Fitness Circuit Training

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Hans K Anderson

Fitness Circuit Training – Health – Fitness

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Fitness circuit training will take you through a series of exercise stations, with short rest periods between each station. The amount of stations can range 4 to 10.

Traditionally, circuit training programs were developed to increase muscular endurance and included exercises to help improve muscular endurance such as the bench press, push-ups, leg press and sit-ups.

A circuit would consist of 4 to 10 stations with a low impact aerobic warm-up and cool-down station (you might use a stationary bike). The exercise stations could be set-up using free weights and/or weight machines that train one muscle at a time.

An example of circuit training exercises using your environment is par course exercise training. This style intersperses jogging or walking with numerous strength, flexibility and muscular endurance exercises.

Aerobic circuit training for women is particularly very popular. Four to eight aerobic exercise stations are used with one to five minutes per station with a 15-30 second rest between stations, this is considered one circuit. The different stations will be set up with stationary cycling, elliptical rider, treadmill, stair climbing on a stair master at a moderate pace and the use of a rowing machine.

It will depend on the number of stations that are set-up but the number of circuits completed usually adds up to 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise.

One thing to remember that will help you to be successful is to not train to failure at each station. What I mean by this is when the appointed time is coming to an end for that station, you should be able to complete the designated time with out having exhausted yourself.

You should be training some where between 50 percent and 70 percent of your functional capabilities

When participating in circuit training you will notice an increase in strength, improved muscular and aerobic endurance and last but not least weight loss.

About the Author

Hans Anderson has been involved with health and fitness for the past 30 years. Hans believes that the way to stay young is through exercise and good nutrition.

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Hans K Anderson

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Hans Anderson has been involved with health and fitness for the past 30 years. Hans believes that the way to stay young is through exercise and good nutrition.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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