Exercise Ball Workout

August 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Daniel Cerone

Exercise Ball Workout – Health – Fitness

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There are a number of different exercises you could do with ease which will assist the burn out of calories as well as tone up your muscles. What the exercise ball actually does is to put your body in a certain challenging unstable environment. You can change the intensity of moves along with this unstable pushing force to add up to your workout regime. There are a number of things you can try out on the exercise ball like weight training, abdominal training, sitting around, doing yoga exercises, or even simply playing around.

Be it physical therapy exercises, athletic training or even simple yoga forms, the exercise ball promises some great workouts for you. Made up of soft elastic PVC material with usually a diameter of 35 to 85 centimeters, it comes filled up with air. We can change the air pressure within the ball by removing the valve stem to deflate it and pumping in more air to inflate it. You can plan to start out on your ball exercises after consulting your doctor if you have any kind of injuries. The core workout is a way to exercise your abdomen and back muscles with the ball. The multipurpose workout method needs you to have an exercise ball, a mat and a light medium size medicine ball at times. Also remember that working out on this ball for the first time might be not as easy as it seems to be. For this purpose, you can prop it up against a wall or any other sturdy surface to get more stability.

Before starting your workout on the exercise ball, you need to warm up yourself with some regular cardio routine for five minutes. This will help you to relax your muscles and avoid any strain later on. Repeat each exercise 10-15 times and do the complete sets once, twice or thrice, as per your ability to work out. If you feel any kind of pain or discomfort while doing any movements, take care to avoid repeating the same moves again.

There are a large number of exercises quite popular with the exercise balls. This includes the ball balance, butt lifts, hip extension, abs roll, ball rotation, ball twist, one-legged dead lift, hamstring rolls, one-legged lunge, oblique lift, pushups, squat with leg extension etc. Your best source of exercises would be the exercise videos aired on the TV or ones you can purchase online. Some of the more popular routines are mentioned below.

Exercise Ball Ab Rollout – To start this exercise, kneel on a mat, with your body in an upright position and hands on the ball. Now let your body fall forward and slowly roll out the ball as far as you can without letting your back bow in the middle. Hold for a count of 3 seconds, stretching your abs, and return to the starting position keeping your abs contracted throughout the movement. Try to do a total of 10 repetitions for this exercise.

Exercise Ball Jackknife with pike – So the next exercise to perform is the jackknife with pike. There are 2 possible ways of doing this which are: one, with your elbows on a bench and feet on the stability ball, or alternatively, with your hands on the ground and your body in the pushup position. When attempting to do this for the first time, it would be best to start with elbows or hands on a bench with your feet on the exercise ball in a plank position.

With a normal jackknife you tuck your knees up to your chest and back out again. Doing it with a pike movement you keep your legs straight and slowly push your hips high rolling your feet over the ball. At the mid point you should have the balls of your feet on the ball with your legs and back straight and your body in a upturned V shape. Contract the abs then slowly return to the starting position. This is a tough exercise and it takes a while to get the technique perfect. Basically if you can do more than 10 reps without too much effort you are doing it wrong.

Exercise Ball – Plank with oblique mountain climber (made up name) – So, to get in position, place your elbows on the ball and your body in a straight line. Then with knee pointing outwards slowly bring up one leg to your elbow or as far as it will go then take it back to the starting position. Keep your foot off the floor throughout the movement. Do ten reps then repeat with the other leg.

If you want to make this more difficult you can do a couple different things. The first is to move your elbows in front of your shoulders or balance on your hands rather than your elbows. Perform the above exercise ball workouts for 5-10 minutes after your interval training or high intensity resistance workouts and you will lose that pesky belly fat and have abs like a superhero in no time. Your fun workout too, your exercise ball is a challenge that will help you to not only get fit and improve your posture, but recreate the magic of working out with joy all over again. Make sure you get your exercise ball today itself!

About the Author

Smartphysicalworkout has been involved in the Health and Fitness industy since 1999, and is known as a reputable source of online information for the community.www.smartphysicalworkout.com

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Daniel Cerone

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Smartphysicalworkout has been involved in the Health and Fitness industy since 1999, and is known as a reputable source of online information for the community.www.smartphysicalworkout.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

From www.sparkpeople.com, a core workout with our own Coach Nicole! This video will lead you through a 5-minute exercise routine that targets and tones your abs and obliques. If you’re new to using a stability ball, then this is a great way to start learning how to use it!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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