Facts About Magazine Subscription

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

All of us subscribe to monthly or weekly magazines. Often the newspapers are not enough to quench our thirst for knowledge, gossip and fun. We need the magazines which are more comprehensive and detailed than a newspaper. Moreover, they are more enjoyable to read on a lonely afternoon. If you are in a specialized field as a student or a professional and you simply want to keep track of the changing fashion scenario and beauty tips then the best option is to subscribe to some of the best magazines that are available in all most every city in Australia and elsewhere.

Online subscription is a great way of reducing your monthly magazine bills. Most online shops normally give you discounts and special offers. Infact most reputable sellers would charge you considerably less than the market price if you are a regular buyer. You can also go to the websites of the respective magazines and journals, and apply for the subscriptions as well.

They also give you a good discount if you are purchasing for six months or a year in advance. Some of the online sellers also have additional features like gift cards, seasonal discounts, referrals schemes and renewal reminders.

The delivery time for a magazine depend upon the distance of your location from the printing center. However, most online sellers or even the main company make sure that you get the subscriptions as quickly as possible. The magazine world has a lead time of 4 to eight weeks for weeklies and 8 to 12 weeks for monthly magazines and quarterlies. If you do not get the first issue of your order in time, then you should directly go to the website of the concerned magazine and check for your order status. You can also lodge a complaint about the delay.

The holidays are a great time for magazines. This is especially true during the late holiday phase. Some good online shops and magazine companies will even send you a holiday discount card or special offer coupon to purchase special issues or regular issues at amazingly discounted rates.

Beside the domestic use of magazines, many companies and media agencies require various magazines on lifestyle and fitness, photography, environment, housekeeping, fashion, technical or business topics. Most of these magazines will have special offers for corporate clients. For example, they normally have ‘jumbo offers’, whereby you can get five magazines of different issues if you pay for any three of them. At times, some of the magazines are given to you for free as complementary gifts or for the purpose of cross promotions.

Some organizations also go for placing ads in relevant magazines and periodicals. They normally do this throughout the year through advertising agencies. These agencies can get special offers whereby they can get issues of different magazines every month, as complementary or comparison copies.

Graeme Olsen is author of this article on Magazine subscriptions.
Find more information about Australian magazines here.

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