Five Reasons to Use Resistance Bands

September 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Zulu Princess

Five Reasons to Use Resistance Bands – Health – Fitness

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There are many benefits gained when using resistance bands, but five in particular stand out among the rest. Resistance bands provide a thorough workout for the entire body and can be used in conjunction with other exercise equipment or as a sole workout. Many people prefer to mix up their workouts to prevent boredom, however, there is no reason that someone could not use resistance bands solely to reshape, tone, and firm their body. Not only are resistance bands easy enough for anyone to use, but they are also light but give you the same results as having any heavy dumbbell set. Here are five reasons to use resistance bands, whether alone or in addition to another workout routine.

1. Resistance Bands are Convenient

When looking for effective exercise routines, convenience is a necessity. With today

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