Fitness Exercise For Back Muscles And Buttocks

August 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

In bodybuilding is one of the gluteal muscles, so the bottom of the legs. For this reason, the bottom training always a part of the legs is trained, but this is not a disadvantage for them. There are sometimes exercises with which they can exercise isolates the bottom, however, should be placed on collaborative exercises more value, since often the butt is just the problem area, but the thigh in most cases involves. Verglichbar this is with the belly fat – the belly is one of their problem areas, they will have to fight even at their hips with superfluous fat.

New School Training

Below we have compiled exercises, which aim in particular the streamlining of their buttocks muscles. In the descriptions you will find all useful information, such as whether equipment is needed, if so which ones and how to conduct the exercise.

Exercise 1

With our first practice, they aim generally to the buttocks and thigh muscles. The only thing they need is to implement a staircase. Now go to 20 levels in more than thirty seconds from time and repeat it all after a break of longer than one minute.

Exercise 2

The target muscles are the same as in our first practice and then we need a staircase or a stepper. Imagine now on the training device of their choice and leave them in a pendulum-like movement a leg hanging over the edge – on and off. Repeat this with each leg, ten to twenty times – she paused a minute and repeat.

Exercise 3

For this exercise they need is a stool or a chair. This exercise is particularly aimed at her buttocks and the insides of her thighs. Imagine upright behind a chair and hold tight to the back. They stretch out a leg to the back and make sure that they stay with their upper body straight. Repeat all times with each leg 15th

Exercise 4

For the next exercise in our program for a tighter butt need simply rename itself to walking twenty paces on the spot and bring your knees so high they would only be possible. With these simple exercises, they also aim at her buttocks.

Exercise 5

For the last exercise in our program, it would be beneficial if they were in possession of a mat. Train them to do this exercise again their buttocks and the back of her thigh. Go into the knee and to base it off with both hands from the floor. Now slide back after a leg and make sure that form the head, back and leg a line. Straight leg raise it slowly from the ground and repeat the whole 5 – 10 times.


So you see that it is not so difficult and expensive in their own homes to do something for his fitness. Combine the exercises given to a training program for the bottom and legs according to your wishes. If it is have a little more patience and discipline to their destination with security, nothing in the way of.

beginner program
New School Training

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