Finding and Using Weightlifting Exercise Charts

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Guido Nussbaum

If you’re working out regularly, I’m sure that you already recognize that you can soon get into a rut and once that happens, you soon end up on a plateau. One way for you to be able to break out of this is to look for some various weightlifting exercise charts and to switch up your routine in this way. Not only will this assist you in breaking out of the rut, it may also open you to the possibilities of additional types of exercises that you had not considered before or some variations of those that you already do.

The reason why you would want to switch the type of exercises that you were doing on a regular basis is because the human body has an amazing ability to adapt to anything that you do to it. If you are constantly giving it the same type of exercises in the same way, it will soon grow used to it and you will not be getting the benefits that you did it first. By switching the type of exercises that you are doing, you help to keep your body guessing, so to speak and to grow muscle much faster.

Of course, you don’t need to completely change your workout in order for you to experience these benefits. As a matter of fact, some weightlifting charts may be surprisingly similar to what you’re already doing but they are going to have enough changes that it will make a difference. For example, doing a bench press with a barbell is something that many of us would consider a standard whenever we are at the gym. You can change what you’re doing, however, by switching to a dumbbell bench press and you will be working the stabilizer muscles, along with hitting the chest muscles from a different angle.

The easiest way for you to find these weightlifting exercise charts is to look on the Internet. As a matter of fact, you’re going to find a variety of different types of charts in almost any format that you can possibly imagine. Some of these are going to come from professionals, and they may give you their own personal workout that may have taken them years to develop. Others will simply be from people like you and me, who want to be able to improve their weightlifting efforts by trying something new from time to time.

Once you download one of these weightlifting exercise charts, it is important for you to put it into a format that will easily go to the gym. After all, you wouldn’t want to have to print out a dozen pages and try carrying it around while you’re exercising, it would simply get in the way. If you get the gist of what the chart is trying to tell you, and you write it down in a small notebook that can easily be held in the hand, this will be a much more convenient way for you to stay on track and growing.

Find additional information about downloading Weightlifting Exercise Charts on our website

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