Get in Shape For Men – 5 Tips to Achieve your Goal

September 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Michael Dwyer

Get in Shape For Men – 5 Tips to Achieve your Goal – Health – Weight Loss

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Have you ever met someone who put your obese physique to shame? Do you feel like less of a man when someone twice your age crushes you at a sport you used to dominate? If so, you owe it to yourself to read on.

Every men has at one point decided that they want to have very little fat and a lot of muscle. The problem is that these goals are rarely reached and you’re left with a lot of fat and no muscle. Read these tips to ensure this doesn’t happen to you.

1. Building muscle and losing weight are like oil and water they just don’t go together. When building muscle you must eat MORE than you would normally and when you lose weight you have to eat LESS. This poses a problem and the only solution is to focus on one then the other.

2. You won’t lose (much) weight resistance training and you won’t gain muscle from cardio. Keep this in mind when working out.

3. Always use proper form. While it sounds great that you can do 25 more pounds on the bench when using incorrect form, lets see how much you can do with an injured back. Seriously guys just use proper form, if you don’t you will eventually regret it. Also, don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re getting stronger with bad form, those gains you get are artificial only good form will get you stronger.

4. Don’t become a fitness know-it-all. Learn what is proven by science and accepted as fact and don’t worry about anything else. Arguments about stuff like free weights vs. machines are ridiculous and don’t get you any stronger. Whether you do 3 sets of 5 or 4 sets of 8 you’ll still be getting stronger than if you didn’t get off the couch.

5. Avoid getting “exercise ADD”. Every time I go to the gym I see someone bouncing around from machine to machine without any idea how to use them. Don’t let this person be you! Find a workout program that was designed by a pro and stick to it. Don’t add in that cool calf machine if your workout doesn’t tell you to, if using that calf machine would help you the person who made the program would have added it!

About the Author

Are you prepared to learn the closely guarded secrets to losing 9 pounds in 11 days or less? Learn the fat loss techniques of the A-list celebrities by clicking here. You can trick your body to get thinner calves!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Michael Dwyer

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Are you prepared to learn the closely guarded secrets to losing 9 pounds in 11 days or less? Learn the fat loss techniques of the A-list celebrities by clicking here. You can trick your body to get thinner calves!

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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