Four of the Best Beginner Running Tips

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Running is a very effective way in achieving better health and a fitter body. It is a great habit that can build your heart’s endurance, increase your lung’s capacity for oxygen, and control your overall weight. Yes it is beneficial but in any exercise regimen you need to start right to prevent injuries happening to you. If you are planning to become a runner, you need to take note of some beginner running tips found in this article to make sure you start off your running the right way.

Beginner Running Tip #1: Go See a Doctor

The first and perhaps the most important thing you need to do is see a doctor. This is very important since some people whether you are really out of shape or not, may be diagnosed for some certain conditions that would make you unfit to run. Having heart problems, breathing problems, chronic fatigue, and other ailments could make the doctor suggest for you not to do some running because it can cause more injury to you or worsen your present condition.

Talk to your doctor about the plans that you have and ask for his advice on whether you should pursue your plans of running or not. If you have no existing condition then he would usually say it is perfectly fine and that he is happy that you are taking the necessary steps to improve your overall health condition.

Beginner Running Tip #2: Do a Run/Walk Program

Contrary to what some may believe, running needs to be learnt. Everybody can run, but running longer distances needs to be trained. Therefore you should start with a walking / running program before you run non-stop. Especially when you are overweight this is important as you do not want to put yourself at unnecessary risk of getting injured or experiencing health problems. Bottom line is to start slow and gradually increase your pacing and distance. You will be surprised of your progress in just a matter of weeks.

Beginner Running Tip #3: Check Your Pulse

When you are already running, one way to check your progress and see if you have made considerable amount of improvement is to check your pulse. Remember that running is a cardiovascular activity therefore it trains you heart to pump more blood through your body than it did before. In other words, as you get better trained the heart will need lesser beats than before to let you do the same amount of work. So regularly test yourself by doing a similar workout and then see if your pulse is lower or higher.

If it is lower, then there is a good chance you have made some progress.

However, if it is higher, than this could mean you might be overdoing it and the best way to get around it is to rest for a day and check your pulse the following day. When it is back to its normal level then you can start running again.

Beginner Running Tip #4: Keep a Running Log

More experienced runners keep a running log to help them monitor their progress. It does not mean that you can skip this since you are a beginner, it is better to practice this as early as possible so you get used to the habit and do what is commonly seen as best practice. In your record book, log your distance, time, and type of workout you can also add other information there to keep it more interesting for you.

This will help you follow your improvements, but can also be useful later on when you get injured and you can see the trajectory towards that injury. Especially over a longer period of time this becomes helpful. You might find out you always get pains after about 3-4 weeks of more intense speed work, or after increasing your weekly mileage to over a certain threshold. Your running log will help you understand better how your body functions and what it can and cannot handle.

Following these four beginner running tips should get you on the right track in your newfound passion. It is a great sport, providing plenty of benefits to you, including improved stamina, reduced risk of heart diseases and it can even help combat depression. With that mind, turn off that computer now and go for a run right now, so you can start reaping the benefits derived from running.

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