Essential Guide to Pull Up Dip Bars

June 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by John Williams

Essential Guide to Pull Up Dip Bars – Health – Fitness

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Since home weight training is growing to be more desirable, pull up bars are beginning to emerge in ever increasing numbers of households. What the majority of folks don’t realize is that it’s vital to select the right kind of bar to be able to make the most out of your training. This report will explain why pull up dip bars are the perfect alternative for helping you build a chiseled physique.

What type of chinup bar should you purchase?

There are lots of various kinds of bars from which to choose. There’s doorway chin up bars, wall mounted, ceiling mounted, power towers, and much more. While all of these will help you to obtain the same goal, the favorite for the majority of at-home fitness enthusiasts are cantilever bars and pull up dip bars also known as power towers. So, what kind should you choose?

Doorway Chin up bars vs Pull up Dip Bars

There are many varieties of doorway bars. There are the cantilever design models and the kind you have to screw into the door frame. The preferred doorway bars undoubtedly are the type with the cantilever design. This type of design will will let you suspend the bar upon your doorway without the need for any sort of tools.

Do you know the positives and negatives of doorway chin up bars?

The key benefits to doorway pullup bars are that they are reasonably priced and lightweight. They’re also hassle-free to setup and don’t take up much living space. Although well-liked, these doorway chin up bars possess a few significant problem areas. From the time that doorway pullup bars hit the market , we have seen countless consumer complaints, and they all appear to be similar. They either don’t allow enough space for total range of flexion or they ruin door frames.

Because of the doorway bar’s reduced mobility downside; this can inevitably interfere with overall muscle balance and growth. Why put in the time and energy into your workouts only to restrict your results? Furthermore, do you really want to buy something that’s going to destroy your home? The repair cost to mend your door frame may cost more than the chinup bar alone. Could there be a more suitable solution?

Advantages of a Free Standing Pull up Dip Bars

A power tower or pull up dip bar is a stationary multi purpose exercise apparatus which allows you to perform pull chin ups, dips, vertical knee raises, calf exercises, and push ups. Many power towers, offer an attached multi-grip bar that enables you to alter the position of your hands which will help to work the whole upper back.

Amazingly, although power towers are much bigger when compared to doorway pull-up bars, they do not occupy very much room. It is simple to fit the majority of models into a small apartment. Another advantage of power towers is that they’re budget friendly with a great number selling for under $ 175. If you consider how much a gym membership costs and the travel time it will take to get there, you can understand how a power tower could be beneficial. If you workout inside your home, it may be sensible to check these out.

In summary:

Advantages of a Pull up Dip Bar

Longer lasting than doorway chin up barsConsiderably better Range of flexion with each exerciseMulti Function – Will allow you to work your entire upper body, abs, and calf musclesWon’t demolish your homeCost-effective

About the Author

There are a large number of free standing Pull up Dip Bars and stationary pullup bars out there. To read a review of the very best power towers and and pullup systems, have a look at: Pull Up Dip Bar

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John Williams

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There are a large number of free standing Pull up Dip Bars and stationary pullup bars out there. To read a review of the very best power towers and and pullup systems, have a look at: Pull Up Dip Bar

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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