Getting in Shape Fast, Using one of Nature’s Greenest, Old Fashion Home Remedies

August 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by esther mullen

Getting in Shape Fast, Using one of Nature’s Greenest, Old Fashion Home Remedies – Health – Weight Loss

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Getting in Shape Fast, Using one of Nature’s Greenest,Old Fashion Home Remedies

When asking yourself, what do I chose for the best weight loss diet strategy, or how does the Jenny Craig Diet work?, it is wise to first do a little research ahead of time, when looking for that, suddenly slim diet. You may find just the answers plus more that you were looking for in the process, and being pleasantly surprised at the outcome of your search, including wonderful, new, free daily diet plans, fad diet types, healthy diet for althletes. At times it may seem as though there are endless choices, and that you may never find that perfect diet, for, getting in shape fast, to lose weight in days free. There is hope, however, for the determined and persistent. This review will give you helpful tips on:

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One of many, old fashion home remedies, for getting in shape fast, is drinking tea. Tea is the beverage made after being exposed to, infinite energy rays, the processed leaves of the tea plant are infused with boiling water. It is native to Southeast Asia, and is a small, shrub-like evergreen tree. The seeds contain a volatile oil, and its leaves contain the chemicals caffeine and tannin. While green tea is made from the shoots or tips of the shrub, black tea is made from the fermented dried leaves. An essential oil, called tea absolute, is distilled from black tea. Both the leaves and oil are used for medicinal purposes. Fruit teas do not actually contain tea but are beneficial to the health, as is explained in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies.

One of many, old fashion home remedies, even, medical home remedies, for getting in shape fast, is drinking green tea in particular. Green tea is awesome because it causes your body to lose weight naturally, by causing your metabolism to speed up, prevents insulin spikes, which in turn controls hunger, also beneficial for diabetic diets menus. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, M.D. and author of The Perricone Prescription among other titles, sees green tea as a viable substitute for coffee – “Coffee has organic acids that raise your blood sugar, raise insulin. Insulin puts a lock on body fat. When you switch over to green tea, you get your caffeine, you’re all set, but you will drop your insulin levels and body fat will fall very rapidly.” The right changes will bring about effective weight loss, while making you feel and look better. That’s the Perricone guarantee.

Drinking 5 cups of green tea per day will do wonders for how you feel, how you look and how you smell. No kidding. Replace coffee and sugar with green tea and honey and feel the difference after just a couple days, even. You see, you are still getting the caffeine, and some of that water mentioned above, but unlike coffee, provides lasting increased energy, reduces depression, full of antioxidants, which also, by the way, helps prevent cancer, open heart surgery, among others. Green tea in particular helps you lose weight fast by keeping your metabolism going hours after you drink it, for getting in shape fast. For those who don’t have the time to brew 5 cups of tea a day, tea supplements may work even better. The health benefits of green and black teas, herbal tea, or even organic tea supplements with their infinite energy rays can do wonders for your overall sense of well being! Try black tea with honey and half & half (or skim milk if you don’t want the fat) for a delicious treat any time of day!

One of the best known teas that help you lose weight, is the well known, Wu-Yi tea. Wu-Yi Tea is not only all-natural, it’s also the ancient Chinese weight loss “secret” and one of the reasons why the people of Asia stay so slim! It contains 0 carbohydrates, 0 fat and 0 calories, while Slim-Fast contains 220 calories, 40g carbohydrates, and 3g fats. Ensure has 250 calories, 40g carbohydrates and 6g fat. While both Slim-Fast diet and Ensure do have a lot of vitamins and minerals, they are not ideal for losing weight fast and don’t help keep your metabolism going. Also, when drinking the Wu-Yi tea, water make you lose weight. Drinkers of Wu-Yi tea have reported wonderful weight loss, increased energy, and a new overall sense of well being, while getting in shape fast.

Another well known tea diet, is the enhanced green tea, 100% organic, all natural green tea dietary supplement, that helps in natural weight loss, enhanced energy, fights infection and prevents cancer. If you’ve ever had trouble with ongoing fatigue, including, symptoms of adrenal gland malfunction, then this is great for that as it helps to repair immune system functions and increases metabolism. Enhanced green tea is also capable of fighting cardiovascular disease, and just one of these pills contains as many nutrients as can be found in a gallon of green tea! And when taking these all natural supplements, for getting in shape fast, water make you lose weight. Also, I would like to mention that people who take green tea every day have a lower risk of death, a Japanese study showed that by consuming green tea, you might actually have a longer life by reducing heart disease and stroke. Also, green tea is 100 times more powerful than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E.

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For more weight loss tips, free trial offers, reviews, natural remedies for adrenal fatigue, juice recipes for weight loss, plus much more, please visit:,Discover a remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive–and enables the body to cure itself of deseases.Free Info,Click here

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esther mullen

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For more weight loss tips, free trial offers, reviews, natural remedies for adrenal fatigue, juice recipes for weight loss, plus much more, please visit:,Discover a remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive–and enables the body to cure itself of deseases.Free Info,Click here

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