Effective Lower Back Strengthening Exercises Changing Lives of Sufferers

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Jason Ellis

Lower back pain is a serious health problem facing by millions of sufferers all over the globe. Some of the primary causes of lower back pain are inappropriate weight lifting, consistent sitting in front of TV and computer, lack of proper back exercises as well as abdomen and back muscles injuries. The report from The American Academy of Neurology states that effective lower back strengthening exercises is the only way to speedily recover from lower back pain and to strengthen abdominal and back muscles naturally. The following are some of the effective lower back workouts that can provide quick back pain recovery to the sufferer.

Affective lower back strengthening exercises

1) Back hyper-extensions exercise – Lie down on the stomach on the ground in order to perform back hyper-extensions exercise. When a person stretches out on the floor, it is important to keep legs straight. Now place both hands behind the head and raise chest along with shoulders in the back direction which helps to loosen up the lower back. Stay in this position for few seconds and repeat it again for few times every day.

2) Pelvic lift exercise – Pelvic lift exercise is yet another effective lower back strengthening exercise that can be performed easily at the home. This exercise needs the person to lie down on the back while keeping both legs bent and feet being parallel to the ground. Now cross both hands across the chest as well as firm up the abdomen in order to create pressure on the lower back. Now start raising hips from the ground in the upper direction and make sure that the knees form a direct line with the shoulders. Stay in this position for about 10-12 seconds and get back to the original position slowly. A back pain sufferer can repeat this exercise for about 10-12 times in a day.

3) Wall squats exercise – Wall squats exercise is very efficient and proven to provide back pain relief in few days. This exercise consists of standing approx. 10-12 inches away from the wall with back facing the wall. Then start to go backwards and slowly rest the back on the wall. Now begin bending down the legs and start contracting the abdominal muscles. This would help pressing down the arch of lower back into the wall. Keep bending down the knees until thighs become parallel to the ground. Now stay in the same position for at least 5-10 seconds and then slowly get back to the original position. One can repeat this exercise for at least 10-12 times every day.

4) Hip bridge exercise – Hip bridge exercise helps the person to counteract the effects of sitting in a chair for longer timer period. This exercise needs the person to lie down on the floor with the back facing the ground. Bend the knees and keep feet parallel to the ground. Now start to raise the hips and at the same time squeeze down the buttocks. Make sure that the knees are in line with the shoulders and remain in this position for few seconds. Get back to the original position slowly and repeat the whole procedure for at least 10-12 times every single day.

Lower back strengthening exercises are key to eliminating lower back pain. So, don’t ignore putting lower back exercises into your workout routine. You won’t regret doing it.

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