Endurance Test

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Endurance tests are a series of obstacle and distance courses designed to test the limitations of the human body in terms of its ability to perform extreme physical activities. It can include running, swimming, mountain biking, basic exercises such as pushups, crunches, bench press, indoor exercise biking, mountain climbing and many more combined together in a race type event. Some do it simply to test their physical abilities while others organize it as a game where competitors will fight for the prize, which is usually a trophy or a plaque and although very rarely, it can sometimes have prize money.

In an endurance test event a person will be required to perform physically draining activities – that is why it’s called an endurance test – and should he or she survives until the last test, then he/she will be declared the most fit person in that particular event or the whole world unless someone else will challenge him/her for that title.

For example the event will include:
Distance Running Test – this is where the player or competitor is asked to run for 10 – 30 miles, now keeping the time short in covering that distance is important because it will reflect how fast he could run for 30 miles (48.27 kilometers). Otherwise if another competitor will cover that distance in less than the time it took the first competitor, then clearly the other guy has a bigger advantage over the first.
Swimming Trial – in more than one occasion competitors were asked to swim from shore line to shore line before reaching the next event, and the distance covered is sometimes 20 – 25 miles (105,550.4 feet to 131,938 feet).
Distance Biking – in this trial the players will ride a mountain bike and sometimes race on a 15° – 30° uphill slope for another 10 – 20 miles (17,600 – 35,200 yards).
1,000 pushups, 1,000 abdominal crunches, 300 – 500 bench presses with an added weight of 200 pounds set of weights.
Sometimes a 100 mile marathon is also included in endurance trials, which will basically push anyone to their physical limits.

Usually the winner of this event will automatically set several world records including a new record for being the most physically fit man or woman alive.

Endurance trials are only allowed to go on for a maximum of 24 hours by medical professionals, because the body will literally give up if it is continually subjected to rigorous tests. No persons with poor health, disabilities or people who are basically unfit for such an event may be allowed to participate. Moreover, to qualify the athlete/player must show that he has had trained for more than 6 months in endurance trials otherwise he will be disqualified. This is a precaution for the game organizers and to protect the individual from certain danger. A person might have cardiac arrest, dehydration, heat stroke, severe muscle spasms and other medical emergencies while participating in such an event. Although rarely it could lead to death sometimes, this is why a strict screening process is required and only the best may participate.

There are online length conversion tools that you can use in case you got confused on the figures that we gave above.

Follow the link: length conversion,distance conversion

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