Gaining Muscle without Getting Fat – 5 Tips on how to Do It

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Kevin Hill

Gaining Muscle without Getting Fat – 5 Tips on how to Do It – Health – Fitness

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It’s sad to know that majority of those who are trying to gain muscles would also gain fats in the long run. The reason behind this is because they tend to follow the wrong measures when it comes to gaining muscles. So to avoid this mistake, here are five tips to help you with gaining muscle without gaining fat.

Perform Regular Cardio Training

Most people thought that cardio exercises is no longer a necessity if you are trying to build muscles – but this is a wrong notion, and this is why they gain fats as well. If you want to build muscles without fats, you should make sure to include cardio in your workout. The key is to perform intense cardio training exercises, so as to burn all those fats you’ve gained.

Include Strength Training

We all know that strength training, or weight training is very important when it comes to muscle building so make sure to include this in your workout plan. Ask for an advice from the experts, or from your fitness trainer for the right kind of strength training exercises that you can perform in order to gain muscles fast. There are some who believes that lifting heavier weights in a less number of repetitions is better than lifting light weights in more repetitions, so make sure to ask your trainer for the best option.

Come up with a Good Meal Plan

The secret to gaining muscle without gaining fat is on coming up with a good meal plan in advance. Divide your meals into five up to six small meals for the entire day and make sure that it should have the right amount of lean protein, healthy fats, as well as carbohydrates. Consuming small meals regularly in a day could amp up your metabolism, which is what you need in order to lose fats.

Consume More Water Everyday

And along with eating small meals at regular intervals, you also need to drink large quantity of water several times, all throughout the day. This is because water helps a lot in keeping your muscles to stay hydrated. Furthermore, water also aids in the proper absorption of nutrients and also helps in better food digestion.

Get Enough Sleep

It’s sad how people tend to forget one of the most important things when it comes to muscle building, and that is to get plenty of sleep. No matter how good you are in following all types of exercises in building muscles, but if you don’t get enough sleep, then everything will be useless. Sleep is very important, because this is the time that your muscles could recover from all the fatigue and grow faster, so make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day.

So you are now are about the key to gaining muscle without gaining fat. But here’s one last tip for you, which is also very important, and that is to monitor your body’s fat percentage. And in case you notice that the fat percentage increases, then it’s time that you increase the intensity of your cardio exercises in order to get rid of fats.

About the Author

Random workout would not get you anywhere. Take a look at gaining muscle and losing fat for 1 week plan of effective muscle gaining routines. For a suggested professional guide, look at a review of muscle gaining secrets.

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Kevin Hill

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Random workout would not get you anywhere. Take a look at gaining muscle and losing fat for 1 week plan of effective muscle gaining routines. For a suggested professional guide, look at a review of muscle gaining secrets.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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