Fact – Soccer Fitness Training Basics

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Many physical experts agree that soccer demands more strength of all sports. A large playing field, no rest time and a game which goes on for a long time are few such reasons. During the match, while possessing the ball, players at times cover 10 miles consisting of 24% walking, 36% jogging, 20% coursing, 11% sprinting, 7% moving backwards and 2% moving. The intense levels of the game is so high, average player’s heart rate is maximum of 90%.

Aerobic Capacity

During a match, players can cover more ground if their aerobic capacity is higher. In addition, improved endurance enhances the sprints which can be completed during the game. The significant feature of soccer fitness training to improve aerobic capacity is that it can be done anywhere and anytime.

Weight Training

Soccer players undergoing weight training plays major role in conditioning programs.

In older version, it was three sets of ten reps whereas in new fitness training, it includes balanced explosive power and muscular endurance.

Though some might benefit by improving lean mass, focusing on converting on the strength into specific power is vital. This training also helps correct muscle imbalances. A well formed plan can address the problem of overly strong quadriceps related to hamstrings as the soccer players are prone to this issue.

Soccer Fitness Training includes Diet, Nutrition and Metal Attitude

One can be a lean machine like soccer legend Pele and could be in danger due to high percentage of body fat levels. Rather than consuming junk food and soda pep, if a professional soccer player eats natural food and drinks purified water, they get an edge over other teammates and competitors.

Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods need to be thought of as perfect examples of mental toughness and discipline.

Predicting first where the soccer ball would go gives a big edge on the competitors. Giving 100% effort and a positive attitude is another tip of all great athletes of our time. One can only walk his head high if this advice is followed, irrespective of how bleak the situation looks or how brutal the game was, no matter whether if the game is won or lost. This needs to be kept in mind during soccer fitness training.

Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in King-Size Sleigh Bed which discuss and review about King Bed Frames.

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