Exercise Tips to Lose Weight!

January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Donna Morgan

The first, and arguably, most important exercise tip that you can follow to lose weight is to be consistent in your exercise routines. If you are determined to work out three days a week, stick with your resolution. Taking long breaks in between your exercise sessions will increase the difficulty you have in motivating yourself to get back to the gym. There are many excuses that you can use to avoid going to the gym one evening, but your overall health should be your primary focus.

Secondly, when you are scheduling your exercise sessions, fit them into times in your schedule when you will be less tempted to use excuses for getting out of them. Working out first thing in the morning or immediately after work are ideal points in most individuals’ schedules. Do not use your work hour as your workout time. It is too easy to let the mounting pressures of work be an excuse for hitting the gym.

Choose an exercise routine or program that you are going to enjoy. If you enjoy your exercise sessions, it will seem less like work, and you will be less tempted to skip them. Working out does not mean that you necessarily have to chain yourself to the gym. Look for a salsa dancing class, go on a hike or rollerblading, or find another activity that you will enjoy. Furthermore, many larger fitness centers offer a plethora of different workout classes that you will find engaging.

If you are having difficulties sticking with your exercise program, isolate what your exact weaknesses are. Do you have difficulty forcing yourself to go to the gym? Do you not like the exercise program you participate in? Is time an issue for you? When you know what your particular weaknesses are, you will be able to take the necessary steps to address them. Doing so will jump start your chances of successfully obtaining the goals you have.

Find a workout partner. Working out with a friend can make you feel much less self-confident in the gym, and the social aspect of having a friend nearby will allow you to concentrate more on him or her than the exercises you are performing. Furthermore, knowing that you have someone who is relying and counting upon your for your companionship will make it harder for you to make excuses not to hit the gym. For more tips, check out how to lose weight for more advice.

Donna Morgan at http://www.loseweddingweight.com

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