Football Fitness Training For Your Team

May 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Britney Smith

Football Fitness Training For Your Team – Health – Fitness

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As a football coach, football fitness training is what you will need to teach your team. You need to condition their speed, strength, agility and much more. There are some good workout plans that you can do with your team to help them prepare for games.

Football Fitness Training Drills

Football is a sport that requires a lot of abilities and these football fitness training drills will improve sprinting speed, muscular endurance, lower body strength, muscular balance, agility, flexibility, body awareness, and discipline and hopefully give your team an edge! The first one is a muscular endurance circuit. This should only be done about once a week and it works best when it is done after a skills session or after a game. Begin by having your team stretch to prevent any injuries to the players.

First, your team will do two laps at a light run pace. Then they will do three laps in jog-run-fast mode, still have them pace themselves. Next, you will have them do three and a half laps in the same jog-run-fast mode, and have them doing this with a football in their hands. You can have each kid go individually and just run with the ball or you can randomly throw the ball as they are running. Next they will do one running lap. For the first part of the running lap they will use high knees, then they will switch to side stepping, then to heel to bum and then back to side stepping.

This is where the football fitness training gets intense! They will do four and a half laps at a running pace. While they do this, after each half lap, they must do a leg circuit (i.e. walking lunge or alternate leg squat). Next they will once again do four and a half laps at a running pace and the circuits every half-mile plus they will also have to do upper body circuits (i.e. wide arm press-up or normal press-up) at each whole lap. It doesn’t get easier! Next, they will do four and a half laps with the leg circuits and upper body circuits, plus abdominal circuits (i.e. sit-ups, alternate elbows to knees).

Now, they will do four and a half laps, sprinting around each side and then jogging backwards before continuing sprinting. Next, they will do four and a half laps as fast as they possibly can. Use the football for this part. They will then do five laps! Yes, five laps of fast running! After each lap, they have to do a leg circuit. Then, finally, they get to slow down. They will do two laps at a light run pace. Then, let them cool down and rest.

During the laps that require the different circuits, the kids are supposed to do 8-15 of each circuit exercise as fast as they can. The first time they are only to do the leg circuits then they do the leg and the upper body and then all three.

If this is not the best football fitness training drill, than what is? This conditions everything that is needed in a football player.

If you are serious about fitness exercises you should read this :

About the Author

Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here :

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Britney Smith

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Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here :

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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