Duro-Med Mini Stepper Exerciser

December 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Compact, sturdy stepper ideal for toning the waist, hips, calves, and thigh
  • Unique adjustable tension pulley system makes stepping action smoother
  • Perfect for low impact exercise
  • The dual hydraulic cylinders work independently
  • Constructed of heavy gauge steel

Product Description
The mini stepper exerciser is a compact, sturdy stepper ideal for toning the waist, hips, calves, and thighs. Features a unique adjustable tension pulley system that makes stepping action smoother for low impact exercises. The dual hydraulic cylinders work independently, replicating stair climbing. Constructed of heavy gauge steel, the footrests are high-impact plastic composite and the non-skid feet prevent slipping. Includes a built in digital computer that calc… More >>

Duro-Med Mini Stepper Exerciser

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