Exercise for Low Back Pain Relief

August 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Namita Munjal

Exercise for Low Back Pain Relief – Health – Fitness

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Back pain is an apparent problem but the important part is that suffering pain need not be something of daily routine. Now that lower pain is also a general problem with chair work involving most people. But good news is that you can prevent back pain or reduce it. If you want to get relief from low back pain relief or prevent back pains that you may develop in your old age you can perform and practice low back pain exercises in the comfort and privacy of your home. You do not need any trainer or gym membership to help with your pain. The exercises should be your first line of therapy whenever you encounter discomfort regarding low back.

Now let’s take a look at some very simple yet effective exercises for back pain relief. Hip rolls is one thing you can do to lessen your back pain. To do this, you have to stand little away from your support keeping legs at shoulder-width apart. Assume you are doing hula and similarly rotate your hips 5 times clockwise and 5 times anti-clockwise. Breathe normally while doing this exercise. You can also perform waist twists in sets at a count of 10. Keep your feet at shoulder-width apart and hands relaxed. Swing your arms right then left patting both hands on lower back while taking round. Another simple exercise is some gentle and relaxed knee bends. For this you have to stand in a relaxed shoulder-width position keeping your hands on support. Tighten your stomach muscles and exhale while bending your knees and bend down up to the extent you can without straining your knees. Breathe in while standing up.

Add all three exercises or any of the exercise for low back pain relief to your daily routine. Perform these exercises three times a day. A few relaxed sets of these exercises will help you feel better very soon and prevent your trip to doctor. You will be happy to see how relaxed your lower back will feel over the time if you stick to your exercises seriously. If done regularly, these simple exercises will greatly improve your health and fitness levels by regulating blood circulation and release muscle tightness and spasms thereby toning up your body. Even your digestive health will be improved as these exercises also help the action of intestines to regulate bowel movement and assist in detoxification process.

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Namita Munjal

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Want to Learn more? Go to: exercise for low back pain relief to get to see more information about Backache remedies.

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