Effect of Exercises on Muscular Building

June 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Kenneth Amesi

Effect of Exercises on Muscular Building – Health – Fitness

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Before we can conveniently talk of the effect of exercises for muscular building, it will be more appreciable if can examine the muscular system itself. The muscular system is refers to all the muscles of the body, both the one attached to the bones, the muscle that make up the walls of numerous internal structures and the ones that composes the wall of the heart. Muscles are an elastic body which after stretching, twisting, and squeezing returns to the original length. There are three main types of muscle namely: Skeletal muscle: This type of muscle is usually attached to the bone and it forms the flesh thus bring about movement. Cardiac muscle: This type of muscle forms the main component of the heart. The alternating contraction and relaxation of the cardiac muscle makes it possible for pumping of the blood by the heart. Smooth/involuntary muscle: These types of muscle are firmly fixed in the walls of hollow internal organs like the intestinal track, the respiratory and the reproductive systems. It is called involuntary muscle because the body have little or no control over its actions. Properties of Muscles: Extensibility and elasticity refers to the ability of the muscles after stretching, twisting and squeezing to return to their original length and shape. The increased extensibility of muscles serves as safety measures protecting muscles from tearing during sudden contractions Contractile refers to the ability of the muscles to control the openings of the heart, arteries, veins, lungs and intestines. Conductibility is the ability of muscles to carry heat produced, due to body varying changes, round the body. Function of the Muscle during Body Exercise. Muscles perform various functions before, during and after body exercise. Movement: There are different types of movements in the body such as passages of food through the digestive track, hand swing, walking or movement of the leg done through the help of the muscle. Posture: The ability to stand, sit and assume different body posture is enable through the muscle because of its continual partial contractions. Heat production: The chemical changes that takes place in the muscle normally lead to the release of heat energy for the body functions. Haven look at the above key point it becomes very clear to consider the effect of exercise on muscle building. You can not appreciate the value exercising for muscular building except you fully grasp the meaning, properties, and functions of muscles. Thus the “effect of exercise on muscular building”. 1. Exercise causes an increase in muscle size but it does not increase the number of muscle fibers for this is fixed at birth. The muscle size is increased because of increase in capillaries which allow for increase supply of blood and nutrients. 2. Exercise help to develop muscle strength but this quickly decreases as soon as exercise is discontinued for a long time. 3. Exercise enable muscles have greater endurance. 4. And finally exercise helps muscles develop more hemoglobin

About the Author

Visit for free report on the best exercises for muscles building at http://best-fat-loss-exercises.comKenneth Amesi is a coach on self help and development, health and fitness exercises, a financial analyst. He has used his wealth of experience to elevate many lives from health related diseases, stress management, self actualization and development.

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Kenneth Amesi

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Visit for free report on the best exercises for muscles building at http://best-fat-loss-exercises.comKenneth Amesi is a coach on self help and development, health and fitness exercises, a financial analyst. He has used his wealth of experience to elevate many lives from health related diseases, stress management, self actualization and development.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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