Genisoy Ultra Soy Protein Shake, Vanilla Flavor, 22-Ounce Canisters

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Protein Shakes

  • 5 grams of fiber
  • 14 grams of soy protein
  • Fat/Cholesterol free
  • Heart healthy

Product Description
The ultimate in natural guaranteed soy nutrition. GeniSoy’s v Soy Protein Shakes and Powder formulas use only natural soy protein with a guaranteed isoflavone level of 3.4 mg per gram of protein. The isoflavone content of soybeans can vary from one harvest to another, so Ultra contains only water processed isolated isoflavones. GeniSoy Ultra formulas are also high in fiber and an excellent source of calcium. Each serving provides 500 mg of calcium. When mixed with … More >>

Genisoy Ultra Soy Protein Shake, Vanilla Flavor, 22-Ounce Canisters

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