Dumbbell Workout Routines: Solutions to Body Building Issues

January 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Karen Winton

There are fats that are easy to get rid of, while there are some that are too stubborn. Sometimes, after dieting and exercising often, you may notice that you have stopped losing weight, and that there are still some flab on various parts of your body. There is a good solution to this dilemma: dumbbell workout routines.

Working out with dumbbells on a regular basis actually speeds up fat elimination, and also helps in muscle building and muscle shaping at the same time. If you see that fitness machines in the gym do not work as much as you expect, try exercising with dumbbells. Performing a dumbbell exercise routine that targets your problem spots, if not daily, every other day, more often than not results to a body that’s toner and healthier.

The following are some must try dumbbell workout routines:

1. Dumbbell Lifting Sets

These are a collection of dumbbell exercises that rely mainly on lifting movements which are said to be excellent muscle shapers and muscle developers. Squatting with dumbbells is a good example of a dumbbell lifting routine.

Another dumbbell exercise routine that belongs to this set is the dead lift exercise. The dead lift routine basically means holding your dumbbells in each hand, while bending forward using your waist while lowering your weight slightly to the ground. The dead lift is somewhat similar to the squat.

For these dumbbell workout routines to really work, it is best to perform another routine after performing the other. By interchanging those workouts, most fitness experts say that your excess fat will be burned off faster.

2. Dumbbell Energy Sets

Just by the term ‘energy sets’ you should have an idea that every dumbbell exercise routine included requires a lot of energy. Speed is also another requirement when performing dumbbell energy sets. You have to be able to move your dumbbells fast, which means that you’ll use up a lot of energy, eventually leading to better fat burning and muscle shaping.

3. Dumbbell Exercise Combos

Exercising with dumbbells can make your body leaner and make your muscles grow faster especially when you perform dumbbell workout routines in combos. This means combining at least two dumbbell routines and doing them in a single repetition. The result: longer repetitions done, more muscles utilized and targeted, which means higher chances of waving goodbye to stubborn fat. Of course, working out with dumbbells in combos requires a big amount of energy so you should be prepared.

Do not think that a dumbbell exercise routine only gives little results. For as long as you perform dumbbell workout routines properly as well as engage in exercising with dumbbells in a regular manner, body shaping, toning, and fat burning are not ‘impossible dreams’.

Karen Winton is a trusted fitness writer. To learn more muscle building moves, see: Dumbbell Workout Routines. Want to have a leaner and stronger body at the same time? This is for you: Train Smart.

www.HugoRivera.net – Learn how to do a Home Chest & Back Dumbbell Workout Routine designed to help you build muscle as fast as possible. Become a fan www.facebook.com The 10 sets of 10 reps bodybuilding workout has been used in bodybuilding circles for years in order to break through plateaus and make weight gains in the form of lean muscle mass. Many people have claimed to its invention, but regardless of who came up with it, it has been used with great success by awesome bodybuilders from the past such as Vince Gironda, as well as Dave Draper and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today, many athletes on the know still use this method and even elite strength coaches, such as Charles Poliquin, are great advocates of it and use it on their Olympic athletes when they are in need of gaining muscle weight quickly. I’ve used this method myself without fail since early on my bodybuilding career. It never ceases to yield great results. As a matter of fact, early on when I was less informed, I thought that I had invented it. That was until I found out that this bodybulding workout has been around since the early 60s! The 10 sets of 10 reps bodybuilding workout has proven time and time again to be fantastic at increasing muscle mass through the systematic fatigue of the muscle fibers being worked on. In order to implement a 10×10 routine, a mass building exercise is chosen and a weight that you can perform for 15 reps or so is selected. However, you will stop your set once you achieve 10
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