Extreme Mma Workout Scam

February 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Brian Pierson

You’re about to discover what might be the most powerful MMA specific strength training system ever developed. It’s the same system I’ve used to train professional and amateur MMA fighters at all levels including former UFC Welterweight Tamdan “The Barn Cat” McCrory.

It sounds simple, but with all of the bodybuilding and “functional training” information available that seems to work its way into MMA and Grappling workouts, I’ve found this simple fact to oftentimes get lost in fancy program design. Look at the strongest and most powerful individuals in the world- powerlifters, Olympic lifters, and strongmen. They all follow this very simple principle.

Audible ready is an idea I stole from Dave Tate of Elitefts.com. It basically means that you should have a plan, but be ready to make changes on the fly. It’s always smart to have an outline of your training, but having a set in stone plan is something you want to avoid when considering MMA and Grappling workouts. Outlining where you want to be at the end of a training camp or a focused block of strength training is important but be ready to take advantage of days you feel great by looking to set new records. There have been days that my clients will come in and just not have the firepower needed to get through a heavy lift because they sparred or grappled hard the night before. On days like that you have to be ready to make adjustments and back off enough to where you still get a good workout in, but don’t push yourself into an injury or further fatigued state.

Newsflash- there is no one way to get stronger and more powerful for MMA and Grappling. Olympic lifting, powerlifting, strongman, kettlebells, medicine balls, band training, and even bodybuilding have a place at some point in your MMA and Grappling workouts. Committing yourself to one style of training is limiting your strength potential as a fighter. Instead it’s important to incorporate many different styles of training, as they all have their strengths and weaknesses and will all provide certain benefits. Furthermore, identifying where you need the most improvement (strength, power, etc.) will help you to better choose which styles of lifting to incorporate more than others. For example, if you feel strong while grappling, but don’t feel like you have enough “pop” behind your punches, then cleans, powerful rotational exercises, and band and medicine ball exercises are probably going to benefit you more than heavy bench presses and deadlifts.

If you’ve ever read anything by a reputable strength and conditioning coach you probably know that the bulk of your time in the weight room should be spent on multi-joint exercises as opposed to single-joint, isolation exercises. There are a few reasons why this is a common recommendation.

Why go through years of trial and error when you can read this E-book and watch the videos (in a matter of hours) and master the MMA workout secrets known by only a handful of world-class strength coaches? You’ll then parlay your newfound knowledge into a rock hard body in a matter of a few short months. This is exactly the kind of strength training I wish I had 15 years ago when I was just getting started! Learning even a small portion of this information would have short cut my success hugely!! These are secrets most people NEVER discover by trying to do it on their own.

I have some great news for you! Since there are no material costs for the E-book or videos, you can get this product for much less than it would cost if it were a hard copy manual – AND you get it instantly (no waiting for the mail!). Your investment that is guaranteed to improve your performance in the cage is now only $ 49! You get the MMA Workout E-book complete with detailed sections and photos for all of the exercises performed in the two 9-week programs .This complete package all for just $ 49, which is less than what the programs alone would cost you!Discount Click here

Extreme Mma Workout and The Benefits

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