let’s expand on a few of these groups.

Lets first take a look at the standard Chest Exercises

These exercises are very popular with people who are want to build muscle in the upper part of the body. The best way to do these exercises is by lying flat on your work bench whilst holding your dumbbell weights above your chest. Before you do this make sure you are familiar with the weights as dropping them from this position will hurt!. Now push the weights upwards and return to the chest position and repeat the process.

Sit on your flattened exercise bench exactly as you would if you were sitting in a chair. Lift your dumbbells up over your head, keeping your back as flat as possible. The dumbbells should then be lowered so they are in line with your shoulders. Hold briefly in this position (arms at 90 degrees) and then lift the dumbbells back up again for a repeat. Lateral raises are another shoulder exercise that is great for someone who has been lifting for a short while. Standing up, bend your knees slightly and have the dumbbells down at your sides. Bend your elbows just enough to raise the dumbbells out to your sides until your arms are raised to shoulder’s length. Continue back down until your arms are parallel to the floor, and then repeat.

Steve is a fanatical keep fit and body builder who has many years experience in the body building field. For more information on Dumbbell Weights and video reviews go to Dumbbell Weights

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