Get in Fighting Shape to Meet Women

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Do you want to meet women? Lots of women? Well just like anything else worth having, it is worth working for. I would hazard that many guys out there are not in their best fighting shape, so to speak, to meet the woman of their dreams. They are so concerned with short term payoffs that they don’t realize while they are out the market, they could meet Mrs. Wonderful. Say you don’t have any interest in anything besides dating as many women as you can in your lifetime. Fine. You still need to do a little prep work to get where you can actually be successful in that. Here are the top five things you can do to help you meet either lots of women or that one special woman.

1. Exercise. I don’t care if you are the busiest career guy on the planet; you need to fit this into your life somewhere. I don’t care if you have to put a treadmill in your office and read briefs as you run, you need to do something.

So I suggest find something to move your body: jog, run, join a gym or do an exercise video like P90x. You can improve your lot in the dating pool dramatically by improving your physical fitness. Even if you don’t lose weight or have no weight to lose, just being more physically fit can make a huge difference in how attractive you are to the opposite sex. Women will judge you more on your fitness than your good given portion of the handsome pie.

2. Eat right. If you can’t cook or have zero desire to cook, then at least make sure what you are putting in your body is as natural as possible and as healthy as possible. What you eat affects your skin, your hair, your energy level, the spark in your eyes, everything. If you are busy and rely on fast food restaurants, reconsider that habit. One terrific way to eat healthy on the go is to find a supermarket that makes fresh nigiri sushi every day. For a few bucks you can pick up some salmon nigiri for lunch. Salmon is one of the healthiest foods you can put in your body. The best idea though is to learn how to cook your own healthy food. It will save you money and someday impress the heck out of a girl.

3. Train your Brain. Make sure you aren’t coming home at night and slouching in front of the TV until bedtime. While it is OK to do this occasionally as an escape or way to decompress form the work week, do not do this every day. Instead, use your brain after work, too. Read a book. Find someone to play chess with online or in person. Take a class.

4. Air out your emotional baggage. Take this time when you aren’t dating to figure out what kind of emotional baggage you bring to a relationship and figure out how to let it go. If it is necessary, go to counseling to help you do this.

5. Make sure you are living your life as richly and fully as you can before you even think about going out to meet women. Spend your leisure time doing things you love.

Bill has been studying how to Pick Up Women for the last 5 years in NYC and is a PUA who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: Get in Fighting Shape to Meet Women.

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