Foods That Boost Metabolism

January 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Kevin Michaels

Simply stated, metabolism is the process in which our bodies burn calories at rest. The human body expends energy (the burning of calories) for the process of digestion, breathing, blood circulation, the regulation of body temperature, and detoxification.

Foods the boost metabolism are high in fiber, lower in calories, and are nutrient dense. These foods are also known as whole foods and they are: fruits and vegetables. whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, and low fat dairy. Due to the higher fiber content in these foods, the human body takes longer to digest them, thus burning more calories, and your appetite is suppressed longer. Another benefit is the higher nutritional value.

Green tea helps to detoxify the body and is a power house of antioxidants that remove free radicals that can lead to dis-ease thereby improving the immune system. There are studies that show the compound EGCG found in green tea can increase the body’s metabolic rate.

Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, and fish oil supplements, increase the levels of fat burning enzymes and decrease the levels of fat storing enzymes. They also help with lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad cholesterol), and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

Proteins help build muscle, and more muscle mass helps to improve metabolism. Weight training, resistance and strenght training help build muscle.

Water is important in a higher protein diet. A diet rich in protein can stress the kidneys, therefore, an increase in water consumption is needed.

Always eat breakfast. Your body’s metabolism has slowed down during the night. To rev up your metabolism you must break the fast by eating a healthy breakfast.

Eating whole foods that boost your metabolism will not increase your metabolism alone. You also need to incorporate exercise, weight or resistance training, and get adequate sleep into your lifestyle.

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Kevin Michaels is the publisher of Nature’s Wisdom blog. Check out his blog at:

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